Chapter 6.




God is the originator of the ideology of the three subjects. Who is the union of the three ideal original bodies? God is. Who is God? He is the True Parent among parents through whom we can acquire all that humans desire. He is the True Teacher of true teachers. He is the True Owner of true own- ers. (1990.7.1. Headquarters Church)



You must live centering on True Parents who possess the heavenly lin- eage. The ideology of three subjects is the way of life and ideology of True Parents -- to be a true parent, true teacher and true owner. It is an ideology of altruism, a concept of ever-expanding parental love. Is knowledge the only thing that is taught? You must teach how to build character. Considering all the different character types in society, parents who center on their parents alone are not sufficient. Therefore, as parents you must teach the ability to have the greatest love, centering on God. (1991.1.1 Headquarters Church)


I care for you with the heart of a parent, the heart of a teacher, and the heart of an owner. You have to understand this. What are we trying to accomplish through this? As we go visit the northern peninsula, the Chun La province, and the island regions and connect with those who are wan- dering all around this Korean peninsula, we are sowing seeds which can grow and spread to become heavenly sprouts so that on the basis of good merit, they may bear the same fruit. In this way, with the ideology of the three subjects we are trying to help promote goodness in this nation and the world. (1990.6.26. Kwang Ju Church)



Today is the day of the proclamation of the True Parents. In this hope- less world where one cannot believe in anything or hope for anything, one sprout of hope is blossoming; that is True Parents. The only hopeful thing left is True Parents.

At the very beginning I said that America is hopeless and is destined to decline, right? This is also true for the whole world. There is great chaos because it has become like the most pitiful of orphans, weeping because he doesn't know where to go and desperate because he does not have a parent. There is no true owner, no true teacher, and no True Parents in this world, All these three have been lost.

How can you gain back these three things? The three things are con- nected through the True Parents. True Parents are to perfect these three. The True Parent is the true teacher and the true teacher is a True Parent. Why? Right now, Satan holds all of humanity in a tight grip. Since the time of the fall of man, there was none who revealed this. You must understand this. True Parents are true teachers. They are true teachers because they teach centering on true love. This is the true owner. At times, they may give strict orders as if they were talking to servants. This is the true owner. No matter how difficult their situation is when they are commanding you, they still want to give all the rights of possession to you as your inheritance.

You must understand this clearly. You can inherit all of their heart, and thus have the potential to automatically become an owner; and also become true teachers and true parents. Other people cannot guide you. You do not need another teacher, owner, and parent. (1990.5.27. Belvedere)


What do you do once you get to your hometown? I am telling you to go in order to become an owner; then go in order to become true parents. You should go to completely educate the fallen world, the ignorant people. You are to go in order to complete the ideology of three subjects centering on the three loves. Who is the unity of the three subjects? It is God. Isn't God the Owner of owners? God is the Parent of parents. He is the root. God is the Teacher of teachers.... The ideology of three subjects centering on the ideal of creation and love is the ideology of owner, then the ideology of par- ents, and then the ideology of teacher. Making a comparison to the nation, parents are in a family, teachers are in a school, and the owner is in the nation. It all works out. The question is how to connect these together; there has been no theoretical way to harmonize them in love, but now because the Unification Church is equipped with the correct theoretical content, if it is applied to the nation, then the peace of the nation will be achieved. If it is applied to the world, then the peace of the world will come about. If it is applied to Heaven and earth, then the peaceful world of Heaven will dawn upon us centering on true love. (1991.8.29. International Training Center)




Has your body freed itself from the control of Satan and attained one- ness with God? You cannot overcome Satan if you cannot completely deny yourself. Therefore, you must go through suffering for three and a half years. You should start from the position of a beggar and a slave of slaves, and then rise up. From a slave of slaves to a slave, adopted son, illegitimate son, child in direct lineage, next mother, father, God -- this makes eight stages verti- cally. Moreover, there are also eight stages horizontally: individual, family, tribe, race, nation, world, universe and God. In this way, there are eight stages horizontally and eight stages vertically. This is the Principle point of view. These are not my words.

I am the first to talk about these things. You cannot find them in the libraries. Can you unravel this with Eastern philosophy and Western phi- losophy? [No.] God, Satan and I are the only ones who know. I am the one who controls it. This cannot be done by God or Satan. (1989.4.1. Belvedere)



What is Satan biting onto right now? What has been his accusation his- torically until now, centering on the eight stages of the individual, family, clan, people, nation, world, universe, and God? He makes the argument, "You, God, are the original owner, and Your children, the ideal Adam and Eve, in other words the true parents, are Your original children. Yet because You as the original Father created me as an archangel, the Principle required that before I fell I should receive the love of Your true child. Without com- pletely fulfilling this condition of love, as the Father of the Principle, how can you be in a position to love Your own son?" This is the problem. What Satan is saying is that although he has fallen, unless God first loves Satan, He cannot claim back what Satan now possesses, which is the love of Adam in the original Garden of Eden, and all the things that should have been dominated within the sphere of God's love.

He is arguing that all this can be taken back only after God and Abel become one on the individual level and by loving Satan, they set the con- dition of love on the individual level to reclaim what should have belonged to God; otherwise, these things cannot be taken back. After that, he insists, the same is true for the family, tribe, race, nation, and the world, and even Heaven and earth are in the same situation. This is the rope by which Satan grabs onto our neck, or how should I put it, strangles us. (1984.5.19. East Garden)



Think of the absolute preciousness of the original blessed family. How much did God yearn for this until now and how much did Jesus long for a blessed family during his 33 years of life? During the past 2,000 years how much did they long for this path by which they could come into the era of the Second Coming and return to the original blessed family?

