The Sermons of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

200 Volume Speech Set - 1956 to 1995
Limited Edition - Hardbound Volumes
First English Translation

August 3, 1997

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

You may know my name, I am Damian Anderson, the author of the Unification Home Page on the Internet and an avid proponent of the cause of disseminating and popularizing the teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon worldwide.

Yesterday, I took over responsibility for the HSA-UWC Speech Department which publishes Rev. Moon's speeches in America. I now have access to a greatly enlarged body of material which I plan to put on the World Wide Web and to publish in book form. You may find the Unification Home Page at:

However, there is a cost incurred in the production of those speeches and I would like those of you who value and appreciate those speeches to consider sending a tax-deductible donation to the address given at the bottom of this notice. This will cover the costs of production of the printed word and fund the production of further work in this ministry.

Today, though, my main interest is in promoting the publication of Rev. Sun Myung Moon's sermons in book form by going back to the original tapes and retranslating from the Korean. The result is a work of exceptional quality, in very good English, beautifully bound, a pure work of love and inspiration.

Thanks to those of you who have already supported this project. We need more subscribers if this publication effort is to continue. The project requires the work of translators, editors, proofreaders, printers, bookbinders and all this costs money. I will be happy if the project can get these precious sermons into print as they have never before appeared in the English language.

So what can you do? Please subscribe to this book series as it is published. The first 6 volumes are still available for $100 for the set plus shipping. The second 6 volumes, volumes 7 to 12 will be sent out as they are published. We would like to accelerate the pace of production, but we want to be sure that people will buy them if we commit the resources to publication.

Please use the form below to subscribe. If you have any questions, please contact me at the address given at the foot of the page. Please forward this message to any friends who may be interested in this deeply moving set of speeches by Rev. Sun Myung Moon.


Damian Anderson


Yes, please enroll me in the Speech Book Club.

Please select a plan. You will receive Volumes 7 to 12 as they are printed.

___ Plan 1: Bill my credit card $20 + shipping when each book is sent to me.
___ Plan 2: Bill my credit card one time for $100 + shipping (for 6 books)
___ Plan 3: Check enclosed for $100 + shipping (for 6 books)

Shipping Charges for 6 volumes:

___ $20 in the USA
___ $90 overseas air mail
___ $20 overseas surface mail

Please write clearly.

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Address ____________________________________________________________________
Tel #   ____________________________________________________________________
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Credit Card # ____________________________ Expiration Date: ________________ 
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Damian J. Anderson

HSA-UWC Speech Department, 9229 Frostburg Way, Montgomery Village, MD 20879

Tel: +1-301-921-0082 Fax: 301-417-7094 E-mail: