Home Church |
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The Words Of Rev. Sun Myung Moon |
If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give away all I have, and if I deliver my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing.
Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
Love never ends; as for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away. For our knowledge is imperfect and our prophecy is imperfect; but when the perfect comes, the imperfect will pass away. When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; when I became a man, I gave up childish ways. For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall understand fully, even as I have been fully understood. So, faith, hope, love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
1 Corinthians 13:1-13
I don't want you to do home church just out of duty but because of an urge that you cannot resist. If your beloved parent or child were in jail, you wouldn't go to see him out of duty. The people in your home church area are like prisoners in jail, and as God's representative you go there with parental heart. You will never lose by doing that but will inherit the love of God. The more you do as a channel of God's love, the more you will inherit.
Will you go to home church out of duty, or with enthusiasm and the love of God? Listen to the bell of love in your own heart. Your mouth won't obey if you want to talk of anything apart from sounding that bell of love; your eyes and ears wont want to have anything to do with it either. If that is the case then you are not far from the ultimate breakthrough to the spirit world and heart of God and you will always be sure of your course and destination. You are carrying the prescription that can solve all the problems and bring comfort and happiness for each of your 360 homes. If you are living in that heart then even if you don't intend to speak your mouth will automatically open and convey that love.
The Sound of the Bell of the Mind
1.28.79, Belvedere
No matter how loudly you shout your slogan, if you do home church out of duty you will never succeed. Only when you do it out of the intoxication of love will you succeed. The home church arena is where you can obtain the kingship of love. Put everything inside home church, and put home church everywhere so that wherever anyone touches you they will feel home church. When every cell shall be part of the kingship of love then there will be no more hills.
Spring Season of the Providence
4.1.79, Belvedere
Your home church will become your source of intoxication. Even though your arms and legs become so sore from your long hours of work, you cannot help but go back again and again. Home church is the source of your joy.
World Conference
2.25.80, World Mission Center
Would you do it reluctantly, being pushed by me, or are you going to do it willingly? When you become older you long to be married, and in that case would you marry because someone pushed you to do it or because you were longing for it? It's natural to want marriage, isn't it? In the same way, even your physical nature should be longing to become a messiah, longing to reach your destiny.
The Birth of Jesus and the Consummation of God's Will
12.24.78, Belvedere
Why do I drive you out to home church so much? Is it to develop political power to elect a President? No, and it is surely not for money. It is for love. This is a true teaching, and this is a true movement; this is a true ideal. There is no secondary one, so we can't help but do this.
The World of Good and Evil and My Indemnity
9.28.80, Belvedere
If you do home church only out of duty, however, you will never survive. If you become a person burning with love then people cannot help but welcome you and invite you to stay longer with them. You will become a magnet that pulls the people.
If you are truly intoxicated in the love of God then difficulty and suffering have nothing to do with you because you don't even worry about them. Because of love you want to give your most precious things to your loved ones and you hold nothing back. That's the way God is. When we know this truth there is no room for complaining, or for saying you are overburdened. Nothing can bother you, even the person who tries to hit and curse you. You feel instead that he is complaining because he has not received your love and you can't even get mad at him, much less fight back. You must see his behavior as a sign that he is starving for love. When people in your home church area are hostile you should wish you had been there ten years ago for them to receive the good news you bring so that they would welcome you now.
The Sound of the Bell of the Mind
1.28.79, Belvedere
You will discover that when you are not working for yourself, God will come and do the work for you. The Unification Church has the ideal of making that kind of man and woman out of everyone. Eventually they will become parents of children like this who will be leaders. You have to determine to drop everything else in order to be here and continue on and on until you reach the love of God. We don't care too much whether we prosper or perish; we are heading in one direction and we want to do better day by day. Then we are like the rising sun which can only keep rising. You can be confident that wherever you go the sunshine of God's love will be there.
The reason you go door to door witnessing is to give that light to your families also and this is why you must have a clean, pure mind when you visit the people. When we are not carrying our own burden but are supporting the burden of the world we never tire of it; we are never exhausted because love is never exhausted. How many times did you think, "I wish I had not joined the Unification Church"? Even those people who say no must have thought that at one time or another.
When people open their doors and receive you then the seed of love will grow in that house. Now you know that love is the only thing that makes unity possible.