This will not come about with no effort. Since this is a course of restora- tion, it took me forty years to restore the right of the first son by going in and out of the eight stages seven times. Because Christianity and the free world could not do it, I had to pay the indemnity to turn it around and fit it into place. If you do not match it, then it would be devastating. Can you imagine how busy I was? If I could not indemnify it within forty years, there would be no way to reverse the past 4,000 years of history. This is true for sure.

This is not just some casual observation. There is a great interplay of dif- ferent historical dynamics from Heaven and earth criss-crossing in a chaot- ic fashion. If these are not resolved, there will be disaster and destruction. (1986.2.9. Headquarters Church)


Is the direction, "be like the teacher," a good thing? [It is good.] I am trying to enable you to inherit freely all the blessings that I have been pil- ing up. If I have crossed over a big hill, then you should follow a similar path, centering on my example. This perpendicular line is the same. This is how you should move forward while paying indemnity.

The individual indemnity, family level indemnity, clan level indemni- ty, racial level indemnity, national level indemnity, world level indemnity, universal level indemnity and indemnity of God's heart -- all these eight stages still remain. There are also eight vertical stages: the restoration of the individual, restoration of the family, restoration of the clan, restoration of the people, restoration of the nation, restoration of the world, restoration of the universe and, finally, God. This means that the vertical course of indemnity and the horizontal course of indemnity can be traveled up and down with ease centering on love. By making loving relationships on every level centered on God, we can bring everything into the sphere of God's love. When this is substantially accomplished, Satan will no longer be able to claim the possession of anything on the earth, and as a result he will be automatically chased out. This is the end for him. (1990.2.16. Central Workshop Center)



In order to rise up to the position of parents representing humanity, all matters must be resolved so that the first Adam, second Adam and third Adam can all say, "There is absolutely no condition here for Satan to invade." On the foundation of worldwide domain on the children's level, one must build the worldwide domain on the parental level. Of course, when we see how the growth and completion stages of this seven-year course of True Parents have been completed, then we see that True Parents can come into being as they enter into the direct dominion of God. Until that time Adam and Eve were to grow as a brother and sister, too; isn't that right?

Where do True Parents come into existence? It is at the place where oneness with God is attained. Accordingly, while one is still in the domin- ion of being governed by the Principle -- the indirect dominion -- one can- not become one with God. Unity between the indirect and the direct dominion is possible when a couple becomes one centering on love and completes their portion of responsibility. On the foundation of having com- pleted their portion of responsibility, God and True Parents can become one. Isn't this how it is? For this reason we must rise up to that position.

After the liberation and restoration of the children have been com- pleted, then things must unfold on the parental level. Five billion people in this world are all the descendants of Adam; after that, because of the reli- gious sphere, they are all the descendants of Jesus. For this reason, the dis- pensation of restoration calls for the third Adam to come in the future and, although the fallen descendants have already expanded to populate the whole world, everything must be linked, and everyone must be restored back to the position of the original children of Adam before the fall. Accordingly, we must liberate the realm of parents.

Because the era of the liberation of children has already passed, we have now become children who can chase away Satan and be embraced by God completely; then the parents who can be embraced by God must create the realm of parents. In order to create the realm of parents, then the era of Adam, the era of Jesus and the era of the Second Coming must stand in the realm of liberation.

For me, I have been leading the histories of the individual Adam, fam- ily level Adam, clan Adam, people level Adam, and the national, world, and universal level Adams. Starting from the position of servant of servant, I climbed up the eight stages vertically. Not only must I ascend up these eight vertical levels, but also I must embrace horizontally the individual, family, clan, people, nation and world levels. I must complete the establishment of the realm of liberation that cannot be invaded by Satan through the pro- cess of ascending through all levels vertically and horizontally by paying indemnity for the five billion people of the world and the world itself. As long as I can complete the realm of parents by going through this course, then Satan has no right to make an accusation in the past, present or future. This is why I gave the direction for the completion of the domain of the third Adam -- since both Adam's family and Jesus' family failed, these fail- ures must be restored. Moreover, in the years of Jewish history up to Jesus, from Abraham to Jacob and Moses, there were also many failures. These must be resolved as well. The liberation of the children's domain and even the liberation of the parental domain cannot be accomplished until these problems are resolved. Therefore, for the liberation of the parental realm, someone who is both a perfect national representative and also a parent on the world level must emerge. Although all the foundation has been laid, this has not been connected horizontally until now. The indemnity conditions for the formation of our Unification Church clan and people have been set, but this is not yet connected on the worldwide level. The center is already complete, but it is not linked to the world.

What do we have to do to link it to the world? Through the efforts of the tribal messiahs, the failures of the families of Jesus and Adam can be restored, and by setting the necessary conditions according to each time period, our foundation can be linked to the world and eventually all of humanity will be included. (1989.10.17. Hannam-dong House)



Human history until today is believed to be 850,000 years. This num- ber is an approximation. During this time, religious movements started from a primitive stage and progressed, often under great persecution, until today. So who is the causal force behind such a history? It is God. It is God, and from the position of servant of servants, this history is divided up in stages. Consequently, among the servants of servants, the servant becomes the master. The master is not served by the servant, but the servant governs the master.

For this to take place, in order to become this heavenly master of ser- vants, one must win the victory after receiving persecution as a servant which combines all aspects of the satanic world. For this reason, you must be ready to die. This is why we have the saying that those who are willing to die will live. Even when rising from the position of servant of servants to the position of a servant, and then ascending to the position of an adopted son, there certainly is persecution. It is the same when going up through all the eight levels, up to and including God.

