The Tradition, Book One
Reverend Chung Hwan Kwak

Appendix and Index


                       Common Terms for Candles


The term "seed" candle and matches refers to the candle and matches
which an individual receives from a leader or church elder. If
possible, the candle should never be burned completely nor should all
the matches be used; the "seed" candle and matches are usually
reserved to multiply more.


The term "bequeath" indicates the action by a church elder or leader

     in passing on the tradition of the candles and matches.

The leader "bequeaths" the strength and power of the candle through
prayer, by lighting his or her own candle with either a Shimjung,
Birth or Ae Chun Match and then each member's candle from that flame.

Candles and matches are to be sanctified before they are bequeathed.

In the case of Shimjung and Birth Matches, the leader "bequeaths"
matches by praying over each box or book of matches (and if possible
placing one match from his or her box in the new box  -- not "seed"
matches but from boxes of multiplied matches) before giving one to
each members inheriting a candle.

Ae Chun Lighters or Matches are bequeathed in a different fashion.
Touch either the new lighter or box of matches to the flames of both
the Father and Mother Candles during the ceremony.


The term "inherit" indicates the action by a member in receiving the
strength and power of the candles and matches through obtaining his or
her own "seed" candle and matches.


The term "multiply" indicates the action by a member who wishes to
have more candles and matches to use. This may be done as often as


Abortion, Unification Church view on, 162-163
     When abortion is acceptable for Unification Church members, 163
     When abortion is not acceptable for Unification Church members,

Accepting gifts and money, 5

Addressing the True Family, 6

Ae Chun Candles (see Candles, Ae Chun)

Altars, 8-9
     Holy Day offering tables, 9, 91-92
     Placement of the altar, 9
     Procedure to set up, 9
     Significance, 9
     Temporary altar, 9

Anniversaries (Blessing), 185-186
     Celebration suggestions, 186
     Significance, 185-186

Associate members (visitation of), 17

Attendance (etiquette), 1, 196-197
     Attitude of (in blessed family), 196
     External, 2-6
     Internal, 1-2
     Significance, 1-2

Attendance of Sunday service, 16, 195

Birth Candles (see Candles, Birth)

Births, 161-163
     Significance, 161 - 162

Birth Ceremony, 164-167
     Ceremony preparation, 164-165
     Format of the ceremony, 166
     History, 164
     If the time of birth was missed, 166-167
     If the tradition was not known, 167
     Prayer during delivery, 164
     Significance, 164

Birthday celebrations, 177-185
     Birthday celebrations of blessed members, 185
     Physical birthdays, 185
     Spiritual birthdays, 185
     Birthday celebrations of single members, 184
     Blessed childrens' birthdays, 179-184
     Attendance of celebration, 182
     Dress, 181
     Format, 182-184
     Gifts, 184
     History, 179
     Preparation guidelines, 180-181
     Significance, 179
     Time, 182
     Traditional birthday parties, 184
     True Family birthday celebrations, 177-179
     Birthdays of the True Children (list), 191

Blessed family association funds, 200

Blessed family associations, 200-201

Blessed family commemorations, 187

Blessed family lifestyle, 196-199
     Attitude of attendance, 196-197
     Significance, 196

Blessing, 187-191
     Blessing anniversaries, 185-186
     Blessing clothes, 189-190
     Blessing ring, 190
     Forgiveness Ceremony, 187
     Holy Handkerchief, 188
     Three Day Ceremony, 187
     Wedding and engagement rings, 191

Blood (donating), 199

Blood (transfusions), 199

Bowing, 2-4
     At Pledge, 29
     Offering a full bow, 2-4
     To central figures, 4
     To True Parents, 4
     When entering and exiting prayer room, 8
     When leaving a meeting in progress, 4

Burial (Won Jeun Ceremony), 210-211
     Memorial and burial service for single members, 213
     Procession to burial ground (Seung Hwa Ceremony), 209-210

     Ae Chun Candles 137-149
          Bequeathing Ae Chun Candles and Lighters, 140-144
               Bequeathing ceremony, 141
               Necessary materials, 141
               Sanctification procedure, 141
               When to hold the ceremony, 141
               Who may bequeath Ae Chun Candles, 140-141
               Who may inherit Ae Chun Candles, 141
          Candle and lighter specifications, 140
          Discarding used candles, 149
          Extinguishing the candles, 148
          History, 138
               Format use by True Parents to bequeath Ae Chun Candles,
               138- 140
          Inheriting Ae Chun Candles and Lighters, 142-144
          Multiplying Ae Chun Candles and Lighters, 144- 148
          Significance, 137
          Storing Ae Chun Candles, 149
               Multiplied Ae Chun Candles, 149
               "Seed" Ae Chun Candles, 149
          Use of Ae Chun Candles, 148-149
               Daily prayers, 148
               During Il Jeung prayer, 148
               During times of separation, 149
               Emergencies, 148
          Using Ae Chun Candles and Lighters, 148

