Responses to Questions on
Unificationism on the Internet - Volume 38

Date: Sun, 6 Oct 1996 22:00:38 -0400 (EDT) To: Sally Subject: A question about Cain On Sun, 6 Oct 1996 Sally wrote: > I was looking around on the internet when I came across your Unification > page. I was wondering if you could possibly answer a question for me? > I can't seem to find the answer to it, and if you could help, I'd really > appreciate it. > > I was wondering, what happened to Cain after he murdered Abel? I know > he was confronted by God, but what happened after that? > > Thanks for your help... > > Sally The Bible says that he went to the land of Nod, East of Eden, and became the builder of a town by the name of his son Enoch. He had many descendants, and they were warlike bloodthirsty people. Look at Genesis 4:9-24. Damian Anderson +1-301-921-0082 Home Unification Home Page Web pages on Unificationist ideas and activities in 15 languages and growing. See articles on alt.religion.unification. Subscribe to mailing lists: Send "subscribe unification-texts your name" to Send "subscribe world-scripture your name" to Send "subscribe unif-evangelism your name" to
Date: Tue, 8 Oct 1996 08:01:11 -0400 (EDT) To: Sally Subject: Another question about Cain On Mon, 7 Oct 1996 Sally wrote: > :) Thanks for the quick answer..I hope you don't mind, but I have another > one. Unfortunately, the Bible has often confused me, but latelt I've been > finding myself reading it and trying to figure out what it's saying. > Anyway...if you don't mind, here's the next one: > > from Genesis 4:20-22, it says somthing about cattle, musical instruments, and > brass and iron. Is it saying that these descendants of Cain created (well, > not created, but you know what I mean) these objects? My impression is that there were three classes of nomads: Jabal was a family of shepherds, Jubal a family of travelling musicians, and Tubal, a family of tinkers and metalworkers, in bronze and iron. > Genesis 4:15...."whosever slayeth Cain vengeance shall be taken on him > sevenfold." Does that mean whoever kills Cain is seven times worse than > Cain? Or that he's a much better person? No, it means that God does not want anybody killing anyone. But God said that if anyone should kill Cain, then sevenfold vengeance was due to him. After Cain became a killer, he feared for people who were just like him. But he created the tradition among humans of killing one another, since he killed his brother. > Was the mark on Cain a birthmark? If so, does that explain why we all (well, > of my sisters don't have one) have birthmarks? The mark was a protecting mark indicating that Cain's tribe would exact blood for blood, if anyone attacked them. Cain was the first murderer of the human race. > Genesis 4:23-24....Lamech says "I have slain a man unto my wounding, and a > young man to my hurt"...A puzzler there...and "If Cain shall be avenged > sevenfold, truly Lamech seventy and sevenfold"...what exactly does this mean? He was saying that Cain would take sevenfold vengeance for a crime, but Lamech would take seventy-sevenfold vengeance. This means that they were a vicious bunch. If you wronged them, they took vengeance on you greatly disproportionate to the initial offense. Later on, the law of Moses decreed "a life for a life, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" (The Lex Talonis) (Ex 21:23-25). That may sound brutal to us, but this law was given to limit vengeance to equal payment for a crime. > As you can see, I'm really puzzled, and quite early on in the Book. I'd ask > my grandma ;) but she's a bit old, and doesn'y live near enough for me to > ask her all these questions. Well, the Internet allows you to ask questions to people all over the world. > I really hope I'm not bothering you, but this is stuff I've been wondering > about for a few years now, and haven't really gotten good, in-depth answers > from anyone. I appreciate your help! > > Again...Sally This is fine. Maybe you would like to sign up to my mailing list Unification Texts, where I send out material explaining this kind of thing all the time. You can go to my web page and look for "Subscribe to daily mailings" on the top. If you have any more questions, go ahead and ask. Sincerely, Damian Anderson +1-301-921-0082 Home Unification Home Page Web pages on Unificationist ideas and activities in 15 languages and growing. See articles on alt.religion.unification. Subscribe to mailing lists: Send "subscribe unification-texts your name" to Send "subscribe world-scripture your name" to Send "subscribe unif-evangelism your name" to
