Responses to Questions on
Unificationism on the Internet - Volume 4

Aug  5 1995

Subject: The International Unification Church
Newsgroups: soc.religion.christian
References: <3vn1n8$>
Organization: Capital Area Internet Service 703-448-4470

D'Angelo Carmine ( wrote:
: hi friends!
: can me someone help to understand why the so called Unification Church
: has became so important in the east of Europe?I want to know more about
: this movement in Bulgaria.Please help me if you can!!!
: Ciao Carmine

There are several reasons for the popularity of the Unification
Church in the former East Bloc:

    *  The Unification Church has always been strongly against communism
       even when it was not popular to be so in the West. Some of
       our missionaries died in prison in the East Bloc.  Those
       who survived met the current leaders in those circumstances
       and are more likely to be trusted than those who compromised
       with the ancien regime. President Havel of the Czech Republic
       for example went from being in jail to being head of state
       in a very short time. As early as the 1950s, right after the
       end of the Korean War, Rev. Moon spoke of the end of communism
       and began the International Federation for the Victory over
       Communism.  He held a conference in Geneva, Switzerland in
       1985 entitled "The End of Communism"  when most Western scholars
       laughed at the idea. He asked the scholars to investigate the
       communist system and discover why it had from its very outset
       sown the seeds of its own destruction, since it is a godless
       ideology which at its heart denies God and mercilessly persecutes
       all religious people. In 1972, Rev. Moon in a speech in
       Paris prophesied the date of the end of communism. He said
       that God would allow it to reach its peak after 60 years, and
       after 70 years, it would be destroyed. The speech is on my
       Home Page under:

       As you know, communism was born as an international power with
       the Russian Revolution in 1917. 60 years later would have been
       1977, and 70 years later was 1987. This was the time of glasnost
       and perestroika. The Berlin Wall came down on November 9, 1989,
       and the house of cards of the East Bloc fell in rapid succession
       over the next few months, with Nicolae Ceausescu of Romania
       being killed by his own people on Christmas day of that year.
       That reminded me of Jezebel being eaten by the dogs. So will
       the tyrants fall.

    *  If you want to know more about the movement in Bulgaria,
       I can put you in touch with our missionaries there. The US
       Ambassador to Bulgaria, a woman, recently attended one of the
       International Women's Friendship Conferences in Washington
       DC, a project of the Women's Federation for World Peace, founded
       by Rev. and Mrs. Moon. I met here there and shook her hand.
       She attended with her son who is a teenager. These conferences
       were held in Korea to bring together the women of Korea and
       Japan, and then in Washington DC to bring together the women
       of Japan and the USA. Many famous speakers came to speak at
       the conferences: Former US President Bush and his wife Barbara
       Bush, ABC TV anchor Barbara Walters, Christopher Reeve, the
       actor who played Superman and who recently had a riding accident,
       Former Secretary of Education William Bennett, and his wife
       Elaine Bennett, Jack Kemp, Jeane Kirkpatrick, former US Ambassador
       to the UN, and many more.

    *  We have a vision for the future which goes beyond race,
       creed or color to embrace all people to work together to build
       God's Kingdom of True Love in this world, not waiting for pie
       in the sky bye and bye.

    *  We offer people the hope of creating the ideal of True Love
       in their families by teaching a very clear strong teaching
       about personal discipline, the virtues of abstinence before
       marriage and fidelity within marriage. These marriages are
       arranged by Rev. Moon.  On August 25, 1995, in Seoul, Korea,
       there will be a wedding of 360,000 couples, many of them
       participating by satellite.  There are expected to be 100,000
       couples from Nigeria alone, and we may exceed the original
       goal. The next wedding in 1998 will be 3.6 million couples.
       The numbers appear to be increasing by tenfold every three
       years. The last Blessing was of 30,000 couples in Seoul, Korea
       in 1992. Those who are already married can participate in the
       Blessing to renew their marriage vows and to receive the blessing
       of Rev. and Mrs.  Moon on their marriage. Those who have read
       and understood the teachings of Rev. Moon on marriage will
       understand that it is central to the salvation available in
       the Last Days, that we must receive the salvation of our bodies
       and God's blessing on our sexual union. Rev. Moon, as God's
       central representative on the Earth, along with his wife have
       assumed the position of the True Parents of mankind and stand
       as the central family in the creation of God's Kingdom on the
       Earth.  Without the Blessing in marriage of True Parents, you
       cannot enter the Kingdom of God. Indeed, you can only enter
       the Kingdom of Heaven as a family, since the family and the
       sexual love of a man and a woman blessed by God are the starting
       point of heaven on Earth, the ultimate meeting place of God,
       man and woman, and the starting point of love, life and lineage.

    *  Rev. Moon has been very successful in igniting the imagination
       of current and former heads of state in his vision for world
       peace. He just completed a tour of 16 countries in South and
       Central America. He met with 8 presidents, and held banquets
       for as many as 400 leaders of business and government on each
       stop on the tour. You may find his speech "The True Family
       and I" from this tour on my Home Page at:

       I also have it available in Spanish, Portuguese and Dutch,
       but have to scan and proofread it and will soon make it available
       in Japanese and French.  In March, 1994, 40 former heads of
       state including Mikhail Gorbachev of the CIS, Sir. Edward Heath
       of the UK, gathered together at a conference of the Summit
       Council for World Peace to discuss ways in which they could
       cooperate to further the cause of peace in the world, and in
       particular in regional conflicts such as the Middle East, and
       the Korean peninsula.  This was at the time of the nuclear
       crisis in North Korea. Six former heads of state will be
       participating in Blessing '95 with their wives.

   *   Rev. Moon met with President Gorbachev in 1991. The two men
       got along very well, even though Gorbachev had a few years
       earlier plotted along with Pres. Kim Il Sung of North Korea
       to have Rev. Moon assassinated. The FBI intercepted members
       of a North Korean terrorist cell in New Jersey who had plans
       of Rev. Moon's house and a cache of weapons and explosives
       in their car.