     Birth Candles, 125-135
          Bequeathing Birth Candles and Matches, 125- 128
               Bequeathing ceremony, 127-128
               Necessary materials, 126-127
               Sanctification procedure, 127
               When to hold the ceremony, 126
               Who may bequeath Birth Candles and Matches, 126
               Who may inherit Birth Candles and Matches, 126
          Discarding used candles, 134
          Extinguishing the candles, 131-132
          History, 125
               Format used by True Father, 125
          Inheriting Birth Candles and Matches, 128-129
          Multiplying Birth Candles and Matches, 129- 131
               Prayer, 130
               Preparation, 129
               Procedure, 129- 131
          Storing Birth Candles and Matches, 134-135
               Birth Candle sets for each child, 135
          Original set of Birth Candles, 135
               "Seed" Birth Candle and matches, 134-135
          Uses for Birth Candles, 134
               Birth ceremony, 134
               Child's birthday ceremony, 134
               Eight Day Dedication Ceremony, 134
               40-day, 100-day celebrations, 134
          Using Birth Candles, 132-133
               Format, 132
               If the "seed" Birth Candle becomes too short, 133
               Multiple births, 133
               Preparation, 132
               Use at subsequent births, 132-133

     Shimjung Candles, 113-124
          Bequeathing Shimjung Candles and Matches, 114-118
               Bequeathing ceremony, 117-118
               Necessary materials, 115-116
               Sanctification procedure, 116-117
               When to hold the ceremony, 115
               Who may bequeath Shimjung Candles and Matches, 115
               Who may inherit Shimjung Candles and Matches, 115
          Discarding old candles, 124
          Extinguishing the candles, 122
          History, 113
               Format used by True Father to bequeath Shimjung Candles
               and Matches, 113-114
          If the "seed" Shimjung Candle becomes too short, 122
          Inheriting Shimjung Candles and Matches, 118
          Multiplying Shimjung Candles and Matches, 119-121
               Necessary materials and preparation, 119
               Prayer, 121
               Procedure, 119
          Significance, 113
          Storing Shimjung Candles and Matches, 123- 124
               Candles and Matches used for Three Day Ceremony, 124
               Newly multiplied candles, 124
               "Seed" Shimjung Candles and Matches, 123
          Use of Shimjung Candles, 122-123
               Altar, 9
               Birthday altar, 180
               Eight Day Dedication Ceremony altar, 172
               40-Day and 100-Day Ceremony altars, 187 Holy Day
               offering table, 91
               Il Jeung prayer (use during), 40
               Pledge service altar, 27
               Seung Hwa Ceremony altar, 208
               Suggestions for use during Three Day Ceremony, 123
               Won Jeun Ceremony (daily) altar, 212
          Using Shimjung Candles and Matches, 122-123
               Method, 122

Child dedication (see Eight Day Dedication Ceremony)

Church-related organizations, 17

Circumcision, Unification Church view on, 163

Congregation (developing a), 16-17

Contraception, Unification Church view on, 162

Cremation, Unification view on, 203

Daily services, 18-20
     Format, 19-20
     History, 19-20
     Significance, 20

Deaths, 203-204

Donations (significance), 13

Education of blessed children, 196

Eight Day Dedication Ceremony, 169-176
     Altar, 171-173
          Preparation, 171
          Required articles, 171-173
     Attendance of the ceremony, 171
     Conducting the ceremony, 170
     Grooming and dress code, 171
     If one parent must be absent, 170
     In the case of multiple births, 176
     Internal preparation, 173
     Medical complications, 170
     Significance, 169
     Time of the ceremony, 170

Engagement rings, 191

Euthanasia, Unification view on, 203-204

Flag, Unification Church (see Unification Church Flag)

Forty-day (40-day) ceremony, 186-187

Funerals, 213-215
     Ceremony after attending a funeral, 213-214
     Memorial and burial service for single members, 213
     Special prayers or conditions for the deceased, 215