Who has to endure all this? People go through changes but God is unchanging. Among the religions of the world there are religions that cor- respond to the positions of servant of servant, servant, adopted son, illegit- imate son, true son, mother, father and True Parents. At the end, the religion in the position of parents will emerge. In the last days, there will appear a religion of true parents centering on the True Parents.

The meaning of the name "Unification Church" is that religions can- not be united without the doctrine of a religion that possesses the content of true parents. (1983.1.23. Belvedere)



After taking command of the history of the spirit world and the earth, swimming past all the coast lines of the Pacific Ocean, and then landing in Alaska after crossing the Atlantic, I performed the ceremony of Pal-Chung.* The ceremony of Pal-Chung means that by settling down after passing through the vertical historical course of indemnity and the indemnity courses of the individual, family, tribe, people, nation and world, namely, the eight vertical and horizontal stages, the birthright of the eldest son will be restored. Therefore, the course of indemnity for all people in this world will be resolved. This will take place as a result of the Pal-Chung ceremony, I proclaimed this in Alaska on August 31, [1989.]

*Pal-Chung is not a word that can be found in the dictionary. It is a word that Father invented, putting two Chinese characters together to express a concept of the Principle. Pal means eight, and chung means many things, among which determination and fixation might be the primary meanings. The Pal-Chung Shik or the Ceremony of Pal-Chung is often translated as the ceremony of the eight stages, but this is not a literal translation.

The reason that I performed the ceremony in August is that since I sur- vived the three years from 1945 to 1948, I have to do everything according to the schedule of the dispensation from January to August this year. This is the reason that I did this with haste. Because on August 31, centering on the era of restoration, we can stand in the victorious position to serve the parents, we are to seek God after forgiving, with parental love, all the his- torical people that have wronged our brothers. (1990.1.27. Hannam-dong House)


As a consequence of the restoration of the right of the eldest son and the embrace of God, the history of war and conflict during this era of the restoration of the birthright of the eldest son has been consummated, and we have entered a time when we can attain harmony with love and with- out indemnity. The Pal-Chung ceremony was necessary to achieve all this.

By performing the Pal-Chung ceremony, parents who can stand behind their children, the first son and the second son, can come into being, and because they forgave these children, the era of the realm of parental for- giveness will come next.

Accordingly, I am proclaiming the era of dispensation of Ae-won. [Ae means love and Won means salvation; therefore, Ae-won means salvation through love.] It is not the dispensation of salvation. It is the era of salva- tion when love is being used to help. Until now, it was the dispensation of salvation through the restoration by indemnity. This will now vanish away because I have made the environment in which the brothers, through the restoration of the birthright of the eldest son, can be embraced by the par- ents directly and be forgiven centering on parental love. As a result, the forces opposing the Unification Church will perish. The era of opposition will pass away. This is how it is right now. There is no one in America now who opposes Rev. Moon. Even if there is, it is limited to extremists among the communists and the liberation theologians, They all do not really under- stand this world, (1989.10.3. Little Angels Performing Arts Center)


Because the vertical and horizontal indemnity of the eight stages has all been completed, on August 31 of last year I performed the Pal-Chung cer- emony in Alaska, the highest place in the Western world. It is the highest place. Having done that I proclaimed the ideology of Heavenly Father on September 1st. It is the ideology of Heavenly Father. It is simultaneously the ideology of salvation through love, and the ideology of parents. The ideol- ogy of parents teaches one to love. Satan cannot oppose when you are lov- ing someone. If Satan does not oppose the path of Unification Church, it will expand out to the worldwide level immediately. (1990.2.16. Central Workshop Center)


What can you do after the conclusion of the Pal-Chung ceremony? [The ideology of Heavenly Father.] The liberation of the realm of parents will take place. Because this time will come, I as the parent put you in the position of the tribal messiahs and begin the liberation ceremony for the position of Jesus' and Adam's family. By restoring the failures of the past through your families, the hometown of all people will be transferred to the homeland of the heavenly kingdom. Your hometowns are all different, right? Can you say that it is a Korean nation? Centering on me, and connecting to your hometown and having your parents' birthplace be chosen as the place of the parents of the heavenly kingdom, you will enter the era when your hometown can be recognized as the hometown of the heavenly king- dom. Do you understand what I am saying? [Yes.] Only then can all the peo- ple in the world have a hometown. (1989.10.4. Hannam-dong House)




Why did I talk about the ideology of Heavenly Father? We have the communist world and the democratic world, but how did these two worlds come into existence? Because they were formed based on the family, all we have to do is connect to the family centering on our ideology of Heavenly Father. You do not need all of this. As long as you set the condition, all will turn around quickly. Neither the communist world nor the democratic world has the true ideals of the family. There is family breakdown everywhere.

The Russian people have only two hobbies, and they are drinking wine and womanizing. Because their women also drink heavily, they like these women. This is the reason why the families are in chaos. Therefore by con- necting to the family right now, by expanding the domain for educating the families, we will see the completion of the ideology of parents and the ide- ology of the kingship centering on the ideals of the family. By achieving this we can return to the original world. (1989.10.17. Hannam-dong House)



How do we decide upon the standard of existence? When we consider the ideal of creation, we can conclude that it must be done with love. People were divided into two kinds because of the fall. Consequently, the whole world was forced into the realm of Satan. What God has to do here is to pen- etrate inside and take it all back. The era of individuals, era of the family, era of the race, era of the nation, era of the world, up to the era of universe ...all must be reclaimed. Indemnity must be paid on every level: from the individual, up through the family, clan, people, nation, world, universe, and finally reaching God. It is indemnity. In the Unification Church this is called the eight stages. Horizontally there are eight stages, and one must climb up vertically through eight stages also. I proclaimed that I have set- tled down after tying these together.