   *   Rev. Moon has worked through missionaries in the CIS to
       institute religious and moral teaching of the young people
       of Russia. The publisher of the Russian newspaper Isvestia
       has offered to publish Rev. Moon's book "Divine Principle"
       (also on my Home Page) in Russian and give it away to the Russian
       people or sell it for a nominal fee. As a result of this work,
       our missionaries have developed a curriculum for moral education
       in the high schools of Russia, and it is now being used for
       instruction, to the best of my knowledge.

   *   Rev. Moon also met with Pres. Kim Il Sung of North Korea,
       the man who was his arch enemy for many years and who tried
       at least three times to kill Rev. Moon. This was the man who
       put him in a labor camp where the average survival time was
       three to six months. Rev. Moon survived this ordeal for 2 years
       and 8 months before finally being liberated by the bombing
       of the camp by American B52 bombers. Then the guards fled,
       after systematically executing many of the prisoners. Rev.
       and Mrs. Moon embraced and forgave Kim Il Sung and told him
       that he must follow the God-centered ideology of Rev. Moon
       if his country is to survive and prosper. Kim Il Sung said
       before his death in June of 1994 that Rev. Moon, his former
       enemy, is the only hope for the peaceful reunification of the
       Korean peninsula.  Our representatives are having frequent
       ongoing meetings with Kim Jong Il, the new North Korean
       leader. Rev. Moon has agreed to assist the North Koreans in
       the development of the beautiful Diamond Mountain as an international
       tourist resort to assist their desperate financial situation
       in North Korea. Kim Il Sung trusted Rev. Moon as he could see
       that Rev. Moon's motivation was a genuine desire to help the
       people of North Korea, his own homeland, rather than personal
       profit. He has also proposed the building of a highway
       linking Japan to Korea by tunnel at Kyushu and through the
       Korean peninsula and across Asia through China and Russia to
       provide for economic growth and the development of tax free
       enterprise zones. This idea was proposed at one of the International
       Conference for the Unity of the Sciences which Rev. Moon has
       been conducting annually since 1972.

   *   As a result of his South American tour, Rev. Moon as acquired,
       or is in the process of doing so, millions of acres of land
       in Paraguay, Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay, and has received
       the cooperation of several presidents in his goal to create
       a model society in South America using organic farming techniques,
       fish farming, and hunting to harvest the fruits of the land,
       and ocean fishing to harvest the fruits of the sea, to alleviate
       the crushing problem of hunger in Latin America and Africa,
       and many other parts of the underdeveloped world. We have extensive
       boat building capabilities in Bayou-la-Batre, Alabama, and fisheries
       in Alaska harvesting crab, lobster, and a variety of ocean
       going fish in Alaskan coastal and international waters. We
       have fish processing capabilities which we are using to create
       a fish powder which can be dried and shipped to needy areas
       as a protein source. Already, we have sent fish powder to Rwanda
       though the International Relief and Friendship Foundation,
       a humanitarian organization founded by Rev. Moon for emergency
       hunger and medical relief in disaster areas. We supply fish
       already to restaurants and to large parts of the USA and South

   *   We have worked hard worldwide through the student organization
       CARP, Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles,
       to instill in youth a high standard of moral values and a sense
       of service, using the skills learned in college to be in service
       to the world.

   *   Mrs. Hak Ja Han Moon in 1993 and 1994 conducted a gruelling
       speaking tour speaking in all 50 states of the US, 40 universities
       in Korea, the United Nations, the US Congress, the Japanese
       Diet, the Kremlin, the great Hall of the People in Beijing,
       and in 44 countries on every continent. She made a call to
       all people to understand the mission that her husband, Rev.
       Moon has undertaken these last 60 years since the age of 15.
       She made a call to repentance and to revival and for people
       to believe in and receive the Lord of the Second Coming, the
       Christ who has been prophesied to return, Rev. Sun Myung Moon.
       However, the Messianic role is not just for a man, but for
       a couple, a Messianic couple, known as the True Parents. This
       is prophesied in the Old and New Testament. Zech 4:14 talks
       about the "two anointed ones", and we know that the anointed
       one is the Christ. The word "Christ" means "anointed." This
       also indicates that the ideal of the Messianic couple could
       have been fulfilled at the time of Jesus' coming 2000 years
       ago had the people only had faith and believed in him. The
       kingdom would have appeared on the Earth then, but because
       of the faithlessness of his contemporaries, God's providence
       has been delayed 2000 years until the Second Coming. Then
       in Rev. 11:4, it speaks of the two olive trees and the two
       witnesses which are symbols of the True Parents. The fire which
       comes from their mouths is the Word of God. Make no mistake
       about it, the Lord is on the Earth right now and the Day of
       Judgment is rapidly approaching. Every eye will see him, even
       those who pierced him. (Rev 1:7) And, "the Lord will come with
       his saints in their tens of thousands, to pronounce judgment
       on all mankind." (Jude 15). The judgment will take place by
       the Word of God and that will cause fire to be created in the
       hearts of men and women which will burn up all iniquity.

   *   There are many contributions that Rev. Moon has made to
       humanity, but he has been given a very unfair hearing thus
       far. His day is coming when people will come to recognize what
       he stands for and the credo he lives by. Then you will see
       conversions to the Unification faith in the billions and the
       ageold dream of one world under God will be realized, one family
       of humanity, with God as our invisible parents, and the True
       Parents as our visible parents. This is truly the Body of Christ.

For further information, consult my Home Page. I have texts online
in English, French, Spanish, German and Japanese and I am soon
to add Korean, Dutch, Thai, Italian and Norwegian. Then more will follow
as I find collaborators speaking other languages. I guess you got
more than you bargained for when you asked this question, but I
had time tonight and I was feeling in the mood to write.