The Burden on Our Shoulders
6.11.78, Belvedere
You were assigned to 360 homes but do the people like you to knock on their doors? You do it anyway because you are chosen and ordained by God to give out His love. I want you to know that you are all the heirs of God and candidates for sainthood. There are all kinds of people walking on the same street you do, but is there anyone else going down the street in genuine innocence, simply trying to give away the love of God? Early in the morning are you motivated that way. day after day?
The Tradition of the Unification Church
12.11.77, Belvedere
When I ask Unification Church members why you were born, you say you were born for home church. When you leave the building to do home church are you depressed by whether it is raining or snowing, or do you feel very hopeful and loving like the rising sun? I really feel that those members who grumble and drag their feet while walking to their home church area should be persecuted; if they aren't persecuted by the community then something is wrong! If you go out with love then even dogs will wag their tails at you; if dogs are this sensitive then how much more aware will men be to whether you have come to share love or not?
If people are persecuting you when you go out to your area with joy and love then they are violating God's law and Principle, and God will never let it go by. God will do something to them according to the law of love. You can be confident that they should have known this already. New York has been called a jungle, but you can visualize it as a desert to which you are bringing an oasis; you are bringing the water of life to the city where love is totally lacking. Once people understand what you are doing there will be an avalanche of people coming to drink.
Our One Life
3.4.79, Belvedere
When you go door to door, either in home church or on MFT, think of it as visiting one planet. Some planets will give you the cold treatment, and some people will spit at you. When you get very cold treatment, think that this house is a winter-season house. When you receive a hot welcome, think that it is a summertime house. That is the way you can rehearse everything in your life. You should be able to round out your character to love all seasons, all weather and all kinds of atmosphere. That is your goal while you are here on earth. By digesting with love everything happening here on earth, you become successful in your life.
Is it right to refuse to visit a home because you know the people are atheists? You should embrace them and be sacrificial toward them. God always sacrifices Abel for the sake of restoring Cain. For this reason I am pushing you out strongly. You are Abel so you must demonstrate sacrificial love to save the Cain world. The more you practice this greater love, the wider your horizon becomes. I have lived this principle all my life. I always forgave the people who mistreated me, and sacrificially loved them. Eventually they were conquered by love, and my own horizons became wider.
Things That Are important to You
2.1.81, Belvedere
Are you going to be someone who desperately pursues true love? Then where would you find that true love? In home church. Even though people in your home church area may reject you and mistreat you, you have the chance to live a dramatic way of life by continuing to go there with true love. Your home church work will continue until all that negativity turns to positivity.
After about three years of home church work, perhaps no one will come against you. You might begin to think that you have finished your mission, when suddenly another negative person appears. You must begin again with him and overcome all the opposition, even if it takes your entire life.
Victory of Home Church (Morning Address)
1.1.82, World Mission Center
Is the center of true love up in the air? Yesterday Sun Jin drew a pretty picture, and asked me to look at it. The person in the picture was missing one eye, the nose was crooked and the face looked ugly, but as far as she was concerned it was a masterpiece and she was proud. She gave her whole heart in creating it, and she wanted it to be recognized by her Daddy. It was a manifestation of her love. Your home church is like Sun Jin's drawing, with one eye missing and the nose crooked. From God's point of view it is like Sun Jin's drawing, but if you have given your love there and done your best, it is beautiful. You are there to plant the center of true love. When that center is in action, you will be welcome wherever you go. True love will activate the people, from great-grandparents to little children.
Will you be good pioneers going toward the center of true love? Would you like to shout it out to the world? I have passed the baton to you, so grab it and go to home church. That's where you will finish the race. Let us become crazy about home church and the center of true love for the next seven years. When you go to home church initially there will be all kinds of rejection, even from the pets. The dogs will bark and the cats will hiss, but you can promise to bring them true love in seven years and tell them to see what happens. You can have the courage to do it because God has been living that way and I have been living that way. Certainly you can do it for seven years. God is not asking only you to suffer; He Himself has already suffered many more times than that.
