Blessing and Ideal Family
by Reverend Sun Myung Moon
Chapter Five
Part 3
What are spiritual children? They represent three lost archangels.
Adam and Eve fell because the three archangels did not stand in a
realm of supporting each other. This has to be indemnified. Thus three
spiritual children representing the three archangels have to become
one and stand in a position to offer their lives to Adam. You stand in
the position of Adam and Eve toward your spiritual children. You must
make the realm of heart where the three spiritual children who stand
representing the three archangels do not have any regret in offering
their lives to their spiritual parent. Through education, you must
make that relationship.
The purpose of God's creating archangels was for them to educate and
take care of Adam and Eve until they established a realm of heart for
making a family. But in the opposite way, they brought about a
problem. This fact was the fall. Thus the restoration of the realm of
heart is established by three spiritual children who are the same as
three archangels becoming one and standing in a position of having no
regret in giving their lives for you. In this way, for the first time,
you can stand in a position of having indemnified the failure of Adam
to unite the three archangels.
We absolutely need spiritual children. Adam and Eve had three
archangels in front of them. Adam and Eve could not become God's
perfected children without establishing these archangels in the
position of serving them all their lives. But the archangel Lucifer
drifted away from his position and seduced Adam and Eve into falling.
We must restore this through indemnity. Three spiritual children,
viewed horizontally, are in the position of three archangels. They
have to become completely one.
Originally, in the place of the archangels becoming one with God, Adam
and Eve were created. The archangels were created first, and by
becoming one with God, they created Adam and Eve. We must restore that
standard. Thus we must first raise up spiritual children.
It is the fundamental rule that on the foundation of already prepared
spiritual children, you are to receive the Blessing and have children.
You must symbolically create the three archangels. In the same way
that God created the archangel, all things, and then His son and
daughter, you must pass through the course of Adam and Eve's
recreating the lost road. Only by raising up three spiritual children
can you set up the condition of restoring three archangels.
Only by having those archangels stand in a supportive position and
dedicating their lives, can Adam be recreated. Archangels were created
as helpers and objects who serve and praise God. But because Adam and
Eve fell, they lost the angelic world and material of the universe.
Thus we must restore and recreate what was lost. The archangel is a
being like Satan and is a spiritual child in the position of Cain.
You must raise up three spiritual children. Because Jesus' disciples,
who were supposed to be one body with Jesus centering on him, took the
position of betraying Jesus, you must raise up three spiritual
children to restore this. Moreover, you must restore 12 disciples and
72 disciples. This is the assignment that we must accomplish in our
indemnity course. We must raise up three spiritual children, and
centering on them, we must establish 12 disciples, 72 disciples and
120 disciples. This was the 21-year course that Father accomplished.
You must find three spiritual children. Once you have done this, you
have established the condition of raising up three archangels, three
sons of Adam and three Cain-type older brothers in the satanic world.
The Old Testament Age was the age of race; the New Testament Age, the
age of nation; and the Completed Testament Age is the age of the
world. In the Old Testament Age, 600,000 Israelites had to find their
way to Canaan. In the New Testament Age, Jesus, centering on a nation,
had to establish a worldwide Canaan. In the Completed Testament Age,
we, the Unification Church, have to establish a cosmic land of Canaan
within the realm of the world. From this viewpoint, three stages and
three children are indispensable.
And again, just as God is called the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,
and just as there are the first, second, and third Adams, and there
were three archangels, we must establish three spiritual children.
Thus Jesus also needed three disciples. l he Unification Church also
sets up three families first. On that foundation we could be connected
in all directions by making 12 families, and I could enter the center.
Jesus also had to make 12 families centering on 12 disciples in order
to protect his family. Do you now understand the importance of
spiritual children?
And if I do not save the worldwide Cain. I cannot enter heaven. In
order to connect Cain of three ages, that is, the Old Testament, New
Testament and Completed Testament ages, it is absolutely necessary. In
the representative positions they can become one, and this can change
the direction of the satanic world.
The words that we must guard against the most in the Unification
Church are, "Do not witness." The words, "It is OK not to witness. It
is OK not to have any spiritual children," are the words that Satan
likes the most.