Also, I notice a reference in your post to Rütgers in Heidelberg.
My ancestor was Guido Rütgers, a brewer who was a benefactor of
universities.  Maybe there is a connection.  He is connected to
the Rütgers university in New Jersey in the USA I believe.  Also
my mother is German and I have many relatives in Germany including
my grandmother in Krefeld, several uncles and aunts in Düsseldorf,
Hagen, Hamburg, and my younger brother, in Erfurt, who was building
a chemical plant, the last time I checked.

Blessings, ITPN,

Damian Anderson         +1-301-921-0082              

Unification Home Page
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Jun 26 1995 Subject: Re: Want Gay ,Bi ,straight Buddhist Penpals Newsgroups: talk.religion.buddhism References: <3sjsf7$> Organization: Capital Area Internet Service 703-448-4470 Distribution: wrote: : Hello, I am looking for all lifestyles Buddhist penpals from all ovet the : world to talk to about anything. I am 22 5'9 brown hair,eyes weigh 142 : and my hobbies are gardening,art,studying nature,bowling. I am student at : the moment. If you like you may e-mail me at the below address. Now where's Namdrol when you need him to tell you this is off topic? :-) "The bodhisattva does not approach the five kinds of unmanly men in order to be friendly with or close to them." Buddhism. Lotus Sutra 14 Lotus Sutra 14: The 'five kinds of unmanly men' includes homosexuals, hermaphrodites, eunuchs, and those suffering from various kinds of impotence. The Sangha did not want anyone to join the order as an escape; it likewise barred from membership debtors who wanted to renege on their debts and young novices who did not have their parents' permission. : Peace..........- : .............................. : Lee Allen : Internet: : Florida USA Blessings, ITPN, Damian Anderson +1-301-921-0082 Unification Home Page See daily articles on talk.religion.misc, or to receive by e-mail, Send "subscribe unification-texts" to Send "subscribe world-scripture" to
Jul 6 1995 Subject: Re: marrying foreigners a recommendation in baha'i? Newsgroups: soc.religion.bahai References: <3te35s$> Organization: Capital Area Internet Service 703-448-4470 Distribution: world Anand Venkt Raman ( wrote: : Dear friends, : I was told that the baha'i faith encourages or recommends marriages : between people of different nationalities and races. I haven't read all : bahai literature, but I was sure that since the bahai faith recognises : no racial boundaries, this cannot be true. Or is this an explicit : religious recommendation in view of a larger good like future racial : integration and harmony? : Many thanks for clarifying this over email. The Unification faith encourages marriages across racial, religious and ethnic boundaries in order to promote world peace. Some governments, such as those of Sudan and Taiwan, believe in this too, are involved in the arrangement of marriages to be conducted by Rev. Sun Myung Moon in the 360,000 couples wedding on August 25, 1995. I don't know whether there are Bah'ai participants, but I would not be surprised. : - Anand : Blessings, ITPN, Damian Anderson +1-301-921-0082 Unification Home Page See daily articles on talk.religion.misc, or to receive by e-mail, Send "subscribe unification-texts" to Send "subscribe world-scripture" to
Jul 15 1995 On Tue, 11 Jul 1995, S. Indiogine wrote: > Hi! Just one question regarding a passage in this posting: > > > REVEREND SUN MYUNG MOON > > SPEAKS AT > > > > THE LEADERS' CONFERENCE > > > > February 7, 1995 > > Washington, DC > > Translator -- Hideo Oyamada > > > > Part 2 of 4 > > [snip] > > Resolving Conflicts > > > > On the national level, Jesus Christ came. He was crucified between > > the right-hand thief and the left-hand thief. Because of Jesus, they > > fought each other; Judaism and Israel fought each other. However, this did > > not fit into the formula course. > > I do not understand what is meant by Judaism and Israel fighting with > each other and what that has to do with Jesus? I believe that he is referring to Judaism as the religion, representing the archetypal position of Abel, and Israel as the nation, the political entity in the position of Cain. Also, the right-hand thief who supported Jesus represented Abel and the left-hand thief who mocked Jesus represented Cain. It says in other places in the Divine Principle that a necessary condition for the Messiah to appear on the national level is that the representatives of religion and politics must unite to exhalt the will of God. This was the same with the Popes and Kings in the middle ages. If they had united to do the will of God, the Messiah could have come earlier. The Fall of Man took place involving three beings, Adam, Eve and Lucifer (the archangel). In the restoration of the Fall, three beings are also represented. Also after the fall, the children of Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel fought, and Cain killed Abel. The Fall was the root of sin which came to fruition in the murder of Abel. The fundamental pattern of restoration is that God divides good and evil and has them represented by two figures, such as Jacob and Esau. Jacob represented Abel and was the younger son, Esau represented Cain and was the older son. Then the person in the position of Abel must establish himself on God's side by making an offering acceptable to God. This is called the foundation of faith. The pattern of how this is accomplished can be seen clearly in the Divine Principle's explanation of the Bible. Then the foundation of substance must be made, in which the person in the position of Abel serves the person in the position of Cain and wins him over to God's side, and restores the birthright, the position of elder son. We see this in Jacob's 21 year course in Haran, the fight with the archangel and then the final reconciliation of Jacob and Esau. Many examples of this exist in the Bible. Jesus was in the position of Abel and the Jewish people was in the position of Cain. When the people could surrender to Jesus' love and service and listen to him, then they would have stood in the position to receive God's blessing, and Jesus could have revealed that he was the Messiah. Since the people did not accept him, he could only reveal himself to that small band of followers who did believe in him. Once the position