Liquidation and Blessing
5.18.80, Belvedere
I am pushing you all out so much to home church that no one can stand it and most of you want to give up. But there might happen to be one miserable man or woman who keeps going after home church. That person will become the home church king or queen and all the blessing of the home church will go to that person. There God's history will be written. That chapter will say that on such a year on such a day all the Moonies tried their best but couldn't sustain the pace and gave up. But one cripple remained until the last, determined to die for the sake of home church. God will build His eternal home church upon that faith, just as Jesus built his church on Peter, the rock. The men and women who remain shall be the rock of home church. That's the way the true man and woman are revealed.
Let Us Restore Our Homeland and Fatherland
1.14.79, Belvedere
Until you have finished your home church work, you have no way to complain. You should not get tired. Knowing the Principle, I have no way to get discouraged or to slow down. I continue to march forward; even if I collapsed, I would fall forward, not backwards or to the side. I have always known that I must go over the hill and I cannot stop marching before I go beyond that hill; I cannot afford to die before I get there. Since no one can know when he will die, you must begin now to go beyond the hill. My 21-year course was actually completed in 16 years, five years earlier than scheduled. Why? Because I did not know when I would die.
Victory of Home Church (Midnight Address)
1.1.82, World Mission Center
Home church will only be difficult at the beginning. The first several steps will be difficult but try to cross over the point of persecution by comparing it with my energy at that particular point. When you go just one more step over that point everything will become easy. Can you do it? At the beginning you may wail, "Father, I just can't do it!" But as you continue, slowly everything will become easier. Don't worry about trying to save face. Make a new hole and tighten your belt. Make up your mind, grit your teeth and step forward.
I have been looking forward to home church for at least twenty years. This is my twenty-year dream become reality; even to speak the word home church is a dream become reality for me. I never gave up but hung on and fought it out for twenty years. How long have you been doing home church? Some of you have not even done it for twenty weeks. Are you justified in whining, "Father, I am so tired. My legs are hurting and getting sore"? Do you think home church is incredibly difficult or can it be done?
Home Church Is the Base of the Kingdom of Heaven
1.1.80, World Mission Center
Don't ever think home church is tough. You have to resolve to try it out with confidence, no matter how hard it looks. Find out whether the black or white people are more nasty and then go there. If the people don't pay attention to you, then ring a bell or play a trumpet all around your area so people will come out and take notice. Then the curious people will step forward to talk to you.
The Abel's Path from the Providential Point of View
12.30.79, Belvedere
You have to keep treading in your home church area, whether the people listen to you or not. The Israelites had to circle the walls of Jericho seven times before they fell down, so you shouldn't stop after seven times, but after 7,000 times. If the people don't listen, then cry as you walk.
Total Self Re-Evaluation
9.14.80, Belvedere
You have a mouth, so when you go to home church you should speak to the people. Command your fist to knock on the door. Persecution may come after the door is opened, but that comes after you knock on the door, so don't worry about knocking. The person just might welcome you, or have a special message from spirit world. If you are really reluctant to knock on the door then do so with your feet. The best people in any area experience all these things too, not just people who are having difficulty.
The Way of Prosperity and Defeat
3.11.79, Belvedere
You never hear me praising or complimenting anyone. I only push them harder. Do you like it? Why? Each time you are pushed by me you are going farther toward the goal, even though it is painful. If I am coming at night or at a difficult hour to see you, you may flee but under any circumstances don't complain. The place to hide is home church.
Record-Setter of History
7.1.79, Belvedere
The best way to think is: "Don't pity me or try to comfort me. Just push me out. I need the kind of leader who will make me a messiah." The person who thinks that way won't have enough room for hanging all his medals in front and will have them hanging behind also. Having your medals on your back is very handy because Satan will see them; he always follows you and seeing your medals will frighten him. Will you say, "Father, leave it to me. You don't have to send Bo Hi Pak to chase after me. I will do it, Father. I shall fulfill your expectation 100%"? Do you need someone to push you out every day or do you want me to leave you alone and let you bring the victory yourself?
Home church is like a launching pad for the heaven-bound missile. A rocket to Mars and a rocket to the stars can both be launched from the same pad because everything starts from one point. The home church mission is the launching pad, but how far you go is up to you. From here you can propel yourself up to the nation, spirit world and everywhere. You are an Apollo 11 with the mission of inheriting true parenthood. You are carrying 360 homes and should serve them as you serve True Parents, taking them with you and arriving in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in heaven.