In order to establish the standard of accomplishing God's greatest
hope, we must set up indemnity conditions. When setting up indemnity
conditions, we are not just setting up conditions; we must set up
substance. What is the resentment of God? It is losing Adam's eight
family members -- Adam and Eve and their three sons and spouses. That
is why in order to dissolve that resentment, we must establish three
children. When you find three children, you are finding eight family
members, including men and women.
Setting up these eight family members is the best road to filial piety
and loyalty. Without setting up these three children, we cannot return
to God. We must absolutely fulfill this life and death matter.
What is the fall? It is the loss of eight family members centering on
the false parent. In other words, losing Cain, Abel, Seth, and their
spouses-all together eight family members centering on evil parents --
is the fall. Thus we must restore eight family members. In order to go
over this life and death matter, we must equip ourselves with eight
family members.
Quickly find three spiritual children. A woman has to find three
daughters, and a man has to find three sons. Originally, the person
who did the witnessing was supposed to arrange marriage for those
spiritual sons and daughters. Do you understand what I am saying? The
only thing that remains in the universe is the Blessing. It is only
the Blessing. All of this is plausible because Father gives proof.
Marriage is not done alone. If a couple has three spiritual children,
with three sons to whom the man witnessed and three daughters to whom
the woman witnessed, they have to marry them first, second and third,
just as they are. In that way they have to find eight family members.
Since Adam lost eight family members, without finding them, a person
cannot enter the road of restoration. At the time of Noah, God sent
the flood judgment when they became eight in number. God could wipe
away Satan's world because there were eight family members. If eight
family members are not there, a person cannot do the work of
Jesus also did his work in order to establish eight family members.
The reason for his setting up three disciples was also that he needed
eight family members in order to fulfill Israel. Jesus' three
disciples are archangel types representing three ages. In other words,
Jesus is restoring through indemnity in one moment the mistake of Adam
by passing through three ages. He is fully restoring three archangels
who were lost spiritually.
Jesus' three disciples also had to be willing to die in his place.
Actually, the archangel has no children. But because man fell, he came
to stand in the position of child of the archangel. Thus we must deny
that relationship and walk the road of restoration to the origin by
connecting with God's heart.
When Jesus was born, why did three wise men from the East come? They
came as the restored archangels of the spirit world. They were from
foreign countries and had no relationship with Jesus whatsoever. The
fact that these three wise men came from the East and offered gold,
frankincense, and myrrh was a promise that all of the angelic, satanic
world, that is, all of the archangels, would be offered. In this way,
Jesus started out as an Adamic being.
Since satanic representatives offered everything, Israel's three high
priests, who were heaven's representatives, had to submit to Jesus. If
that had happened, Jesus wouldn't have died on the cross. But because
that did not happen and he lost everything, Jesus died on the cross.
Where did the archangels who came from the spiritual world go? Where
did the high priest who represented the nation go? He lost everything.
Next, where did the representatives of new religions, who had to
testify to Jesus centering on John the Baptist, go? They too were all
lost. Since he lost Joseph's family and even his last hope, the three
main disciples, where could Jesus go? There was no place. Thus he had
to die.
If you do not have three spiritual children, I cannot give you the
Blessing, and you cannot receive the Blessing. But there are some
people who did not set this kind of condition and are leading their
lives after receiving the Blessing. These people also have to quickly
establish three spiritual children. Even after the Blessing, three
archangels have to want to support that couple and that family. If
three spiritual children who are like three archangels supported you
as an individual but did not support you as a family and couple, it is
not good. In order to make that foundation of support, you need a
period of three years.
If a couple becomes one having accomplished this standard, since they
each have three spiritual children, there will be eight all together,
including the couple. In this way, by realizing the condition that the
people who are in the position of the archangel became completely one
with the spiritual parents, from there they can be restored to the
position of eight members of Adam's family. If a man and woman, who
each have spiritual children, enter a realm of life by getting
matched, and achieve the standard of becoming one by reciprocal love
and by not disobeying God, the three persons, who are like archangels,
enter the domain of adopted children.