of Cain and Abel is restored, then the positions of Adam and Eve can be restored. The position of Adam is that of the Messiah, and the position of Eve is that of his bride. At each level, from individual, family, tribe, nation, world, and so on, these positions must be restored. In another example, God divided the world in the latter 20th century into two opposing camps, communist (Cain) and democratic (Abel). If the democratic camp were to practice God's teachings through the numerous religions, then it could win over the Cain side to God. Unfortunately, the democratic side has lost its position as God's elect due to corruption. If it does not repent, it will perish, just as Solomon's dynasty did, though it was great and blessed. > [snip] > > Who was the father of Jesus Christ? [Zechariah.] Zechariah. This > > followed the same formula of legal wife and mistress. The mistress was > > Mary, and the legal wife was Elizabeth. The relationship between Elizabeth > > and Mary was just like that between Leah and Rachel. Zechariah's family > > should have restored Jacob's family; they had exactly the same course. > > Elizabeth should have restored Leah's position and then introduced Mary to > > Zechariah. The result of the relationship between Zechariah and Mary was > > the birth of Jesus Christ. With Mary and Jesus united as plus and minus, > > and Elizabeth and John the Baptist united as plus and minus, a greater > > plus and minus would have been created by the unity between the two wives > > and two sons. If this process of unity had taken place, all of history > > would have been completely restored. > > Is Rev. Moon saying that the father of Jesus was Zechariah, the father of > John the Baptist? If yes, on what grounds? How does Rev. Moon deal with > the Gospels of Matthew and luke that claim that Jesus did not have a > human father? Yes, he is. Mary was visited by an angel which told her that she must conceive and bear a son. She asked how that could be since she was a virgin. Then the angel said that the Holy Spirit would come over her. This did not mean that she would conceive without a man, but that she would know what to do. She immediately set off for Zechariah and Elizabeth's house. You see this in Luke 1:39. Mary stayed there three months and then went home says Luke 1:56. It was during this time that Jesus was conceived, by Zechariah. In the fall of man, the archangel took Eve away from Adam and defiled her sexually. In the restoration process, a person in the position of Adam takes a woman, Eve, away from some other man, in the position of Archangel. There are MANY examples of this in the Bible: Adam Eve Archangel Gen 12:10-20 Abram Sarai Pharaoh Gen 20:1:18 Abraham Sarah Abimelech Gen 26:1-14 Isaac Rebekah Abimelech Gen 38:1:30 Judah Tamar Shelah 2 Sam 11:1-27 David Bathshebah Uriah Ruth 1-4 Boaz Ruth Chilion Luke 1:26-56 Zechariah Mary Joseph Note how ALL these people ( well, the men in the position of Adam and the women in the position of Eve, but not the men in the position of Archangel) are direct ancestors of Jesus. God was working to separate Satan from his lineage and prepare a holy lineage from which sinless people could be born for all eternity. > > archangelic position. All these historical events led up to John the > > Baptist's younger sister being in the position to become Jesus' wife. With > > Jesus destined to be in the elder son's position, John the Baptist's > > younger sister would have become Jesus' wife and all of history would have > > been restored. > > How does Rev. Moon even know that John had a jounger sister? > Is it not against the Bible to marry your sister? Adam married his sister, and so did Abraham. Abraham's wife was his half-sister (Gen 20:12). There were times when God allowed this. > > When Jesus Christ was seventeen years old, he told Mary whom he > > should marry. Jesus Christ spoke strongly about the necessity for this > > marriage, no matter what sacrifices might need to be made, but Mary could > > not accept it. Mary went through such a severe course after her > > relationship with Zechariah. She experienced much persecution from the > > environment. If this sexual relationship had been publicized, people would > > have stoned her to death. If Joseph had not declared that her baby was his > > son, Jesus and Mary would have been stoned to death. Joseph was the savior > > of Mary and Jesus Christ. If Mary had confessed who her child's father > > was, there would have been a problem. Thus Jesus and John the Baptist's > > sister had the same father, but different mothers. They were > > half-brother/sister. John the Baptist knew very well that Jesus Christ was > > an illegitimate child. When John the Baptist received the revelation that > > Jesus was God's beloved son, he could not accept that an illegitimate > > person was the messiah. Under these circumstances, for Jesus to marry John > > the Baptist's younger sister was unacceptable. Although they had different > > mothers, they were both children of Zechariah. How could people accept > > such an incestuous relationship? > > ???????? Apparently, this was another course in the model of the Adam, Eve, Archangel model. Jesus was Adam, John's sister was Eve, and John was in the position of the Archangel. It was necessary for Jesus to go this way, but because his mother did not permit it, he was unable to get married, even by the age of 30. Most people in that culture were married by the time they were 20, I believe. Jesus needed to be married to establish the family level and go on to all the other levels. He needed to establish the position of Eternal Father which is prophesied in Isaiah 9:5. Through his family becoming the model, all people would be reborn into his family through him and his bride as spiritual parents, and become part of a new lineage completely set apart from Satan and dedicated to God. From this family, a new history would have begun. This is the meaning of the parable of the mustard seed. From one man and woman united in absolute love ofr God and one another, a whole new world would begin. > Thanks, bye, It is good to hear from you again. Do you mind if I post my answer to the net? > > Blessings, ITPN, > > > > Damian Anderson +1-301-921-0082 > > Eric Indiogine (, Las Cruces, New Mexico Blessings, ITPN, Damian Anderson +1-301-921-0082 Unification Home Page See daily articles on talk.religion.misc, or to receive by e-mail, Send "subscribe unification-texts" to Send "subscribe world-scripture" to