Gwi Hwan Ceremony, 205, 206-207

Holy Days and Holidays, 83-111
     Holidays of the Unification Church, 102-103
          Landmark days, 102-103
     Holy Days, 83-102
          Format of True Parents' Holy Day celebrations, 85-91
          Gifts, 85
               Holy Day donation, 85
          Internal preparation, 84
          Offering Table,
               Day of All Things offering table, 83
               For family/center, 91-92
               For True Parents, 86-89
          Recommendations for Holy Day celebrations held on the
          center/ departmental/state/or national level, 91-95
               Blessed family celebrations, 94
               Celebration meal, 94
               Decorations, 93
               Entertainment or outing, 93
               External preparation, 91
               Format of Holy Day celebration service, 93
               Grooming and dress code, 93
          Significance, 83
          Time of celebration service, 84
               Pledge, 84
     Significance of each Holiday, 103-111
          Anniversary of the establishment of HSA-UWC in Korea, 103-
          Day of the Love of God, 110-111
          (The) Day of Resurrection of Shimjung and the Day of
          Resurrection of Substance, 104-105
          Day of the Victory of Heaven, 106-107
          Day of the Victory of Love, 107-110
          Foundation Day, 105-106
     Significance of each Holy Day, 95-102
          Children's Day, 97-98
          Day of All Things, 98-99
               Day of All Things offering table, 92
          God's Day, 99-102
               God's Day midnight ceremony, 9495
          Parents Day, 95-97
          True Parents' birthday, 102

Holy Ground, 59-71
     Caring for Holy Grounds, 61
          Upkeep, 61
     Connecting Holy Grounds, 66-67
     Founding the first Holy Grounds, 60
     Establishing a Holy Ground, 61-62
          Documentation, 62
          Where to make a Holy Ground, 61-62
     Establishment of Holy Grounds by Father, 60
          List of 120 Holy Grounds established by Father, 68-71
     Established Holy Grounds not being used, 67
     History, 59
     If a Holy Ground is lost, 67-68
     Procedure to establish a Holy Ground, 62-66
          If a Holy Ground was made incorrectly, 67
          Necessary materials, 62
          Procedure, 62-66
     Significance, 59
     Temporary Holy Ground, 67
     Using Holy Grounds, 61
          Attitude toward Holy Ground, 61
          Prayer at Holy Ground, 61

Holy Handkerchief, 188

Holy Robes, 151-159
     Borrowing Holy Robes, 159
     Care of Holy Robes, 159
          Reblessing, 159
     History, 151
     Holy Robes for blessed children, 159
     Occasions to wear Holy Robes, 155-158
          Eight Day Dedication Ceremony, 155, 171
          40-day and 100-day celebrations, 157
          Holy Day celebration services, 155
          Pledge service, 26-27, 157-158
          Seung HWA ceremony and burial, 158
          Special celebration with True Parents, 158
          Three Day Ceremony, 155
     Receiving or purchasing new Holy Robes, 159
     Significance, 151
     Standard of Holy Robes, 151-155
          Color and material, 152
          Gloves, 153
          Korean-style garments, 153
          Undergarments worn with Holy Robes, 155
          Robes, 151-152
          Wearing Holy Robes, 155-157

Holy Salt, 47-57
     Choice of material, 48
     Duration of this tradition, 48-49
     Effect of Holy Salt, 56
          On people, 56
          On things, 56
     History, 47
     Multiplying Holy Salt, 49-51
          Materials needed to multiply Holy Salt, 49
          Prayer during multiplication, 50
          Preparation, 49
          Procedure, 49-50
     Removing the effect of Holy Salt, 57
          Donating possessions, 57
          Items returned to store, 57
          Sale of property or belongings, 57
     Significance, 47-48
     Storing Holy Salt, 52
          Carry Holy Salt with you, 52
          Keep the first Holy Salt given you, 52
     Use of Holy Salt, 53-56
          Belongings, 53
          Building or property, 54-55
          Businesses and offices, 55-56
          Purchased items, 53
          On gifts, 53
          Purification of House or Room with a low spiritual
          atmosphere, 56
          Rented facilities, 55
          House or apartment, 55
          Motel or Hotel room, 55
          Rooms or areas, 53-54
     Using Holy Salt, 51
          Prayer, 51
          Procedure, 51
          Use of right hand, 51
          When using Holy Salt is not practical, 57

Holy Songs, 45-46
     Purposes, 45
     Significance, 45
     Singing Holy Songs, 46
     Use of Holy Songs, 45-46
     Written by True Father, 46

Home members, visitation of, 17

Il Jeung Fund, 41
     Contribution to the Il Jeung fund, 41
     Fasting condition (relationship to), 41
     Use of the fund, 41

Il Jeung Prayer, 39-40
     Focus of prayers, 40
     Format, 40
     History, 39
     Participation in Il Jeung prayer, 39-40
          By blessed children, 40
          By blessed members, 40
     Significance, 39
     Use of candles during, 40

Indemnity Fund, 77-78
     As a condition for the Blessing, 78
     History, 77
     Offering the Indemnity Fund, 77-78
          Obtaining the money, 77
          When to offer, 77-78
          Where to offer, 78
     Significance, 77
     Use of the Fund, 78

Internal seminar, 18

National prayer condition, 20

Offering Dish,
     Practicing the tradition in a blessed family, 198-199
          Procedure, 199
          Required articles and preparation, 199
          Significance, 198-199
     Practicing the tradition in a center, 6

