In 1975, Rev. Moon founded the Unification Theological Seminary (UTS) in Barrytown, New York. UTS is a truly ecumenical seminary in that the faculty members belong to a broad range of religious denominations. Rather than concentrating solely on Unification theology, students learn philosophy, psychology, world religions and homiletics, as well as the histories, theologies and scriptures of Judaism, Christianity and other world religions. Students also attend services of all denominations in the area surrounding the campus. Guest lecturers at the seminary include well-known theologians, religious scholars and visiting professors. Dialogues among such guests, faculty and students have inspired the sponsorship of literally hundreds of ecumenical conferences and the formation of numerous ecumenical associations which have been set up under the auspices of the International Religious Foundation. In 1987, UTS received its provisional charter from the Board of Regents of the State of New York to grant the Masters of Religious Education and Masters of Divinity degrees. In addition, many UTS graduates have received scholarships for doctoral programs at America's finest universities.