The Washington Institute for Values in Public Policy
The Washington Institute brings together scholars and policymakers to
develop new information and insights on public policy issues affecting the
United States and the world. It is devoted to research on important
domestic and foreign policy issues with particular attention to their
ethical implications. The Institute researches a broad range of public
policy options and welcomes all responsible viewpoints from a diverse
group of scholars. Fundamental to Rev. Moon's views is the virtue of
public service. By extension, to truly prosper, any nation needs to act
not only in its own self-interest but also for the well-being of other
nations. Public policy should be founded on a better understanding of the
divergent cultures of the world. It should also encourage democratic
principles, individual freedoms and the integrity of the family. Research
during the Institute's first five years has explored many issues,
including U.S. policies toward the Philippines, problems of arms control,
U.S.-Soviet relations, nuclear energy policy, and political implications
of Latin American Liberation Theology. Ongoing research projects include:
the global implications of reform in China, U.S. policy towards Korea, and
the future of medical ethics.