The eight members of fallen Adam's family came to stand in the
position of Satan's children. Thus, for fallen persons to be restored,
they cannot enter immediately the position of God's child of direct
descent, but must go through the domain of adopted child. From the
domain of adopted child, the person has to become one with his or her
parent and grow up for seven years from the standard of the perfection
level of the growth stage.
You have not yet gone up to the standard of perfection. It is the
teaching of the Principle that in order to enter God's direct
dominion, you must go over the standard of perfection. You are not
like that now. Overall, you are about at the standard of the
perfection level of the growth stage. Adam's family fell at the
perfection level of the growth stage. But we, centering on that, have
to go up with the standard of perfection as our goal, and that is the
seven years for the formation of the family.
Because Adam's family fell, everything in the world came to be fallen.
Thus, by becoming one with your spiritual parent, you must become a
family that lives with world restoration as your goal. Because of the
fall, eight members of Adam's family fell into the unprincipled domain
under Satan. Now in a reverse process with spiritual parent and
spiritual children becoming one, you are going from the position of
Satan's child to the standard of God's adopted child. For that reason,
these eight people have to become completely one and go the way of
sacrifice for the sake of the restoration of the world.
Satan made man and woman fall by going the way of sacrificing their
surroundings, but we are sacrificing ourselves in order to save the
world and are putting this into practice. Satan made the world fall in
order to destroy the world centering on himself. But we have to
sacrifice ourselves and go in the opposite way to save this world.
This fundamental rule will never be shaken. By forming a restored
family, the world will be separated into families of the fallen world
and families of the restored parent.
In order to make a heavenly family, you must have three spiritual
children. In this way you cannot say that you have prepared a family
foundation without making a foundation of spiritual sons and
daughters' attending your physical children, whom you beget after
receiving the Blessing, even from when they are in the womb. Father is
not saying this merely for practical reasons. It is the law of heaven.
For that reason Jesus also tried to embrace his three disciples even
at the final place of death. But all of them ran away. Thus Jesus had
to ascend from there. If the three disciples had died with Jesus,
before resurrecting Jesus, God would have resurrected the three
disciples. If that had happened, Jesus would not have had to
resurrect, but only the Holy Spirit would have had to come down to
earth. In that way, if a spiritual foundation had been established on
earth, the faithful could have had direct contact with the spiritual
world without praying so much. But because there was no standard on
earth for him to be the parent, Jesus, who was the father, had to go
to the spiritual world as the representative of heaven, and the Holy
Spirit, who symbolized the mother, had to come down to earth.
Since the father and the mother were separated, it was very hard for
people to become their children. It is clear that this happened
because the three disciples of Jesus had not established a victorious
base of restoration on earth and because they did not set the
condition of going through life and death together with Jesus. Since
this is the law, every Unification Church member should know that he
cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven without establishing this family.
Jesus died because of that, and Father also suffered for 21 years
because of that; and also God has been working for 6,000 years in
order to end that. This is the formula course that everyone who learns
the Principle has to go. There is no forgiveness in this formula
course. There is no forgiveness. No matter how well a person knows
Father, this is the way it is.
You must from now restore the family. In order to do that, you must
find three spiritual children. In this way, by establishing a four
position foundation with those children and by making an external four
position foundation of faith centering on you as parent, you must make
the foundation of your spiritual children's completely serving your
direct children. What is the significance of these three spiritual
children? They correspond to three archangels in the spiritual world.
In the same way as the three archangels' attending Adam and Eve from
when they were created, your spiritual children have to attend the
children you will have after your Blessing, from when they are in the
womb. What does this mean? You are indemnifying on this earth the
standard of the archangel's supporting Adam from before his creation
to when Adam got married after becoming mature. Thus, three spiritual
children are absolutely needed.
There is the age of Adam, of Jesus, and of the Second Coming. Here,
Adam is the first son, Jesus is the second son, and the Second Coming
is the third son. In these three ages, who opposed restoration
history? Cain always opposed Abel. Thus Cain-type restoration has to
be accomplished, and three archangels have to be restored first. In
this way, without making the foundation of their completely attending
the child you will have after the Blessing, your descendant cannot
become heaven's citizen. This is the law of heaven.