Jul 16 1995 Subject: Re: Rév. Sun Myung Moon - Le Conjoint Idéal Newsgroups: talk.religion.misc,alt.religion.christian,alt.messianic,soc.culture.french Followup-To: talk.religion.misc,alt.religion.christian,alt.messianic,soc.culture.french References: <3u0ep7$> Organization: Capital Area Internet Service 703-448-4470 Distribution: inet David C. Larkin ( wrote: : In article : (Olivier Amberny) writes: : >In article (David : C. Larkin) writes: : >>In article (Olivier : >>Amberny) writes: : >> : >>Excusez moi, mon primiere post -- tres mal! : >>Alors, qu'est que la raison pour les posts a l'alt.messianic? : >>Beaucoup des amis moonies de francais pourouse le newsgroup regulairement? : >>Ou je desire a converter tout le monde? : >>Je suis tres courieuse. L'appearance de posts concerne Rev. : Moon; c'est non : >>tres intelligent parce que les autre posts d'anglais. : >>P.S. I have not tried french in 29 years. Some words above are mere : >>estimates. : >It's not me, but Damian J Anderson who crossposted very long texts : >written by Rev Moon, translated in French, in alt.messianic and : >in soc.culture.french (among other newsgroups). : >Since we (readers of soc.culture.french) are not interested with those : >subjects, I was telling him to stop crossposting in soc.culture.french. : >I answered in french, because at first, I didn't notice the crossposting, : >and Mr Anderson had written in french. : >Sorry, my mistake, next time I will look carefully at the field : 'newsgroups' : >before following. : I am sorry also. This morning, after a good nights sleep, when : I took a real look at your post, I realized that I had sent a followup : to the wrong post (I had meant to followup to Damian) and I could : see that you were doing with real French what I was trying to do : with pigeon French. I hope you will accept my apology. Have : you had any response from him? Does he actually communicate, or : is he a Rev. Moon Robot? I am happy to respond to questions about the content of the texts in English or French, but what point is there to respond to mindless flames such as those which have been the responses thus far? And even if the respondants from soc.culture.french were not interested, religion is a valid if not core aspect of culture and if these particular French speakers do not like the posts, there may be others who will. The complainers are not appointed as censors or moderators. Since the public response to Rev. Sun Myung Moon tends to be somewhat negative, the positive responses to my articles generally come by private e-mail while the fatuous flames appear on the net. And since we are on the topic, allow me to make a plug for my French Language Home Page at These will be followed by pages in Spanish and Portuguese. There is also a Unification Home Page in German with a link on my page, but it is maintained by Paul Ettl in Austria. I may soon also have Japanese language texts online. : David C. Larkin Blessings, ITPN, Damian Anderson +1-301-921-0082 Unification Home Page See daily articles on talk.religion.misc, or to receive by e-mail, Send "subscribe unification-texts" to Send "subscribe world-scripture" to
Jul 16 1995 Subject: Re: Inceste a l'origine de l'Homme ? Newsgroups: fr.soc.divers,soc.culture.french,talk.religion.misc Followup-To: fr.soc.divers,soc.culture.french,talk.religion.misc References: <3tdi2r$> <3tvgut$> <3u0jgv$> <3u22io$> <3u2o9l$> <3u4q10$> <3u5l7b$> <3u7g5q$> <3u8onq$> <3u9km3$> Organization: Capital Area Internet Service 703-448-4470 Distribution: Sylvain Louboutin ( wrote: : Fabrice Neyret writes: : >je rappelle que selon certaines theses, l'inceste est le seul moyen : >qui explique l'apparition de nouvelles races n'ayant pas : .... : j'avais cru comprendre que on obtenait des 'derive' genetique assez : rapide dans des petites populations assez isolees... (i.e., beaucoup de : in-breeding...); ce qui tendrait a ller dans le meme sens... des : experts? : >Le voici donc, le peche originelle a la base de l'espece humaine ! : quant a l'inceste et la religion.... on nous dit: Adam et Eve... : ok. pourquoi pas (avec une histoire louche de clonage, i.e., a : partir d'une cote, mais passons); Cain, Abel et tout ca; je veux : bien. mais d'ou est sortie la troisieme generation?... : %% : %% Distributed Systems Group, (O'Reilly Institute, room F.35) : %% Department of Computer Science, phone: (+353-88) 527790 : %% Trinity College, Dublin 2, -Ireland- fax: (+353-1) 6772204 La théologie de l'Église de Unification ensiegne que le péché originelle était sexuelle. Adam et Eve ont couvertes les parties sexuelles du corp après d'ayant commis le péché, à cause de la honte. La raison est que Lucifer a tenté Eve avec le fruit, le moyen de multiplication, ça veut dire, l'amour sexuelle. Et après cela, Eve a tenté Adam avec le même fruit, et il a mangé. Le péché des anges étaient la fornication (Jude 6,7) et le péché d'Adam et Eve étaient aussi la même chose. À cause de la corruption de l'amour humaine à l'origine de l'histoire humaine, nos premières ancêtres ont crées un monde de souffrance pour tous ses déscendents. Si les premières ancêtres avaient obéis le commandement de Dieu de ne pas manger du fruit avant de la maturité, ils auraient pu créer un monde de l'Amour Vrai, sans péché, sans souffrance, un monde avec l'Amour de Dieu comme le centre de la vie de tout de monde. Pour cela, le Messie doit venir de recréer le monde de l'amour de Dieu. Et il donne sa Bénédiction à l'amour humaine, tel que n'éxistait pas dans le passé. Cet été, le 25 Août le Messie avec sa Femme va donner la Bénédiction de Mariage sur 360,000 couples en Séoul, Corée. Vous êtes invités à participer. Bénédictions, Damian Anderson +1-301-921-0082 Unification Home Page See daily articles on talk.religion.misc, or to receive by e-mail, Send "subscribe unification-texts" to Send "subscribe world-scripture" to
