Request for feedback from World Ties readers

by Damian J. Anderson

Dear Readers,

It was January 1999 that I took over the World Ties mailing list from Claude Aubert. Much has happened in this year. I have received a lot of very positive feedback from readers of World Ties and would like some suggestions. I was somewhat surprised, but pleased to hear from one sister in the Ukraine who said that she was very grateful to get information on AIDS which she could use in abstinence education materials. Readers are very happy to get current news of whatever True Parents are doing at present. Also, they have expressed delight in some of the testimonies on this list. I just sent out a sociological article on the relationship between fathers being present in the family and the corresponding decline of promiscuity in later life. Such information is important, I believe, to help us build our true family values education with the support of enlightened researchers.

For now, here is the focus of the list:

  1. Reports about the activities of True Parents.
  2. Reports of providential activities of Unification Church members worldwide.
  3. Testimonies of church members.
  4. News articles, positive and negative, related to the church.
  5. News and scholarly articles related to promoting true family values.
  6. Announcements from church leaders.
  7. Sermons by True Parents and church leaders

If there is any category of articles you would like to see on the World Ties mailing list, please contact me at the following address:

Damian J. Anderson <>

Also, if you miss or delete a news article, you can find most of them posted on my web site at:

If you would like to sign up to World Ties, or any of my other mailing lists, you can go to the following URL:

Damian J. Anderson