Appeal to expatriots for mobilization

Timothy Read
11th September 2003

Dear British expats and Commonwealth members,

As you probably know, Britain has been asked to mobilise 120 members to New York for 30 days to support True Father’s initiative for an Interreligious and International Peace Council. To date, 100 people in Britain have volunteered to go for 30 days and also for various other time periods. We have nearly made the goal — but not quite.

I would like to ask for your help at this desperate hour for Britain, and this crucial time in the providence. If any of you could go to New York and work with our British members there representing Britain (with your central figure’s permission of course), we would be very very grateful. There is a registration fee of $500 for 30 days, and $300 for 21 days, which the UK national HQ would be able to help you with if you have difficulty in paying, however you would need to find your own transport there.

For those of you who are not aware of the significance of all this, I would like to summarise below my understanding of the meaning and importance of True Father’s direction:

At the end of the 2nd World War, Britain, France and America, as key Christian nations, were unable to receive the Messiah within a period of 7 years. As victors in the war, they also had a responsibility to serve the vanquished nations of Japan, Germany and Italy, and also to work together to form an effective UN that would be able to resist communist influence in its formation. As a result of the failure to do these things, Korea became divided, and the UN became enfeebled to this day.

Since the failure of Chrisitianity to receive the Messiah, True Father, True Mother, and the HSAUWC in the position of the 3rd Israel, have undergone various 40 and 43 years courses to restore and rebuild the foundation to receive the Messiah.

We are now in a period, having had this foundation restored, to once again do what we couldn’t do before. On the foundation of the 1st (Jewish people), 2nd (Christians) and 3rd (UC) Israels uniting together, through the recent Seoul declaration (which marked the end of the restoration period), True Parents have asked us, representing our nations, to fulfil our role by going to the USA and working together to help establish the new Interreligious and International Peace Council (IIPC), a body in the mould of the ideal UN.

In uniting with the Messiah’s direction to do this, in uniting with the other nations involved, and in working for the IIPC, we will help create the key conditions necessary for the eventual re-unification of Korea, the establishment of Cheon Il Guk and the acceptance of our True Parents. 120 is a number that represents the nation, so True Father is expecting that, as 120 people representing our nation, we can respond to his direction.

I am grateful for your having read thus far, and if you are at all able to help us, even for a short time, please contact David Franklin at the UK HQ at or +44 207723 0721 x100. One key point is that True Father will speak to everyone in the New Yorker early on the morning of the 14th September and we are hoping that you would be able to join in then, so that at least at the beginning there are 120 people representing Britain there. The consequences of us not rising adequately to this challenge are grave indeed, and as you know, it is very unusual for True Parents to directly call on us in this way. Nevertheless we have a great opportunity to take part in creating a new history and I am sure it will be a good experience for all.

Take care, and God bless you,

ITPN Tim Read
UK national leader