Oct 10, 1996 Subject: Progressive Revelation Newsgroups: alt.religion.unification,talk.religion.misc,alt.religion.christian,alt.christnet.theology References: <> <4uad3n$> <4ug7dp$> <01bb8676$933e09c0$> <> <01bb873b$88bc90a0$> <52vpgb$> <01bbb13a$669ceb40$2010b6cc@marzioli> <01bbb140$de2dfe00$2010b6cc@marzioli> <> <01bbb4c5$89d4c400$2f10b6cc@marzioli> <01bbb5af$aaaa1c80$2110b6cc@marzioli> Organization: Sent via CAIS Internet Distribution: On 9 Oct 1996 07:33:03 GMT Marzioli ( wrote: > Contradict - 1: to assert the contrary of : take issues with 2: > to imply the opposite or a denial of > syn see DENY > Once again. What is a further revelation? It would seem that a further > revelation is a direct contradiction based on Moon's teachings, Mormon's > teachings, and other types of beliefs. You say "there are some things > that have not been revealed" yet nothing new has been said! No answers > were given that the bible hasn't already answered. This is an interesting statement. How do you know that nothing new has been said unless you know what has been said? > The only things that are said by these faiths are re-answers that > contradict what Jesus and the bible said. Excuse me, but I don't think you are qualified to make that statement. If you are going to make blanket condemnations about what you know little or nothing about, then it reflects badly on you, not on our faith. > So these further "revelations" are not further but changed/different > (ie another gospel) If God did have something else to tell us I can > assure you it would follow the same guidlines as his last teachings. > Is God now a man that he will change His mind? Is he so finicky that > He will recant what he has said before? God is said to be eternal. i > believe that myself... If he truly is eternal than he is the same today > as he was in the past. God does not recant what he said before. but Jesus said that there were many things he had to say but the people could not receive them yet. He spoke of earthly things and people did not understand. How could he speak of heavenly things? (John 3:12) > Yes I have read Moon's teachings ( a small section ) and I have read Mormon > teachings ( a LARGE section ) and have found numorous contradictions. Excuse me, but you just cannot lump Rev. Moon and Joseph Smith into the same category. You need to take each one on his merits. > If you care to hear them you can re-read my older posts. But I know > you have read Moon's teachings and the bibles teachings too. Im sure > you know more about him than I do. I ask you to look at them again... > Do they follow the guidlines of the bible? Or are they contradictory? > I ask again, Is God so unsure that He recants on his past words? God does not recant what He said in the past, He elaborates on it and makes it more complete. You learn one thing in elementary school, another thing in middle and high school and another thing in college. Are they the same? No. Is one wrong because it differs from the other? No. But don't expect to put a 5 year old into a class on algebraic topology. You teach him how to count first. > These things I have said numorous times too.. If you care to re-read them > you are more than welcome to. You ask the same questions that I have > answered, and you try to refute them by giving me your opinion. Not that > your opinion isn't good, it's just that who is going to accept something > "becuase you say so". If you have some proof about your faith I would be > glad to hear it out. Okay. Say it again Sam. I did not hear it before. > Samuel Marzioli > > Sincerely, Damian Anderson +1-301-921-0082 Home Unification Home Page Web pages on Unificationist ideas and activities in 15 languages and growing. See articles on alt.religion.unification. Subscribe to mailing lists: Send "subscribe unification-texts your name" to Send "subscribe world-scripture your name" to Send "subscribe unif-evangelism your name" to
Oct 11, 1996 Subject: Re: What is the Messiah? Newsgroups: alt.religion.unification,talk.religion.misc,alt.religion.christian,alt.christnet.theology References: <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <535thh$> Organization: Sent via CAIS Internet Distribution: On Sat, 05 Oct 1996 10:07:31 -0500 Steven Coody ("" wrote: > Secondly, Paula, Moon is described by the bible to be the Anti-Christ. It says nothing of the kind. > It is sad to think that you would take what YOU think over what truth > teaches you and that is from the bible. Such arrogance! You assume that your way of looking at the BIble is the only way and everyone who disagrees is wrong. > Your Moon fellow denies Christ as the Son of God. Not so. I'm, sorry, but I am not even going to respond to the rest of this. If you are going to rely on deception and distortion, then I have nothing more to say to you. [ BIG SNIP] Damian Anderson +1-301-921-0082 Home Unification Home Page Web pages on Unificationist ideas and activities in 15 languages and growing. See articles on alt.religion.unification. Subscribe to mailing lists: Send "subscribe unification-texts your name" to Send "subscribe world-scripture your name" to Send "subscribe unif-evangelism your name" to
