Pilgrimage Application Deadline

Thursday, January 13, 2000
by Hong Yoon Joong

We are informing you regarding the pilgrimages as follows. Please respond clearly.

  1. Deadline for application: January 20, 2000

    For smooth administration and the calculation of demand, we will receive applications only upto January 20. Each continental HQ and church is requested to confirm their members applications for the the pilgrimages and report to FFWPU International Seoul office by January 20.

    Continent or Nation:
    Person in Charge :
    Tel/Fax No.:
    Pilgrimage & Sightseeing
    1-Day: Persons:
    2-Day: Persons:
    3-Day: Persons:

    Ancestor Liberation Ceremany
    February 11-12 : Persons:
    February 15-16 : Persons:

  2. If there are fewer than 30 applicants are less than 30 people for any courses scheduled, that course may have to be cancelled.

  3. The fees for the pilgramage should be collected in each continent or church, and, along with the name list of applicants, be brought to FFWPU International Seoul office.

  4. When deciding the schedules for the pilgrimage, one nation should, as far as possible, choose one tour course. If people apply for different courses, many difficulties may arise. We ask for your cooperation and understanding.

  5. Person in charge of the pilgrimage

    FFWPU International Seoul office: Mr. Yun Jong Hong
    Tel: (82-2)6383-3202
    Fax: (82-2)6383-1500
    E-mail: Hong Yoon Joong yjhong@tongil.or.kr
    Seil Travel Agency: Mr. Hyouk Chang
    Fax: (82-2)722-8070
    H.P: 019-226-0530