I have proclaimed the Pal-Chung ceremony in Alaska on August 31, 1989. The result of this is that no more indemnity for mankind or the world has to be paid. This means that wherever I or members of the Unification Church go in this world, persecution will no longer be present.

No matter what we do now, whether we build the Kingdom of Heaven or do some other similar things, no one can make accusations against us. The Pal-Chung ceremony is the occasion when we make the foundation for this. On the foundation of the Pal-Chung base, I proclaimed the ideology of Heavenly Father on September 1, 1989.

When the Pal-Chung ceremony was over, it meant that the restoration of the eldest son had been completed. It is the time of the restoration of the eldest son. Because the birthright of the eldest son has been restored com- pletely, we are able to stand on the pinnacle of the world where we are invulnerable to any satanic opposition. If we move forward with audacity and power, then America will be pushed over, the communist world will be pushed over, and Korea will also be pushed. Japan will also be pushed. Thus, you should be strong and bold. (1989.10.4. Hannam-dong House)


After the Pal-Chung ceremony I proclaimed the ideology of Heavenly Father. Before proclaiming the ideology of Heavenly Father, I liberated the parents. Since the realm of brothers has been liberated, the realm of parents must be liberated next -- Parents of the world, parents of the nation, parents of the clan.... Jesus died because he could not become the tribal parents. Next, his father and mother could not unite before Jesus. If his father and mother had served Jesus, they would have become the father and mother of the clan and family in the realm of Adam; yet they did not understand this.

Jesus was supposed to simultaneously become the representative of the clan and the representative of the nation and people, but because he could not win the right of parents on the family level, he had to die. Since we, the Unification Church, have now liberated the realm of brothers, we should liberate the realm of parents. By following the path of tribal messiah today, you must resurrect and restore the opposition of your parents toward the Unification Church and the failures of Adam and Eve. Then you are to rec- ognize and proclaim publicly the qualifications of having won over the fam- ily with the authority of the heavenly kingdom. This is the purpose of the proclamation of the tribal messiah. (1989.10.8. Headquarters Church)



The era of the ideology of Heavenly Father, which we are talking about here today and which is proclaimed as a result of having finished the Pal- Chung ceremony, is to be created not with individuals, but with the fami- ly. This is what you must understand. You establish the ideology of Heavenly Father with the family. For this reason, the most critical question in the satanic world or the democratic world that surfaces at the time that God's will is being accomplished is the break up of families.

The communist world does not recognize the family. They say that the family stands on the foundation of exploitation. They do not have a rela- tionship with God. This is the same for the democratic world. Therefore, in reality all the things that would contribute to the formation of a stable family have been thrown off balance. Although it is the very foundation of the society, the foundation of the nation and the foundation of the world, today the condition of the family becomes more and more chaotic. Accordingly, in the future the left-wing world and the right-wing world will be absorbed by us centering on the foundation of our family.

Then, centering on what do we achieve the ideology of Heavenly Father? This is to be attained centering on the family. (1989.10.17. Hannam-dong House)


Now is the time when the establishment of a heavenly family must be the ultimate concern. If you were to leave the family out, then what can the ideology of Heavenly Father do? Without the family, the era of the ideolo- gy of Heavenly Father makes no sense. An ideology describes a kind of action. It is like crossing a bridge.

Isn't the unified nation a nation that unified the families? It has to take place centering on families. Satan has been guiding democracy in such a way that it destroyed the family. America is primarily a Christian nation, so why are the families in America breaking up? Why, when the Bible preaches no such law? This is because America has been dominated by Satan.

For this reason, now families must become completely centered on God. Parents should represent the dual characteristics of the absolute God, and should be served in that position. The dual characteristics of God, sung sang and hyung sang, always stay together without any possibility of sepa- rating. This is the same as Adam and Eve becoming completely one with- out committing the fall. (1989.10.17. Hannam-dong House)


The ideology of Heavenly Father is restoring the kingship by centering on families and by linking them together. It is restoring the universal king- ship; so, it cannot be accomplished without the family. Surely, the family is the center for this. It is through the unified foundation of the family, the Adam-type unified family on the level of tribe. Shouldn't Adam have a clan? This must all be connected centering on Adam's family on the level of the people. Through the unified foundation of family, the kingship will be restored. (1989.10.17. Hannam-dong House)


What did I do on the first day of September? Since we have attained the liberation of the realm of parents and the realm of children, the unified fam- ily was established. The master of this new family is the ideology of parents centering on True Parents. Going over the ideology of brothers, it is the ide- ology of parents.

Because there is none among brothers who can deny the love of parents, here, with the foundation of family and with the fortune of unification hav- ing been firmly established, the universe starts to turn around to follow its true path. The world will begin to revolve on the normal orbit of day and night. By proclaiming the ideology of Heavenly Father after having done this, we are able to pass over to the era of unified kingship. God has to become the king. This is the first paragraph of the five paragraphs of our Unification Church pledge.

Centered on God, what are we? We are to be proud of the dominion of God. We are to pass over to the era of the unlimited power of love first by building the unified kingdom that the Unification Church is advocating and that God and Jesus wished for, and then by dismantling the hell on earth and the hell in Heaven. Having understood what perpendicular love accord- ing to the tradition of love is, and having realized clearly how it is combined centering on vertical love, one must apply it to daily life. By doing so, in any place in the world of 10,000 nations and in the heavenly world we can go beyond any boundaries, and as a result the era of liberation and unification will come.