Oct 11, 1996 Subject: Re: Homosexuality - Newsgroups: alt.religion.unification,talk.religion.misc,alt.religion.christian,alt.christnet.theology,alt.politics.homosexuality,alt.homosexual, References: <325494dc.15786183@news> <01bbb1b9$0bc8dd80$f6edadce@compaq-4112> <534rqc$> Organization: Sent via CAIS Internet Distribution: On Mon, 7 Oct 1996 18:17:11 GMT FJ!! ( wrote: > In article <534rqc$>, > Mike Reith wrote: > >I don't know you, friend, but I have no hate for you. I do not accept > >your sexual immorality as "normal" or good, but have no problem > I am getting really tired of these people who profess not to hate me > and then follow it up by saying evil and hateful things about me. It > is just so schizophrenic, so intentsly dishonest. > FJ!! There is a difference between the behavior and the person. Homosexual behavior is a grievous sin which causes spiriutual death and separation from God. If someone were to jump off a cliff, they can expect to die by falling on the rocks below. To warn someone of the danger is not an act of hatred but of concern. Similarly, homosexual conduct puts you in mortal spiritual danger. Damian Anderson +1-301-921-0082 Home Unification Home Page Web pages on Unificationist ideas and activities in 15 languages and growing. See articles on alt.religion.unification. Subscribe to mailing lists: Send "subscribe unification-texts your name" to Send "subscribe world-scripture your name" to Send "subscribe unif-evangelism your name" to
Oct 12, 1996 Subject: God's blessing of man's dominion over the cosmos Newsgroups: alt.religion.unification,talk.religion.misc,alt.religion.christian,alt.christnet.theology References: <53mob9$> Organization: Unification Church Distribution: On 11 Oct 1996 20:22:01 -0400 HRobin153 ( wrote: > an interesting note--moonies and mormons are both members of > space religions. but the major difference is that mormons > believe that God is an extraterrestrial (which leads to > worshiping ets as God); and moonies believe that humans are > in the position of being lords of the ets (which leads to > working with ets to create the cosmic family of God). Well, Unificationists do not express anything in terms of extraterrestrials. That is something unique to this HRobin/Hamm. We do speak of man gaining dominion over the created world on behalf of God, which includes the cosmos. If there are to be any people on other planets, it is going to be us, if humanity ever masters the physics of beyond lightspeed travel. Einstein's physics said it could not be done, but maybe Einsteinian physics has holes just as Newtonian physics did. We just have not found them yet. The key problem is: m = m0 / gamma where /------------ gamma = / 2 2 \/ 1 - (v / c ) m0 is the object's rest mass, m is its mass at velocity v, and c is the speed of light in a vacuum. As v approaches c, m approaces infinity, so an infinitely large amount of energy is needed to cross the light barrier. The sound barrier was once also thought to be a physical limit, but we went beyond that. When v is greater than c, then gamma becomes imaginary, and we don't know what solutions exist there, unless a particle always goes beyond the speed of light, in which case its rest mass, m0 would be imaginary, and it could not exist at rest. However, since we have to go beyond lightspeed only for a short time, then it could be considered like quantum tunneling, with the particle or person going through an energy peak, only to come out unscathed on the other side with real rest mass, m0. The photon always travels at the speed of light, and so has no rest mass. In fact, it does not exist at rest. If you stop a photon moving by capturing it, it ceases to be a photon, but gives up its energy. Food for thought. :-) Damian Anderson +1-301-921-0082 Home Unification Home Page Web pages on Unificationist ideas and activities in 15 languages and growing. See articles on alt.religion.unification. Subscribe to mailing lists: Send "subscribe unification-texts your name" to Send "subscribe world-scripture your name" to Send "subscribe unif-evangelism your name" to