Unificationist Holy Day Calendar for 2000
by Julian Gray, Today's World
- January 1: 33rd True God's Day
- February 10: True Parents' Birthday
- April 5: 41st True Parents' Day
- May 1: 46th Anniversary of Founding of HSA-UWC
- June 2: 38th True Day of All Things
- July 1: 7.1 Jeol (God's Eternal Blessing)
- August 6: 7.8 Jeol (Cosmic Sabbath)
- September 9: 9.9 Jeol (see upcoming Today's World for more explanation!)
- September 10: 3.10 Jeol
- October 3: 13th Declaration Day of the Nation of the Unified World
- October 27: 41st True Children's Day