The test that remains at the very end is to advance toward the world of ideal government centering on the eternal kingship and the eldest broth- ership. The president of Korea is the king of the nation, and the governor is the king of the province. It is this type of concept. For this reason, when I talk about kingship, do not think that it is odd.

In a county it is the kingship of the county, and in a borough, it is the kingship of the borough, and if it is a village, then it's kingship of a village; next in a family, it is kingship of the family. This is the ideology of kingship that was bestowed on Adam originally. Our family has this ideology and I have started it here, but we are to circle around for 10,000 years through this kingship so that we can pass through to the top and become branches or leaves that are linked to the root.

If you stand in this place, you will be connected to everywhere. A true family is connected to the true tribal county; the true family of a county is linked with the province; the family of the true province is linked with the nation; the true family of the nation is linked to the world; and the true fam- ily of the world is connected to the heavenly kingdom. What is to be done after making the connection? You are not to live for yourself when you occupy that position. You are to live for the sake of others. Centering on the basic altruistic principles of creation, you should sacrifice more as the scope becomes larger. You have to go through more suffering. In this way, the era of liberation and unification will come. [Amen.]

As I was saying "it will come," I ended with "Amen," so this means that in the end, we have to make this happen with our own hands, isn't that right? The unification of Korea is to be done with your hands, not mine. It must be done by the hands of Adam who has inherited the kingship, and the representative of Adam. You have to tie it to the kingship of the fami- ly. You should at least establish the tribal kingship before you die. Otherwise, there is nothing that can be connected.

In other words, this is very much like how fluid from the cells in a tree can pass through the branches, trunk and roots, able to get to any place through the tubular channels. Unless you can be equipped with the essen- tial nature that can represent the actual authority of a king, you will lose the right to exist in the household of the heavenly kingdom.

What I am talking about here is kingship. This is what kingship is. Your father and mother are kings. They are kings of the family that represents the nation. In a company, the president of the company is the king. He is the representative of your parents. This is the bridge with which one can pave the way to inherit the kingship of the nation. The Kingdom of Heaven in Heaven is where we are all to rise to the equal status of royalty through this lifestyle and live on for 10,000 years. (1989.10.8. Headquarters Church)




Originally, when Adam becomes perfect, then the father of heaven would be perfect, and when Eve becomes perfect, then the mother of heav- en would be perfect, so that as they became the masters of the family, the kingship of the heavenly kingdom on the family level would be born. Therefore, Adam and Eve were to be kings on the individual level, on the family level, tribal level, people level, national level and world level. Because now the time has come when we can step beyond the national level, we can establish the kingship of the heavenly world after going beyond all the satanic kingships. This date is March 27, 1990. Consequently, the world will move according to Rev. Moon's guidance. (1990.3.27. Belvedere)



What is the first task before us? It is to stand on the side of God. What is next? Families must stand on the side of God. When this is done, the areas of the world will all become linked together centering on True Parents. According to the content necessary for restoration, first, the restoration of the realm of brothers has been completed and, second, the restoration of the realm of parents has been completed. Third, is the restoration of kingship.

Can the homelands be one? Where is the original homeland? Although the original homeland is the place of my birth, the homelands of all the tribes cannot be that land of Chung-Chu (the birthplace of Father in North Korea). They are the places where each of you was born. Do you understand? Although homelands are different and Satan has been governing over them, when God-centered parents are born in your homeland that place will become like the Garden of Eden. After that, your descendants who are born in the original garden that has not fallen will expand out towards the world. Centering on this perpendicular line, centering on my family, you will all become linked and tied together as one. You must love the vertical line more than your own family. Because True Parents represent the vertical direction, you must love them first, and then you can love your own family. If you do this, then Satan cannot conquer you. The restoration of kingship becomes possible as this becomes accomplished. (1990.3.27. Belvedere)



The Unification Church is a religion. Religion seeks the path to eter- nity. The eternal God created men as the objects of His love. Eternal love wants the object of love to become better than itself. This is just like peo- ple wanting their children to become better than them. This nature comes from God's nature. Therefore, the value of man and woman is as the objects of love who can become even better than God. From this eternal love, the theory of eternity comes naturally, and we are to pave the way of eternity. We must erect the domain on the family level, tribal level, society and national level that can be welcome in the eternal world.

A true world cannot exist before a blessed family. Was there a world before Adam? The only thing that existed was the family that he was gov- erning and attendance to God. It is the same thing. You must be rid of all the habits centering on this wicked and evil world. The restoration of the parental realm comes after having become liberated and able to sincerely inherit the original right of the eldest son with pride. The realm of parents can be restored only after passing through the realm of the eldest son build- ing a family and having children. The parental realm had been lost.

You are destined to damnation if you do not understand the value of the heavenly blessing that can establish your birthplace as the original home- town by restoring the parental realm centering on the tribal messiahs. I am not talking to you as though I am just some stranger speaking casually as I walk past you. I am saying these things with the authority of the head of a family and nation, and as the central being of Heaven and earth, utilizing my spiritual sensitivity.

The kingship and nation are to become connected with the tribal mes- siah functioning as an axis. I have already laid all the foundation for the nation and the world. I am standing on the perpendicular position, con- necting the horizontal and the vertical lines. You are the individual in the formation stage, the family in the growth stage, and the tribe in the com- pletion stage who are to make the connections centering on the four direc- tions. Based on this, you are to center it on the national foundation. (1989.10.17. Hannam-dong House)


Your parents are in the position of fallen Adam and Eve. By making your father the head of the clan, representing the position of Adam, you as trib- al messiah will fulfill your responsibility and gain the privilege to participate in the realm of direct dominion. Because the victorious condition of hav- ing indemnified the individual, family, clan and racial levels of the satanic world in this reverse order was achieved through me, you should serve me absolutely to become one with me and then become a part of Adam's fam- ily. You have to become a part of Adam's family. Do you understand?

