Rev. Moon's Fall 1995 Speaking Tour Schedule

                  Family Federation for Unification
                            and World Peace
                  The Holy Spirit Association for the
                  Unification of World Christianity
                      Reverend Sun Myung Moon

                       speaking on the topic
                         TRUE FAMILY AND I
                  Your opportunity to hear the founder
                  of a major new religious movement.
You have the rare opportunity to see and hear the accclaimed religious leader, the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, through a special invitation-only address during his United States speaking tour this September.

Reverend and Mrs. Moon teach that the key to ushering in a new age of peace lies in creating God-centered families and expanding the heart of True Parents to the neighborhood, society, nation and world. It is this idea that has inspired some 360,000 couples of all faiths to celebrate or renew their wedding vows this August 25, 1995 in a worldwide International Wedding Ceremony.

Entitied "The True Family and I," Reverend and Mrs. Moon's message has attracted presti- gious audiences throughout the world. Now is your chance to hear for yourselfhow you can pos- itively transform the world by improving your own life. Don't miss it!

                       TOUR SCHEDULE

                      PHILADELPHIA, PA
                Philadelphia Marriott Hotel,
              September 5 7:00pm (215) 382-0616

                        NEW YORK, NY
                 Manhattan Center Ballroom
           September 6 7:00 pm (212)997-0050 x501

                       BRUNSWICK, NJ
                  Brunswick Hilton Hotel
            September 8 7:00pm  1(800) 254-0019

                         BOSTON, MA
                   The Copley Plaza Hotel
              September 9 2:00pm (617)227-2305

                       WASHINGTON DC
                  The Omni Shoreham Hotel,
             September 10 7:00pm (202)462-8823

                        ATLANTA, GA
          Sheraton Gateway Atlanta Airport Hotel
            September 11  6:30pm  (404)241-2000

                        CHICAGO, IL
              The Marriott Hotel Downtown,
             September 12  7:00pm (312)274-7442

                      MINNEAPOLIS, MN
                   Ted Mann Concert Hall
             September 13 7:30pm (612) 378-1416

                         MIAMI, FL
                    Fountainebleau Hotel
             September 14 7:30pm  (305) 234-7822

                        HOUSTON, TX
                     Adam's Mark Hotel
             September 15 6:30pm  (713)468-4833

                      LOS ANGELES, CA
               The Hyatt Regency, Long Beach
             September 16  1:00pm  (213)681-5291

                         DENVER, CO
               The Hyattt Regeney, Tech Center
             September 17 5:30pm  (303)331-2486

                        SEATTLE, WA
                      Sheraton Seattle
             September 18 7:00pm (206) 523-0242

                        OAKLAND, CA
                 Oakland Convention Center
             September 19 7:00pm (510)486-0767

                       ANCHORAGE, AK
                     Captain Cook Hotel
             September 20 7:00pm (907) 349-4070

Sunday, September 10, 7p.m.
Omni Shoreham Hotel
Regency Ballroom
2500 Calvert St. NW
Washington, D.C. 20008

For reservations and information call 202 462 8823