Jesus also died because he did not fulfill this. If it was not like
that, but rather was as simple as you think, then why did Jesus die?
Did he die because there were no unmarried women at that time? It is
because he has to obey this heavenly law. Because that is the formula
for entering the Kingdom of Heaven, you cannot enter without walking
that formula course. You do not enter the Kingdom of Heaven
individually but only as a family.
Everyone without exception has to leave the satanic world in order to
be admitted into the nation of God. Thus you must find and meet the
True Parents and true brothers and sisters. The Unification Church has
to cleanse completely every impure love, and because Eve lost three
kinds of love in one generation, it has to restore three kinds of love
in one generation. You must form a couple in a place which parents and
brothers can like.
In order for you to form a family, you need to witness to three
persons. These three people are three archangels. BY having parents,
brothers, husband and wife, and angels, you can start a family.
Original sin is rooted in false love. Thus, do not be tainted with sin
ever again. From an ideal family, an ideal tribe is formed. I hope
that you form a true ideal family.
Before you came into the Church, you were in the satanic world. Then
you entered the Church by coming to know God's will. Originally, you
were to have an absolute foundation as you were being born. You were
supposed to stand in the position of unfallen Adam and Eve. But since
you were born with a fallen blood lineage, in order to restore that
original standard you must believe and follow God's word. BY becoming
a witness to the Unification Church, you make a foundation of Cain and
Abel. Since you did not have that foundation before you were born, you
must set up indemnity conditions.
An indemnity condition is set in order to allow your blessed child to
become an object of hope. A blessed family has to wait anxiously for
the birth of a baby and has to attend to the child from when he or she
is in the womb. Without doing this clearly, you cannot go the way of
restoration. Without standing in a position of uniting with the
blessed child by attending him even in the womb, you cannot stand in
the position of the archangel's becoming one with Adam.
You will be blessed and have children. When you conceive a blessed
child, you must establish the condition that three spiritual children
become completely one with the blessed baby in the womb. In this way,
the three spiritual children have to protect and take care of the
blessed baby until the baby is 21 and gets married. This is the same
as the archangel's having the mission to protect and take care of Adam
and Eve until they grew up and became an ideal couple. If your
spiritual parent had a blessed baby, that baby is the same as Adam and
Eve whom God created.
When you get blessed, you will have children. In front of them, there
also are spiritual children. Spiritual children are in the position of
external substance, like Jesus. Your physical child is in the similar
position, but as children of internal substance.
Just as humankind has hoped historically for the manifestation of the
Second Coming, spiritual children have to hope for the birth of
blessed children through their spiritual parent. That is, spiritual
children must expect nothing greater than the birth of blessed
children through their spiritual parent. Moreover, they have to
respect the blessed child from the time the child is in the womb. Just
as the archangel was to think highly of Adam and Eve, and was supposed
to talk with and support them, spiritual children have to love and
value the child more than their lives from the time the spiritual
parents conceive. They have to wait with the highest hope for the day
that the baby is born. And when the baby is born, they have to offer
all of their property, or else the road to restore the right of
ownership of the archangelic standard will never come to exist.
When the baby inside the womb of the spiritual parent is born, amidst
happiness and hope that cannot be exchanged for the entire cosmos,
spiritual children should receive the child with the happy heart
feeling as if that accomplishment were their own success. By helping
the child get married and settle, they have to set up the standard of
having restored through indemnity the fact that the archangel did not
love Adam, Cain and Abel. By doing that centering on that standard of
perfection, Satan will be completely separated. Without doing that,
there is no way to make Satan turn back. You always talk about
restoration through indemnity, but when have you completed restoration
through indemnity? It is possible because there is the principle that
completely separates, centering on the blessed family. Thus you
absolutely need spiritual children.
Absolute rule connects with the utmost effort and with eternity.
Absoluteness is the highest dictatorship. Even though you must be a
dictator, you have to make the ground level. Therefore, the
responsibility of the family is enormous. You must set up three
spiritual children in your family and properly arrange for the
children in the womb first. You must have spiritual sons and daughters
who say, "Child inside the womb, please be born quickly!" If you do
not do that, complete indemnity does not happen.