The individual Adam has the position of God's son, and those who have become the sons should become the masters and kings of their fami- lies and kings and center of the tribe.... This is how it should be. Even when he enters the spirit world, Adam is supposed to be the king of the spirit world. Adam is the one who can claim the kingship. In this way, the king- ship is established on the individual level, on the family level, on the trib- al level, on the societal level, and on the national level.... All that Adam has lost, from the individual level to the world level kingship, I have won back through my accomplishment on the worldwide level. Because I have already taken it all back from the satanic world and in the spirit world, as long as you link up your family and tribe to my accomplishment, the nation and world will naturally be connected.

For this reason, the unified nation will come to exist. This is not done in the old-fashioned, primitive ways. The unified world cannot come to exist unless God and Satan come to an agreement in their conference and arrive at a single conclusion. (1989.10.3. Little Angels Performing Arts Center)




If a radio or television station was to ask, as part of a quiz, who is the person that has been cursed most in history, people will immediately answer that it is Rev. Moon. The station will agree that this is the correct answer. For whose sake did I endure this cursing? Was it for Rev. Moon? Who was it for? Was it for the sake of the Unification Church? No. Was I enduring the cursing for the sake of Korea? No. It was for God; it was only for God.

If God says, "I will give the award of filial piety to my most filial son, Rev. Moon, even if everyone in the world does not like that," Buddha of Buddhism or Confucius of Confucianism of the past cannot object to it.

Why? Because that is how it is in reality. Who is the person that has striv- en the most to become the filial son that God is looking for and to build the clan that God wants in this historical era? The Unification Church per- formed mass weddings in order to form the tribes that God wants. People in the secular world denigrate the mass weddings saying, "Oh, no, we have a wicked and worthless phenomena taking place here. Mass weddings are simply intolerable. Korea has always been the Eastern nation of rituals and manners, so how can we allow this mass wedding?" You do not how much persecution I have received. (1988.1.31. Headquarters Church)



This is the time that we are crossing the 38th Parallel. When climbing over the huge Himalayan mountains, it is no use to climb the mountain right before you if you cannot ultimately conquer the highest peak. This the time that we are climbing over the highest mountain. As soon as we are able to climb over it, then big changes will take place in the nation. This cannot be conquered just anytime. If we lose the right opportunity, we cannot make it over the mountain. The same is for the leaders of Christianity. This is the time to climb over. Accordingly, since the wind is blowing now, this is the time to lay the foundation.

Why am I sending you to your hometown? You are supposed to climb over the mountain together with your parents. Do you understand? [Yes.] This is love. The unified tribe will be formed physically and spiritually only when you go to your hometown to move the people with the help of the ancestors. (1988.7.22. Hannam-dong House)


When we talk about our tribe, how many couples have I blessed so far? It's about 21,000 families. Dispatching the 21,000 families into the world is done from the position that represents the one Jesus would have had if he had attained unity with Judaism and the nation of Israel and thus had stood on a foundation to win victory. Do you understand what I am saying?

I have come back now after traveling all over the world. How far did I come? How far? To South Korea, right? Since I came all the way to South Korea, all the Unification Church members in South Korea should return to their hometowns. You are to return to your tribes.

A tree may look the same as another, but the seeds are different. Although all trees are green, their seeds are all different. Their tribes are all different. What I am saying is that there is no true seed. There is no true seed of love. Centering on your father and mother, the families of your older brother and sister must completely transform into the families of the Unification Church. This is the only way to settle down. It is not enough for them to become members of the Unification Church. The whole fami- ly has to go back to the hometown and implant its roots firmly. (1989.2.5. Headquarters Church)


Even in the ideal world of God, what does an individual seek after his or her perfection? He or she must attain the perfection of a family. What is to be done after the perfection of family? We are not promoting families as the most important final unit. The perfection of the tribe must also be undertaken. God said to become fruitful and then multiply, right? You must possess a clan. A family has to establish the tradition of a tribe. A tribe must establish the tradition of a people. (1989.2.5. Headquarters Church)



Haven't I laid the worldwide foundation through my words? I have been doing this day and night 24 hours a day without sleeping and eating. When you can exert yourself like that for the sake of the restoration of your clan, then your family and relatives will serve you as their ancestor of ancestors. They will donate all their assets, asking you to connect all of their wealth with the benefit of the nation.

You have to implant the root deep from the position of loving the home- land more than anyone, loving the people there more than anyone, and lov- ing your children more than anyone. You must understand clearly that this is the mission of the tribal messiah that has been left unaccomplished. You would be wandering around aimlessly without the national and worldwide course of indemnity that I have pioneered; but now on this foundation you can return to your clan and restore it.

As you mingle with the families of the same clan, you are to become their parents. Only after linking themselves to you in the position of the par- ent of your family and tribe can they start out fresh to reach the national and world levels and return to the heavenly world.

When the restoration of the tribe is completed, then the era of the for- mation of faiths will come. Do you understand? If Korea becomes united now, new tribes will be formed in the name of God. Jesus could not form tribes centering on the twelve disciples. (1989.2.5. Headquarters Church)



After you return to your hometown, you are to become the eternal ancestors by implanting the root of the foundation for your family in your hometown centering on the original love that Adam and Eve should have brought to explode throughout the world. [Amen!] Then, if you are the descendant of ten generations in the tribe, it will be reversed, and you will become the ancestor of those ten generations. Heaven and earth will be turned upside down. This is what the calamity is. Heaven and earth will become earth and Heaven. Hell is to become heaven.

