The True Love Boat
by Rev. Henri Schauffler
Washington DC Family Church
August 20, 2000
Divine Principle:
"When a sailor making his voyage under the sail of science comes into contact with the sea-route of internal truth, under the sail of religion, he will be able to end his voyage in the ideal world, which is the goal of the original mind’s desire."
-The Divine Principle, General Introduction
Our Community of Faith
We are like a boat at sail on the cosmic sea
Our destination is the Ideal World of True Love
We need to chart our course together and everyone needs to help sail and steer the boat
Statement of Vision and Purpose
VISION - We are a community of faith, living and teaching the ideal of True Parents
PURPOSE - To help people develop their relationship with God and love for each other, create Blessed Families, and develop their gifts for ministries to serve in our community and for their missions to serve in the world
Where we want to go - (practically)
Community of Faith
Living "in community"
Building True Relationships
The "One World Family" that we all have longed for
Living and Teaching the Ideal of True Parents
"Living" means in my daily life and in my family
"Teaching" means sharing with others, expanding our Community
The Purposes
To help people develop their relationship with God means maturing
To help people develop love for each other means meaningful relationships
To help people create Blessed Families means to attain the marriage Blessing
To help people develop their gifts for ministries to serve in our community means to find your calling and offer a ministry to our community
To help people develop for their gifts for missions to serve in the world means to find your calling and pursue a mission in the neighborhood, nation and world.
"The 5 M’s"
- Spiritual Growth
- We are growing and being honest with God and ourselves
- We feel the presence of God internally and with each other
MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIPS - Living for the sake of others
- We are living in harmony and love with those around us
- We are living for their sakes
- We are building healthy marriages & families
- We are doing what it takes to make it work
- We are raising our children in True Love
MINISTRY - Our offering to our Community of Faith
- We are finding our "gifts" or "calling"
- We are serving our community of faith with those gifts
- Offering our Tithing, Time & Talents (the 3 T’s?)
MISSION - Our offering to God for Building God’s Kingdom
- We have found our gifts and calling
- We are using those gifts to reach out into the society and live and teach the ideal of True Parents
The True Love Boat: Our Destination
- We are a community of faith, living and teaching the ideal of True Parents
The True Love Boat: Our Course
PURPOSE - To help people develop their relationship with God and love for each other, create Blessed Families, and develop their gifts for ministries to serve in our community and for their missions to serve in the world
The "True Love Boat"
"The 5 M’s"
The True Love Boat
It now has a clear destination and course charted
Let us to commit to:
Get on Board
Use our creative effort to help move and steer it
Use our resources wisely to give it fuel
Imagine if:
We all share this vision
We all work together and support each other
We become healthy by progressing in each of the 5 M’s
We will:
Find individual fulfillment
- Build stimulating relationships
- Have successful families
- Have a successful Church
- Succeed in America with God’s Providence as Elder Son
God Bless you and your family!