One hundred day (100-day) ceremony, 186-187

Organizations, church-related, 17

Pictures of the True Family, 43-44
     Carrying a picture of the True Parents, 43-44
     Pictures of Heung Jin Nim, 44
     Placement of pictures, 44
     Selection, 43
     Use of pictures, 44

Plate for True Parents,
     Practicing tradition in a blessed family, 197-198
          Frequency of this tradition, 198
          Procedure, 198
          Required articles, 197-198
     Practicing the tradition in a center, 6

Pledge, content, 21-22, 23-25
     My Pledge (English), 21-22
     My Pledge (Korean), 24-25
     The Pledge of the Families (English), 21
     The Pledge of the Families (Korean), 23

Pledge service, 21-38
     Children's participation in Pledge service, 34
     External preperation, 27, 28
          Altar preparation, 27
          Service area, 27
     Father's insight into the meaning of Pledge, 35-38
     Format for general Pledge service, 28-30
     Format for blessed members' Pledge service, 31-34
          Blessed families living in own homes, 31 -33
          Only blessed members living in a center, 33
          Both blessed and single members living in a center, 33-34
     Formation, 28
     Gathering time, 28
     Grooming and dress code, 27-28
     If Pledge is missed, 34
     Internal preparation, 28
     Service leader, 28
     Service time, 22, 26
          Daily, 26
          First of the month, 26
          Holy Days, 26
          Sundays, 22, 26
     Significance of bows during Pledge, 29
     Where to hold Pledge service, 26-27

Prayer conditions (national and worldwide), 20
     If information was received late, 20

Prayer room etiquette, 8

Prayer position, 8

Prayer rooms (areas), 7-8
     Care, 8
     Decorations, 8
     Etiquette, 8
     For blessed family, 193
     Function, 7-8
     Location, 7
     Significance, 7

Prayer services, 193-195
     Within the blessed couple unit, 195
     Within the blessed family unit, 193-194

Right foot and hand (use of), 5

Sam Oje Ceremony, 211

Sermons, 13-15
     Delivery of message, 14-15
     Preparation, 14
     Sermon plan, 13-14

Services, 11-20
     Daily, 18-20, 193-195
          Format, 19-20
          History, 18- 19
          Significance, 19
     Pledge (see Pledge Service)
     Sunday, 11-16
          Attendance of Sunday service, 16, 195
          Conducting Sunday services, 13
          Donations, 13
          Preparation, 11-12
          Sermon s, 13 - 15
          Significance, 11
          Sunday services conducted by True Father, 12-13
          Time, 12
     Weekly, 16- 17

Seung Hwa Ceremony, 204-213
     Attendance of Seung Hwa Ceremony, 207
          Attitude of participants, 207
          Dress code, 207
     Burial Ground, 210
          Headstone, 210
          Selection of burial ground, 210
     Daily attendance after Won Jeun Ceremony, 212-213
     Format of the Seung Hwa Ceremony, 209
     Gwi Hwan Ceremony, 205, 206-207
     History, 204
     Memorial and burial service for single members, 213
     Picture, 207, 213
     Preparation for the Seung Hwa Ceremony, 207-209
     Procession to burial ground, 209-210
          Pallbearers, 210
          Use of hearse, 210
     Sam oje Ceremony, 211
     Seung Hwa Ceremony for blessed members, 205-206
     Significance, 204-205
     Visitation of burial ground, 211-212
     Won Jeun Ceremony, 205, 210-211

Shimjung Candles (see Candles, Shimjung)

Sitting with central figures, 4-5

Special seminars and meetings, 18
     Preparation, 18
     Suggested types of meetings, 18

Sunday school, 15-16, 195

Symbol, Unification Church (see Unification Church symbol)

Terminal illness, 204

Three Day Ceremony, 187

Tithing, 79-81
     Amount of tithe, 79-80
     Hierarchy of tithing, 80
     Offering tithe, 13
     Significance, 79
     Types of tithes, 80-81
          Financial tithe, 80-81
          Holy Day donations, 81
          Time tithe, 80

True Family, addressing and writing, 6

Unification Church Flag, 75-76
     Significance, 75
     Use of the flag, 75-76
          As decoration, 75
          At Seung Hwa Ceremony, 76
          By blessed families, 75

Unification Church Symbol, 73-74
     History, 73
     Significance, 73-74
     Use of the Symbol, 74
          As ornamentation, 74
          On printed matter, 74

Visitation of associate/home members, 17

Visitation of burial ground, 211-212

Walking with central figures, 4-5

Wedding and engagement rings, 191

Won Jeun Ceremony, 205, 210-211
     Daily attendance after Won Jeun Ceremony, 212-213

Writing or addressing the True Family, 6

Worldwide prayer conditions, 20