I am going to come visit you sometime. When I come, how are you to serve me? Should the village welcome me or tell me not to come? [They should welcome you.] From where? [From the hometown.] The government should pave the road... and cover it with what? With gold. You should cover the road with gold and lead me into the house that you love the most. I will not go anywhere else. God wants to dwell in the place that your ances- tors, your grandchildren, you and your parents were born. Then what would make you worry? This is the foundation that you should lay.

Originally, after you go back to your hometown, you are to build a tem- ple in the village. You should do it with the attitude, "I will lead God to the town as He comes to the county, and I'll lead Him to my house as He comes to the town." Having assisted Him into your house, you are to show Him to the place where you were born. After that, you should create the environ- ment in which you can serve True Parents with a level of happiness that is greater than when a son is just born and the whole village is immersed in a celebration; only after that will the descendants who live in that environ- ment become the household of God.

Do you know what the household of Heaven is? It is becoming part of the same group. Do you want to return to your hometown? [We want to return.] When you go back, are you going to go back as a dwarf or what? Did I come back to Korea as a dwarf? What did I bring with me? Didn't Jacob bring back with him all the blessings that he had received from heaven for 21 years? What is the gift that you can take with you after having been blessed? There is nothing else. All you have to take with you is true love. Do you understand? [Yes.] What is the most precious thing among all the gifts of blessing? There is one gift which the universe and history have been longing for until today, and one cannot forget this gift forever once one receives it. This gift is called true love. (1986.6.1. Headquarters Church)



If you do not possess a heavenly family and heavenly clan, if you can- not participate in the realm of the heavenly tribe, then you cannot enter that faith. You will be left out. (1985.8.16. East Garden)


Should the Unification Church members go back to their hometown or not? [We should return.] All of you must return. You must pack up and go back to your hometown.

Only after you return and, centering on the church, consolidate your foundation will the time come when you can pave the way and serve the new nation. Without this foundation, you cannot prepare the base to make a contribution historically and be linked to the nation and the center.

Next, if all your relatives and the people from your village join the movement centering on you and your family, then Satan cannot have dominion over Cain and Abel on the family level. He cannot do it. This is the message that you must convey clearly.

Since we have come upon such a time, in other words because it is the time of the restoration of Canaan on the family level, we must restore Canaan. Having done that you must form tribes. In this way the twelve tribes must be created in the world. Those who do not have this foundation will be ruined. You will leave and fade away. (1989.2.5. Hannam-dong House)




When I say, "You should return to your original hometown in order to register," do you know what I mean by register? When a bride marries a bridegroom, she has to enter her name in her husband's family roster. She must cross her name out of her original family roster and move it to some other place.

Everyone living on this earth has a hometown. After one is born, one is immediately registered in one's nation. Regardless of which town, district or region within the nation in which one is born, one must register under that nation. This registration becomes the proof that one is a son of the par- ents in that house and a citizen of that nation. As long as that nation and those parents exist, the registered child cannot be taken off the roster.

The Unification Church is a religious organization. Therefore, we must seek a nation where we can dwell as a religious organization. We do not yet have a nation that we have established or can register in. We have to seek such a nation and register in it. Why do we need religion on earth today? It is because we could not register in our original homeland. From God's point of view, these people are not the citizens of God. They are not people who have a relationship with the original homeland and are registered there.

As God sees it, the homelands that men are born in today belong to the enemy. The homeland within that kind of nation is not a place where God can have dominion and be happy. This is the problem. For this reason, we have to return to a level higher than that of the religions today.

Today, we were all born in a period in history and registered in our homeland, but that registration has nothing to do with God. We have a nation that we have registered in, but that nation has nothing to do with God. We come to the conclusion that although there are many nations like this, they all have no relationship with God and the earth itself has noth- ing to do with God. (1988.5.22. Headquarters Church)



As the spring dawns upon the earth and the fresh green leaves of trib- al messiahs sprout everywhere, the spirit world of that nation will come to our side. The time of registration centering on heaven will come. They say that twelve tribes and 144,000 will enter. Do you know what the number 144,000 signifies? The time of registration is approaching. Centering on the time of the unification of North and South Korea, we must head toward the era of registration. Your tribe must all stand in the same position in order to register as citizens of the heavenly kingdom.

I am not talking about individuals. Do you understand? The time of indi- vidual salvation will pass behind us. In the future, as long as the president of a nation joins the church and makes the pledge, the people will also become a part of the heavenly household, and as long as they perform the ceremonies that the church sets forth, they can all escape from the satanic world. (1991.8.25. Headquarters Church)



What position are the people in this world standing in? They are caught between good and evil. If they did not fall originally, they would have been good. They were supposed to be only good. They have to be born as good. However, although they received life and were born, they could not com- plete the principled process of growth because of the origin of their birth. You have to understand that they did not bring consummation to this mat- ter. An imperfect work still has a long way left to go toward perfection.

Even though something is eighty percent completed, the remaining twenty percent might stand as the subject and thus negate the value of the eighty percent. As we look at it from the perspective that desires one hun- dred percent perfection, something that is only 95 percent perfect still can- not enter the position of perfection. Consequently, it will also fall under the desired standard.