Jul 20 1995 Subject: Re: No IMMORTAL SOUL QED Re: World Scripture - The Immortal Soul Newsgroups: talk.religion.misc,alt.religion.christian,alt.religion.islam,talk.religion.buddhism,alt.messianic Followup-To: talk.religion.misc,alt.religion.christian,alt.religion.islam,talk.religion.buddhism,alt.messianic References: <3u9b9b$> <3uckdr$> <3ujo24$> Organization: Capital Area Internet Service 703-448-4470 Distribution: ET Chilton ( wrote: : : : "Damian J. Anderson" wrote: : : : >THE IMMORTAL SOUL : : : : : : Every line of your post contradicts a truth in the Bible where it : : : clearly states in Ezekiel Chapter 18 that the sould can die. : : : If a soul can die, then it is a lie to say that the soul is immortal. : : : If it is a lie that the soul is immortal then it must be a teaching : : : from the devil and it is interesting to note that it was he thru the : : : serpent in the first book of the Bible that he told EVE, "Thou will : : : surley not die." : : : Yes she would be like God who is immortal. : : : Open your eyes, where is Eve today? Who told the lie? : : : Yes it is Satan who is still trying to convince her children that she : : : didn't really die but went somewhere else since she was like God and : : : had an immortal soul. : : : QED : Um who told the first lie in the bible? was it satan? No it was : god. havent got the exact quote but didnt he say 'if you eat that apple : you will not live another day'? so if you take the bible to be true her : should must have died when she ate the apple. God said "Nevertheless of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you are not to eat, for on the day you eat of it you shall most surely die." (Gen 2:17) The common temptation of evil is that there will be no bad consequences, but we see the whole history of human suffering from Adam's act of violating God's commandment. The fruit was not a literal fruit such as an apple. The eating of the fruit is a sexual symbol, and God was warning Adam and Eve that they were not yet permitted to have a sexual relationship until the appointed time. What was corrupted at the fall of man was the love and trust between God and man, between man and woman, and consequently the love between parents and children, and between siblings also became corrupt, so all the primary human loves were corrupted because the first love was not true love. From the corruption of love flow all the other evils. The separation from God is spiritual death, so death came to the world through Adam, but it was not death of the body, but death of Adam's divine spirit which was in the process of growth towards maturity. So, God did not lie, but the serpent, the archangel Lucifer, he lied. He is a liar and has been a liar since the beginning, and is the father of all lies. The first human beings were intended by God to create a family in which God could incarnate fully and His love could dwell on the Earth. However, the first family became a place of fornication and murder, so as was sown, so have we reaped the fruits of that. : QED : Ewan. Blessings, ITPN, Damian Anderson +1-301-921-0082 Unification Home Page See daily articles on talk.religion.misc, or to receive by e-mail, Send "subscribe unification-texts" to Send "subscribe world-scripture" to
Jul 21 1995 On Thu, 20 Jul 1995, Charlotte Wenninger wrote: > Hi Damian: > > I am moderating a forum on inter-religous and spirituality discussions. > > I recently had your posts forwarded to me on a Baha'i list which I belong > to. These posts are quotes from various religions on a number of topics, > like unity, oneness, ten commandments etc. > > I feel that I should be letting you know that I am posting these on my > local forum. If you have any concerns with this, please let me know. > I am adding a quote from my religion as well. You are welcome to do this. You will find that in many cases, the Baha'i scriptures are represented in the sections of the World Scripture articles. You can find the whole World Scripture on my Home Page, listed below, and you may also subscribe to the World Scripture mailing list on which I send out an article from the World Scripture daily. If you are interested in the list, the instructions to sign up are also in my signature. If you have any difficulty signing up, let me know. The World Scripture was created by a group of 40 scholars together with the editor Dr. Andrew Wilson who compiled the teachings of the world's religions arranged by topic. The work was commissioned by Rev. Sun Myung Moon, founder of the Unification Church, the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace and the Assembly of the World's Religions which brought the scholars together who cooperated on the project. The book is available in hardcover and paperback. My standard information on it follows: ---- WORLD SCRIPTURE: A COMPARATIVE ANTHOLOGY OF SACRED TEXTS FULL TEXT ASCII ARCHIVE via WWW at Hardbound edition published by International Religious Foundation, Paragon House, New York, 1991, 914 pages, $39.95 Paperback edition, 882 pages, $19.95 Paragon House, 370 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10017 1-800-937-5557 Distribution by Continuum Press. Dr. Andrew Wilson, Editor This collection contains over 4000 scriptural passages from 268 sacred texts and 55 oral traditions, and is organized in terms of 164 different themes. This text is the result of a five-year project involving the collaboration of an international team of 40 recognized scholars representing all the major religious traditions of the world. This archive contains the complete text of the original hardbound version. --- > Charlotte > The oneness of mankind is a spiritual truth > which all the human sciences confirm Blessings, ITPN, Damian Anderson +1-301-921-0082 Unification Home Page See daily articles on talk.religion.misc, or to receive by e-mail, Send "subscribe unification-texts" to Send "subscribe world-scripture" to