Three spiritual children are restored archangels. Just as three
archangels guided and supported Adam and Eve from the time of their
creation, spiritual children have to attend their spiritual parents'
blessed child of substance from when he or she is in the womb and
until he or she is married. Then, finally, they can set up the
standard of their own restoration.
When a Cain-type son and daughter are established, they have to attend
and raise up the sons and daughters of substance from the moment they
are born, and even be able to help them get married.
The fact that Jesus and his three disciples suffered together and
traveled together through life and death was because there was the
fundamental rule called "spiritual children." Because we have not
clearly understand that fundamental rule until now, Satan has violated
this world at will and made everyone miserable. The archangel who did
not love Adam and Eve, nor the child that Adam and Eve conceived, is
In order to restore the realm of the archangel, spiritual children
have to love Adam and Eve, represented by their spiritual parents, and
their child within the womb. And through that standard, they have to
take responsibility for the child from the day of birth until the day
of marriage. This is the fundamental rule of the Principle. When you
look at this in Father's family, Father himself is not supposed to
raise up his children through direct intervention. Three other
families had that responsibility.
Right now Christianity in the spiritual world and Christianity on
earth are not one. The spiritual realm of Christianity, that is,
Paradise, and the realm of Christianity on earth have to become one.
We have the responsibility to make them one.
Your physical child and your spiritual children have a very close
relationship in terms of the Principle. Your child represents the
realm of substance and is in the position of Abel. Spiritual children
are a spiritual symbol as well as being in the position of Cain. That
means they are in the realm of the archangel. Abel, in terms of Adam's
position, signifies the realm of earth.
In order to unite the earth and the spiritual world that were
separated, your spiritual children and physical children have to
become completely one. If that does not happen, the realm of
Christianity in the spiritual world and the realm of Christianity on
earth absolutely cannot become one. Cain and Abel have to unite in
order for the ideal parents to be born. If Cain and Abel do not become
one, the restoration of parents cannot be accomplished.
If, as a condition of indemnity, the spiritual child and the physical
child become completely one on earth, then they stand in the situation
of the archangel and Adam before the fall. If they stand in that
position, they will always receive love from God. If your spiritual
child and blessed child become completely one, the position of true
parents established according to God's ideal finally can be restored.
You Unification Church members have to fund three spiritual children
in order to get blessed. The three spiritual children have to attend
the child that the spiritual parents conceive after receiving the
Blessing from when the baby is in the womb. This is the same as three
archangels' supporting and attending Adam when he was being created.
Without restoring that foundation through indemnity, a family cannot
reach the standard of perfection.
A fundamental restoration has to be established through the baby born
after receiving the Blessing. In order to do that, three spiritual
children have to absolutely attend the blessed child from the time
that he or she is in the womb, and when the baby is born, have to give
the utmost effort to support the baby until he or she grows up and
gets married. Without establishing this tradition, complete
restoration cannot be accomplished. Father has to go this road of
restoration, and all of you have to go this road, too.
The fact that the archangel made Adam and Eve fall is the root of
God's resentment. Without attending the blessed child, the road of
restoration for the three spiritual children, who are in the position
of archangels, does not appear. The spiritual parent, who is blessed,
and three spiritual children have to make a relationship of attendance
centering on the blessed baby. Centering on the blessed child, the
parents also can finally stand in the position of restored parents.
Ultimately, just as fallen Adam and Eve are being restored through
Abel, the parents who received the Blessing are being perfected
through the second generation. Thus, you should know that, without
spiritual children, you should not conceive your own children. Without
spiritual children, you cannot love your blessed baby or be restored.
You must inevitably establish three spiritual children before
receiving the Blessing. If you look centering on yourselves, that is
just as important as meeting the Messiah. In order for you to receive
love from God, you must stand in the position of Abel. The position
called Abel substitutes for Adam, so three archangels are needed. Only
by establishing the foundation of three archangels in complete
obedience to Adam can you be restored to the position of unfallen,
perfected Adam. But even if you received the Blessing, if you do not
have three spiritual children, or if you stand in the position of
three archangels having dominion over you, restoration through
indemnity absolutely cannot be accomplished.