A creation made by the absolute being, God, has to be absolutely per- fect. If something has attained absolute perfection, no one can criticize or correct it. It must be absolute. For something to be treated by the absolute subject as its object, it must also possess absolute character. It makes sense theoretically only when it possesses such absolute content. This is the prob- lem.

So, how are people born? Before registering, what must be done to be born as an absolute being? Without knowing this clearly, one cannot enter the position where one can represent absolute perfection, a position where, having won all victories, one can assert one's subjectivity before God. ( 1988.5.22. Headquarters Church)


In the future when the Unification Church is welcomed by the nation, then the time of registration will come. You must register. If the 36 blessed couples want to register, then they must have a better standard and amore genuine motivation in their hearts than Jesus. Otherwise, they cannot reg- ister. Under this principle, the 72 blessed couples also cannot register. Without abiding by this principle, they cannot register. Incredible things will happen. (1972.6.13. Kwang Ju Church)


After persevering on to eliminate all the sorrowful results of the fall and become victorious children who can guide all nations with love, you should worship God and True Parents in your bedroom; then the registration pro- cess will automatically come to an end. From that moment on, the Kingdom of Heaven will continue on forever. (1988.5.22. Headquarters Church)



In the future when our ancestors shout out from the same position as us, there must no longer be any wicked opposition forces in the southern and northern parts of Korea. In order to bring resolution to this matter, I told you to return to your hometown as part of a pacification campaign to bring about the unification of North and South Korea.

Upon your arrival in your hometown, if the patriots and heroes cone and cry out that the ancestor of all patriots and heroes has come, then your ancestors, representing the angelic world and the spirit world who could not serve true ancestors of men, will also come and protect and assist you. As you indemnify all that the archangel could not fulfill, the dwelling place of God's love will be fixed upon the earth vertically and horizontally, and as a result, you will be able to inherit the position of a true ancestor and erect that firmly on this earth. The fact that this kind of time has come is unprece- dented in history. You have to know that it is such a precious time; such things did not take place in the past nor will they in the future.

Why did I tell all of you to return to your hometown at this time? Since I gave you all the things that I have indemnified worldwide, you should take this foundation and seek out the original position of Adam and Eve; and after settling down you should inherit the position of an ancestor from which you can govern over all the lives which will be born for tens of thou- sands of years to come. You must understand that this is the time when you are bestowed with the special right to inherit such a position.

If you can shed more sweat and blood than that which the patriots and heroes have shed in your hometown, then in the spirit world, your ances- tors will raise both of their hands high and praise you, saying "Our victori- ous ancestor has come." By making a foundation for this to take place, you are restoring through indemnity the situation in which the spirit world could not welcome Adam. This is the road that still remains before us. When this is achieved, in addition to the loud cry of acclaim from your peo- ple, God will also recognize that you have set the condition to stand in the position of parents by displaying such heart, and as a consequence your reg- istration process will begin. (1988.5.22. Headquarters Church)


This is the last fight. Together with your family members, you have to restore the tribe. Didn't I tell you to go and live in villages? You have to enlist the support of your family members as you move and reach out. You are truly blessed people. (1988.2.24. Hannam-dong House)


Those members who have received the blessing in the Unification Church just need to introduce me as you host a party for each clan. You should proclaim who I am, saying, "He is the person who is the center of our nation and our world, and he is the ancestor of ancestors." If people do not object but agree, "You are right. That is true," then starting from that nation, the new era of registration for the heavenly kingdom will be opened.

Registration cannot be undertaken by the clan, but by the people. The reason that we are restoring tribes is that by forming the twelve tribes, we can create the sovereignty of a nation, a foundation of national sovereign- ty in the original homeland. Therefore, according to the amount of effort that you put in and the amount of contribution that you make in forming the tribes... [you can contribute to establishing the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.] We are to enter the competitive period of the Unification Church centering on the clans spread out worldwide. (1989.2.5. Headquarters Church)


When we talk about the tribal messiah in the Unification Church today, we are talking about sowing the seed of the true clan. The seeds were sown wrongly. Those blessed couples who did not take part in the mobilization will be crossed out. They cannot be registered.

We are to register in the future. When North and South Korea become united, those Unification Church families of the world, all those among the blessed families who have taken a part in the normal activities, will go beyond the tribe and be registered. (1990.1.14. Headquarters Church)


If you do not return to your hometown at this time, even blessed fami- lies will have a difficult time. Without participating in this, it is impossible to register you when we are forming tribes in the future; you have to under- stand this fact. Why is this so? The ones that we are supposed to save in spir- it world are those who have gone to the front line. We are to save those who have passed away. (1989.2.5. Hannam-dong House)



When you go back to your true hometown, you are to become the head of the tribe of 10,000 nations. Do you understand? The twelve tribes are to become seventy, next 120 followers, and then form a race and a nation. This will move everyone right into the Kingdom of God just as it is. For this rea- son heaven is being manifested on the earth and in Heaven. Because of who? It is because of the vertical True Father, because of the True Father centered on true love, because of the horizontal True Father centered on God. Sons and daughters born on account of true love can enter Heaven because they have inherited on earth the right to participate in the same place with God. (1988.5.20. Dae Gu Church)


From now on you are to go back to your hometown and initiate the fight to expand the foundation among your relatives and create a good environ- ment centering on yourself. There will be competitions.

Accordingly, regardless of which tribe you belong to, you should con- tribute toward the formation of tribes together with the root that you have implanted in your hometown. There will come a time when registration into the main roster will begin, and which of the north, south, east or west branches one belongs to will have to be determined. The question is: after registering in this world, your family members are to go to Heaven or to the original hometown? You have to know that you are going in exile. (1989.4.6. World Mission Center)