Jul 22 1995 Subject: Re: Rael, Moon et FIREPHIM Newsgroups: fr.soc.divers,talk.religion.misc,alt.religion.christian,alt.messianic,soc.culture.french Followup-To: fr.soc.divers,talk.religion.misc,alt.religion.christian,alt.messianic,soc.culture.french References: <3ujms0$> Organization: Capital Area Internet Service 703-448-4470 Distribution: Emmanuel MARIN ( wrote: : Suite a des demandes en e-mail, des infos sur Rael, Moon et la : FIREPHIM. : Moon, ou Association pour l'Unification du Christianisme : Mondial (AUCM) ou Eglise de l'Unification (de nombreuses : filiales de l'Eglise existent sous d'autres noms) : Doctrine - Des parentes avec le Christianisme et le Taoisme. "Les : Principes de l'Unification" (autre traduction) sont en effet un : essai d'interpretation de l'histoire de l'humanite a la lumiere : de passages bibliques. Le peche d'Adam et Eve etait un peche sexuel. : Jesus ("qui ne peut en aucune facon etre Dieu lui-meme") a echoue : ensuite dans sa mission : fonder une famille, noyau d'une tribu et : d'une nation qui aurait a etablir le Royaume temporel de Dieu sur : la terre. Il est mort prematurement, crucifie, ce qui ne lui a pas : permis de prendre femme. "Seigneur du Second Avenement", le : Reverend Moon vient achever cette mission, en fondant une famille : parfaite, modele de toutes les familles (d'ou les mariages collectifs : pour lesquels le leader procede lui-meme au choix des partenaires). : Sous la conduite des "Vrais Parents", ses disciples menent le : combat contre Satan. Les Etats-Unis tiennent une place de choix dans : ce Plan de Dieu : comme la Nation Sainte elue pour garantir la liberte : dans le monde face a la menace totalitaire et, en particulier, : mener a bien la reunification de la Coree, troisieme Israel, nouvelle : Terre promise, apres la victoire sur le communisme. Si vous voulez savoir ce que l'Eglise de Unification et Rév. Sun Myung Moon enseignent, vous pouvez les lire vous même au URL: Unification Home Page Il y a beaucoup de texts en anglais, et il y a aussi des textes en français au URL: Il y a "Les Principes Divins", "La Volonté de Die et le Monde", et "L'avertissement de Dieu au Monde". : Cf. le discours : du Leader le 2 Avril 1972 a Paris : "Nous posons le pied droit sur le : Christianisme pour le subjuguer, et avec le pied gauche nous : subjuguons l'ideologie du communisme. Et nous tendons les deux bras : vers Dieu pour l'amener sur Terre, et le monde sera a nous. Il n'y : aura plus qu'une ideologie." Il n'a pas dit cela. J'ai le texte complèt de ce discours à: Cependant, il est intéréssant qu le Rév. Moon a prophetisé le fin de communisme, et mème le date, en ce discours. : Anticommunisme attenue toutefois depuis : les voeux de succces du Reverend Moon en 1989 au President Gorbatchev: : "Je crois que l'Union Sovietique va jouer un role-cle dans ce plan : que Dieu a concu de construire un monde ou regnera une paix authentique : et durable". Identification frequente du spirituel et du temporel : : "Le Messie doit etre le plus riche. Il est le seul qualifie pour : dominer les choses" (l'"Empire Moon" est une des cinquante premieres : multinationales du monde); recherche des alliances politiques. Il a eu encore plus de succès en l'Amérique de Sul les deus mois passés. : Fonctionnement - Style de vie ascetique pour les jeunes adeptes. : Climat communautaire chaleureux, priere intense, proselytisme courageux : (ventes dans la rue). A cote des membres a temps plein, des membres : associes restant dans le monde. Culte dominical dans les familles. : Et grand nombre d'activites (scientifiques, culturelles, politiques) : pour rassembler le maximum de sympathisants, prefigurant ainsi l'unite : future des nations. Mais des observateurs : soulignent le caractere : ambigu des methodes de recrutrement et d'endoctrinement ; sont : impressionnes par le nombre de drames consecutifs aux ruptures : exigees avec la famille ; s'interrogent sur la provenance et : l'usage des richesses amassees au benefice de quelques-uns par le : travail des jeunes fideles, sur leur gestion (le Reverend Moon a ete : emprisonne pour fraude fiscale aux Etats-Unis en 1986). Interdiction : de l'EU en Israel et en Autriche. Motion de defiance au Parlement : europeen (1984, rapport Cottrel) et en France (1985, rapport Vivien). Rév. Moon mène une vie exemplaire pour ses disciples, et moi, j'ai confiance absolut en lui, plus qu'en n'importe quelle autre personne du monde. Blessings, ITPN, Damian Anderson +1-301-921-0082 Unification Home Page See daily articles on talk.religion.misc, or to receive by e-mail, Send "subscribe unification-texts" to Send "subscribe world-scripture" to
Jul 25 1995 Subject: Re: Rael, Moon et FIREPHIM Newsgroups: fr.soc.divers,talk.religion.misc,alt.religion.christian,alt.messianic,soc.culture.french Followup-To: fr.soc.divers,talk.religion.misc,alt.religion.christian,alt.messianic,soc.culture.french References: <3ujms0$> <3ur3c8$> <3ur650$> Organization: Capital Area Internet Service 703-448-4470 Distribution: Isabelle Dubus ( wrote: : > |> Emmanuel MARIN ( wrote: : > : > |> : > |> Cependant, il est intéréssant qu le Rév. Moon a prophetisé le fin : > |> de communisme, et mème le date, en ce discours. : > |> : Ca me rappelle que vers l'ete 1992, une secte/eglise d'origine coreenne : distribuait des prospectus annoncant la fin du monde pour le mois : d'octobre (leur gourou l'avait predit, alors...). Ca m'embetait un peu : parce que je devais soutenir ma these en Decembre, et je ne voulais pas : bosser pour rien. J'ai garde le papier accroche au dessus de mon bureau : jusqu'au 1er Novembre, apres quoi il a bien fallu que je me remette au : travail pour rattrapper le temps perdu. Il a prophetisé le fin du communisme, pas du monde. Nous enseignons que le monde physique va rester pour l'éternité, mais le monde du mal va passer, et un nouveau monde de bonté sera crée, pas par les cataclismes, mais par la révolution spirituel qui vient de la révélation de la parole de Dieu. : Isabelle DUBUS : Bénédictions, ITPN, Damian Anderson +1-301-921-0082 Unification Home Page See daily articles on talk.religion.misc, or to receive by e-mail, Send "subscribe unification-texts" to Send "subscribe world-scripture" to
Jul 28 1995 From!!damian Fri Jul 28 17:07:11 1995 Path:!!damian From: (Damian J. Anderson) Newsgroups: talk.religion.misc,talk.politics.misc,alt.rush-limbaugh,,alt.politics.democratic.d,,alt.activism Subject: Re: Subject: Why do Religious Right hate children? Followup-To: talk.religion.misc,talk.politics.misc,alt.rush-limbaugh,,alt.politics.democratic.d,,alt.activism Date: 28 Jul 1995 21:04:17 GMT Organization: Capital Area Internet Service 703-448-4470 Lines: 16 Message-ID: <3vbjch$> References: <3u8g7c$> <3u9vm1$> <3ug9j5$> <3v9eig$> <3vabp1$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Xref: talk.religion.misc:174477 talk.politics.misc:395174 alt.rush-limbaugh:95624 alt.activism:115572 It certainly is peculiar that the Godless Left accuse the Religious Right of not liking children. The Godless Left favor homosexuality, abortion, divorce, while the Religious Right favor life, monogamous committed heterosexual marriage, belief in God, and the Judeo-Christian moral value system. It seems clear to me that the values of the Right are by far more favorable to children than the left. They also tend to be the ones having the children, not the gays and those who murder their babies. Blessings, ITPN, Damian Anderson +1-301-921-0082 Unification Home Page See daily articles on talk.religion.misc, or to receive by e-mail, Send "subscribe unification-texts" to Send "subscribe world-scripture" to