The Birth of Jesus and the Consummation of God's Will
12.24.78, Belvedere
From this year on, will you be different? Will you go to home church and serve the people, cleaning their bathrooms and their garages? You may think you are doing a favor for the people in your home church area, but actually they are doing you a favor. It is not they who will be perfected by the work you are doing, but you; and your certificate of qualification in the home church exam must be signed by the people in your area. For whom are you doing home church? You are not doing the home church providence for Rev. Moon or the Unification Church. You are doing it for yourself. When your body tells you, "I don't want to go to home church " you should kick your body. There will be no one to give you a kick except yourself.
Why, then, do you want to go this way? You must achieve the victory of home church. Like marathon runners, you are running, but have you considered how serious this is? Can Satan run to your home church faster than you and sit there, laughing at you when you get there? You must outrun Satan, reaching the area before him, telling him, "Satan, get behind me."
For three years, you have been listening to me expounding on home church. When you go to your area, you must chase out Satan, not by your fist, but by your love and sacrifice. Unless you do home church, you will be like an automobile entering onto the highway of the Kingdom of Heaven with an empty gasoline tank. You cannot go anywhere without gas.
Victory of Home Church (Midnight Address)
1.1.82, World Mission Center
When Father initiated the year, he gave you a motto and set the instruction. You must write down the instruction and live every word of it. That is the absolute standard. What is the motto for this year? Home Church and the Completion of the Kingdom of Heaven. These are not simple, easy words; the words themselves have a tremendous connotation, meaning, capacity, and magnitude. You have to post that motto on the wall, and check yourself every day whether or not you are living up to it.
State Leaders' Conference
Anyone who listens and is totally obedient, without hesitation, shall receive an incredible reward. Those who try to figure out an easier way will be the least in the Kingdom of Heaven, like John the Baptist. Home church has everything, for kings and queens down to the lowliest beggar. For the last three years you have had all kinds of ups and downs, and hard times with your leader, now with Dr. [Mose] Durst and before him with Rev. [Won Pil] Kim, but it all boils down to one conclusion -- you have to do home church.
Total Self Re-Evaluation
9.14.80, Belvedere
I want to teach you all the things you need to know to get to heaven; I don't want you to blame me later. No one can force you to do home church. God would like to take you to heaven regardless of what you do, but Satan will not let you go without some condition. Therefore. let us all go forward together toward the total completion of the ideal.
Total Completion of the Ideal
2.28.82, Belvedere
I have directed you to do home church, and all of you know why. That is the public way. When things become difficult, you find reasons for not going to your home church. How can you say you are too busy for home church? No matter how difficult it is, you must at least think that what you're eating and drinking is for the sake of home church. You should do home church as much as you eat and drink. You must think that home church is part of yourself and that you cannot cut it off.
Home church people are all imprisoned by a wire fence and they are crying out to you, "Please liberate us, please free us." But you cannot hear their cry and see that they are in prison. At least you have to go there and hear them crying out for you to liberate them. If you cannot do that, you have to pray about that to God and explain the situation to Him. You have time to eat three meals a day, don't you?
Are you paying lots of attention to home church now? Unless you have that confidence, how can you break through even one barrier here? Once you finish home church, you are given credit for doing all the rest. Your arena where you fight the title match against evil is your home church. We have to have a world champion among the Unification Church members. We are competing amongst ourselves. Are you the Church champion at winning, or are you the champion at losing?
The Public Way and Private Way
1.11.81, Belvedere
I have been teaching you all along and pushing you to make your decision, but because I have already given you a Cain area you should get to the point where you are independent. Imagine how much the spirit world will expect of you and support you once you make your decision to go ahead. Imagine how happy and grateful to you Jesus will be to find the real Christianity that he died for 2,000 years ago. The Unification Church will revive the Christian spirit once more and bring hope. It is clear to you now what the Unification Church must do as Abel, and what every Abel must do?
The Abel's Path from the Providential Point of View
12.30.77, Belvedere
Let us prepare a package of love and go to meet God. Home church is the launching pad -- a "Love Apollo". You have a big launching pad, and you must create lots of love. You have to create lots of Acts of the Apostles in your home church area, and make lots of journeys of love. Make your life dramatic, ultimately exciting; persecution is not necessarily bad. Those of you who can say, "I want to create a package of love and I want to meet God in the home church area," raise your hands. Amen. God bless you.
