This site is opening on the last days of the old millennium in preparation for the next one. The Japan International Family Association is an association of international couples blessed by our True Parents. Members planning on getting blessed also attend our services and activities.The purpose of this web site is multiple. The first and overriding desire of the Japan International Family Association is to receive, honor and uphold God and True Parents.
The Japan IFA has been in existence for many years, started by early members including ... We are here to support the community of brothers and sisters from Japan with their foreign spouses. Those residing here at present and those planning on coming in the future.
Japan is never an easy place to come to and begin a new life, especially for westerners who know very little about Oriental culture in general, and Japanese in particular. As of June 99 there were some 160 families registered in the Japan IFA living in places from Hokkaido to Kyushu.
We will include several sections. One is a brief history of the Japan International Family Association. We will have sections for each area, as much as it's possible. Some people still don't have computers in outlying areas.
Yearly the IFA holds several family centered functions. The picture on the left was taken during the God's Day celebration 1999. Another activity is the Summer in Tomiura, Chiba prefecture. This year it was held between Friday August 20th and Monday August 23rd. This beautiful Chiba seaside retreat center, Cape Boy's Home of Nature, provides the backdrop to a variety of activities in a close-to-ideal setting.
We had a great time there the year before as we tried to give our international children here in Japan a chance to get closer to each other through sharing joyful experiences and reflection time in an atmosphere centered on God and True Parents. In doing so, we hoped to create for them memories they can cherish and grow from. 1998 participants may remember that we had to cancel some activities so that everyone could have more time to relax, so this time we decided to lengthen our stay to 3 nights.
Some of this year's activities included a seminar on fishing taught by our brothers from Ocean Church, preceded by a testimony of fishing with Father. The second generation Oni-san, second generation older brother, Mr. Sakurai came to talk with the children (he already won their hearts at the 1999 God's Day celebration). He also performed on the piano for us (we had heard he is excellent).
Besides morning services, we organized discussion groups for the older children to address various issues and to give them a chance to reflect and express themselves. Other activities included Cloisonné craft (Shipoyaki), swimming, beach volley, watermelon 'suika warí', curry making, campfire and more. We also had an adult discussion group session and testimonies. As we did the previous year though, we invited parents to join in on the various activities being offered. It is more fun for everyone when they do, and their help is always greatly needed.
Below are some e-mail addresses of the Japan IFA officials: Ruka Nun-Ira - President:
... - Treasurer
Susan & Kazunori Hosokawa
Nick Bikkal - Maintainer of this web page:
I wrote about my trip to North Korea in October 1997. The Japan IFA hereby invites any person who has a story relevant and interesting to the Japan IFA to also submit it for posting on the Internet. Pictures are highly encouraged.Below I include a page of Unification WWW addresses that you can click on and visit.
If you have any comments, or suggestions please write to me at
I would like to thank Damian J. Anderson at for giving Japan IFA space on their server.
Tokyo, December, 1999