Jul 27 1995 On Tue, 25 Jul 1995, Isabelle Dubus wrote: > > Moon a prophetisé le fin du communisme, pas du monde. Nous enseignons > > que le monde physique va rester pour l'éternité, mais le monde du > > mal va passer, et un nouveau monde de bonté sera crée, pas par > > les cataclismes, mais par la révolution spirituel qui vient de > > la révélation de la parole de Dieu. > > > > > > Damian Anderson +1-301-921-0082 > > Unification Home Page > > Tout ceci est effectivement un bel espoir mais y a-t-il une raison > particuliere qui t'as fait croire en l'enseignement de Moon plutot qu'un > autre prophete? Ils sont nombreux ceux qui parlent d'amour et qui disent > transmettre la parole de Dieu. Mais il y a une difference entre parler > d'amour et le mettre en pratique. En principe, l'amour de Dieu concerne > tous les etres humains, et aimer Dieu c'est aimer ce qu'Il a cree, c'est > vivre avec les autres hommes malgre toutes leurs imperfections, ce n'est > pas s'eloigner du monde et se regrouper entre personnes qui prient de la > meme maniere en suivant les indications d'un prophete. On doit ecouter ses paroles et regarder ses oeuvres, et puis decider s'il est faux ou vrai. Vous pouvez faire cela comme j'ai fais, et decider pour vous même. > Amicalement, > Isabelle > > -- > Isabelle DUBUS > Fac Medecine Paris-Sud > et bientot Fac de Pharmacie de Bordeaux Blessings, ITPN, Damian Anderson +1-301-921-0082 Unification Home Page See daily articles on talk.religion.misc, or to receive by e-mail, Send "subscribe unification-texts" to Send "subscribe world-scripture" to
Aug 1 1995 From Tue Aug 1 17:37:04 1995 Status: O X-Status: Newsgroups: talk.religion.misc,alt.religion.christian,soc.culture.french, Date: Tue, 1 Aug 1995 17:37:03 -0400 (EDT) From: "Damian J. Anderson" To: Frederic GOUDAL cc: Odent Jean Philippe Subject: Frederic GOUDAL In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Fcc: sent-mail MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII On Tue, 1 Aug 1995 Frederic GOUDAL wrote: > Hum ton programme de filtre est un peu con mais comme je vois que tu as > decide de filtrer on va faire le tour.... > Je croyais que tu voulais une nouvelle societe basee sur le bien. > Mais comme tu refuse la discussion c'est bien ce que je pense, tu n'est > qu'un triste sire, toi et ta croyance idiote. > > Alors arrete de poster tes conneries sur s.c.f C'est évident à moi que tu a aucune interesse en discussion, et veut seulement insulter. Ma programme de filtre travail bien à eliminer e-mail que je ne veux pas des gens qui aiment insulter. Si tu as quelque chose constructif a dire, dit le publiquement. Un proverbe de l'Orient dit: Le caravan continue malgré le bruit des chiens. Fais beaucoup de bruit si tu veux, m'ai je n'écoute pas. Je suis interesse à eux qui vont faire du change positifs dans la vie et dans le monde. > quoi une signature ??? > devine... Blessings, ITPN, Damian Anderson +1-301-921-0082 Unification Home Page See daily articles on talk.religion.misc, or to receive by e-mail, Send "subscribe unification-texts" to Send "subscribe world-scripture" to
Aug 1 1995 To: (GurmeetC) Subject: Re: World Scripture - Heaven and Hell Newsgroups: talk.religion.misc,alt.religion.christian,alt.religion.islam,talk.religion.buddhism,alt.messianic Organization: Capital Area Internet Service In article <3vlhub$> GurmeetC ( wrote: : Damien writes : >Subject: World Scripture - Heaven and Hell : >From: "Damian J. Anderson" Higher than all stands the : >Realm of Grace-- : >None can have access there except heroes of supreme might, : >Inspired by God-consciousness. : >*In that sphere abide numberless heroines like Sita of surpassing praise : >And beauty indescribible. : >Those to God united suffer not mortality nor delusion. : >In that sphere abide devotees assembled from the various universes, : >Cherishing the holy Eternal ever in their hearts. : >In everlasting bliss. : >The formless Supreme Being abides in the Realm of Eternity. : >Over His creation He casts His glance of grace. : >In that realm are contained all the continents and universes, : >Exceeding in number all count. : >Of creation, worlds upon worlds abide therein-- : >All obedient to His Will; : >He watches over them in bliss, : >And has each constantly in mind. : >Saith Nanak, Such is that realm's [glory] that to try to describe it is : to : attempt the impossible. : > Sikhism. Adi Granth, Japuji 37 M.1, p. 8 : Above is a pretty good translation, except for reference to heroine Sita. : The word 'sita' in punjabi has another meaning i,e.: 'sewn or covered'. : *This sentence should read as follows; : There the blessed devotees are covered with exalted praise. : There is no heaven or hell in sikh religion. According to adi granth the : soul travels in the cycle of life and death through various forms of life : and suffers. The human form is the only form where it has an opportunity : to get out of the cycle of life and death. Through constant meditation and : company of holy saints in human life the devotee goes through three other : levels of spirtual consciousness before he is extremely blessed and : reaches above level of grace. This sphere of grace is not a physical : existence but is a sphere of consicousness of spirits. One can also reach : this sphere while the spirit is still in human body and a person is alive. : I enjoyed reading your article. Thanks, Gurmeet. It is always pleasing to get public acknowledgement. You will see an article in this series every day, or you can see the whole World Scripture on my Web Page under: : Gurmeet. Blessings, ITPN, Damian Anderson +1-301-921-0082 Unification Home Page See daily articles on talk.religion.misc, or to receive by e-mail, Send "subscribe unification-texts" to Send "subscribe world-scripture" to