You must find three Cain-type persons in the satanic world and set
them up as spiritual children. Spiritual children have to be persons
who can serve at the risk of their lives. You must set them up in the
position of protecting Adam by risking their lives until Adam perfects
himself. You have to set up three people from the fallen world in the
position of restored, victorious Cain.
When Jesus is put in a situation of dying by being nailed to the
cross, you should not run away. You must protect Jesus when he is
going the way of death. You must stand with the determination to lay
down your life before him and in his place. If you are not a person of
such character, you cannot become a spiritual child who has restored
the position of the archangel and harvest a complete victory. You must
know in your heart that raising up spiritual children to have absolute
faith is three times or even seven times more difficult than rearing
your physical children.
The human history of sin started from the archangel who became Satan.
In order to restore this history of sin, you first must restore the
fallen archangel. Through the restored archangel, you must love
spiritual children and make them return to your side. Thus by first
loving spiritual children and then loving your physical children, you
are restored to the position of parent.
Since man lost love to Satan, he has to snatch love away from Satan's
realm of love. Since Satan took away original love, God's side has to
take it back. You must establish three spiritual children and make
them absolutely obedient in the position of the archangel. You must
stand in the position of having loved them absolutely, as God would.
Since through false love man lost true love and fell, we must restore
by investing love more true and sincere than satanic false love.
Without loving your spiritual children more than secular parents love
their children, you cannot restore them. A person who was pulled away
by love has to be pulled back through love. In this way, on the
foundation of three spiritual children who have been established on
the standard of love that harvested victory, you can love your
physical children. This is the formula of love.
Father also has maintained that kind of lifestyle. Without going
through that formula, the foundation of perfection does not come
about. Thus, if you did not establish spiritual children completely,
no matter how lovely your physical children are, you cannot live
together with them in your house.
When raising up spiritual children, you must love them much more than
parents of the world love their children. A person who does not love
his spiritual children does not have the qualification to love his own
children. Because this is the way of restoration, no one can change
this fact.
In order to raise up a son and daughter who represent Cain, even if
you starve, you must give them food. And you must give them God's
words even if it means not sleeping at night. You must do for them
just as Father has done for you.
Blessed families should not love their children just because they are
their children. You are not supposed to love them. Since you are in
the same situation as Father, without restoring the standard of Adam's
family through establishing three spiritual children, you should not
love your own children. Blessed families are in the same situation as
Father when he was going that road. For that reason, you must also
quickly restore spiritual children.
Because even the baby who is in your womb passes through three stages,
your three spiritual children must submit to the baby from the time
when he or she is inside the womb. Without doing that, you cannot love
your own children. Just as the archangel attended Adam and Eve as a
servant in the Garden of Eden from when they were in the womb, you
must set up three spiritual children so that they attend your child in
the womb. There are these kinds of complications on the road that the
family has to go.
You are not supposed to love people who are your close relatives
first. Instead, you must set up the standard of loving a person on
Satan's side -- a Cain-type person first -- more than loving your
parents and brothers and sisters. This is the way of Principle, and
that is why the Unification Church, which has walked this road, is
developing greatly. Without your making Cain-type people submit
themselves naturally through your loving them more than your own
parents or brothers and sisters, restoration through indemnity cannot
be accomplished. Therefore without Cain, the salvation of Abel also
cannot be accomplished.
Without making them persons who love you with a heart of filial piety,
more than do your own children, you cannot fulfill restoration through
indemnity. Then how hard is it to establish that situation? Without
loving Cain to the extent that you forget to eat and sleep, he will
not submit himself in his heart. You must know that Father has often
broadened that kind of environment and made a realm of victory.
From God's viewpoint, even though Jesus was sent to the earth for
restoration through indemnity, he could not find spiritual children
who would die with him; thus God had to give him up to the cross.
Therefore, you must know that, without establishing the condition of
sacrificing for your own children, you won't be able to love them.
Without spiritual children, you cannot accomplish the perfection of
the providence or your own salvation.