Sample Small Group Agreement:
Washington Family Church

We are a ____________________________ group. (type of group)

1. The Objectives of our group are:

2. We will meet for following dates (enter 7 to 10 dates): __/__,   __/__,   __/__,   __/__,
      __/__,   __/__,   __/__,   __/__,   __/__,   __/__ .

3. We will meet on time from ___________to ___________. We will start and end on time.

4. We will meet at ___________________________________(location).

5. Our meeting plan will be 
    _________________________________                     _______________________.

6. Each one of us will pray for each of the other members of the group and their families at
     least once every week.

7. We agree to the following primary values for our group.

  • Priority – we will give the group meetings priority in our lives
  • Participation – we respect one another, and there is no such thing as stupid or uninteresting comments or questions
  • Confidentiality –Anything of a personal nature that is said in a meeting is never repeated outside the meeting.
  • Meeting Format: Meetings will be Open for guests / Closed to guests (circle one).
  • ____________________________________ 
8.  Group Structure:

      Facilitator: ________________________

      Host: ________________________   (Assistant to Facilitator and future leader)

Signed: _________________________________________  Date: __________________