God and Us
2.1.82, World Mission Center
The Unification Church is the church of vibration, the vibration of true love. You did not come here for the sole purpose of singing "Happy Birthday" to True Parents. I don't want you to come for that. I want you to become somebody. Become a Moonie of true love vibration. From today, as a birthday gift take back with you the vibration of true love. You are starting to vibrate today for the sake of the world. Those who want to become true vibrations of love, raise your hands. Where will you give your love vibrations? Home church.
The Vibration of True Love
1.30.82, World Mission Center
You must realize how much God is working in your home church. Have you thought about that? Do you have confidence that in your activities True Parents are with you? Do you think, "I'm sure they love me, and God is with me because I am not ashamed of what I am doing. I am proud of it, and God must be proud, too." If you have that confidence, I am sure your home church people will love you without any question. If you do not go there one day, people will ask, "Why didn't our Moonie show up today?" They will ask their neighbors, "Do you know what happened to that Moonie?" They wont want to be separated from you. Without fail, this will happen when you practice this way of life.
Seeking the True Master
11.29.81, Belvedere
You should be such fanatics about doing home church that your 360 homes draw up petitions to the government to hold you back because you are at their doors so much every day.
Return to Hometown
3.18.79, Belvedere
The era of individuals welcoming me is over, and the time has come that nation after nation will welcome me. Presidents of nations will ask me to come to their countries. The United States may not welcome me until very late, but many other nations around the world will say, "Reverend Moon, please come." At that point the American government and people will realize how precious it was to have me in this country. Now the time of preaching to groups of people is over. The time has come for us to preach to the nation. The Yankee Stadium, Washington Monument and Madison Square Garden crusades were all done by our organization, but the time will come in the near future that each government will prepare such a stadium rally. They will prepare a microphone, speakers and singers, and say, "Reverend Moon, can you come and speak to us?" Furthermore, this is the era of satellites, so my talks will be televised to many countries.
Will you go to your home church with that kind of excitement, or would you do it out of duty? Would you like to do your home church work before such national rallies are held, or after? Unless you do it now, other people will come and take over your home church. The president and government officials will want to do home church, and they will kick you out of your area.
History of the Providence Through Restoration by Indemnity
2.10.81, World Mission Center
I have started all kinds of social activities, schools and factories, and now I am even making a Hollywood-scale film. If I didn't do these things, people would say that I built heaven on earth only for religious people, not the people in the streets, the shopkeepers or the factory workers. Though we do many secular activities, they have a spiritual content.
Unification Church members go everywhere, not as Americans but as citizens of the heavenly kingdom, to research all that goes on. We will visit every house, not to criticize or look for something bad, but to know every family so we can raise everyone to goodness and clear out undesirable things. It doesn't make any difference if people jeer at us. We will not stop going because of that.
We are not doing this for ourselves but for the sake of the young people, to give them guidance and care. Nothing we do is really just for ourselves. We marry just as other people in the world do, but with different purpose and content. You said you are seeking eternal happiness, but do you have the ability to do it? Before you can make a machine you have to have the necessary skills. Are you skillful enough in doing home church work to save the nation? Is that job easy or difficult? How difficult? Saying that it is very difficult is the same as saying you can't do it. As long as you have the idea that it is very difficult, you will find it difficult to succeed. Though you honestly think it is difficult, if you know you can do it somehow then you have some possibility of success.
Eternal Happiness
2.25.79, Belvedere
You must do this just as Jesus did his mission. You have to think: "The 360 homes are the essence of my life. If I succeed, I will live; otherwise I will be crucified. If I succeed in 360 homes, my family will have freedom; if I don't, they will have to be scattered. If I am successful in 360 homes, when I go back to my country, I can work to save the country; if I don't succeed, then I cannot do that. My country depends upon my 360 homes." What about spirit world? Your good friends and all of your ancestors in spirit world are waiting. If you do not succeed in 360 homes, those spirit people have no way to come near you or to go to heaven. Have you ever thought that way? What about God? As long as there is one man in hell, God is still held, because that man is His own son.
Father Speaks to the Crusade
9.5.78, London
We are, therefore, craving to become victors of home church. I want you to know that, unless we conquer the evils of this world, this world will not get better and the Kingdom of Heaven will not come on the earth.
Victory of Home Church (Midnight Address)
1.1.82, World Mission Center