February 16, 1997
Belvedere International Training Center
Translator -- Peter Kim
Good Morning! Is anyone able to read the title Father has written? Excluding
Japanese and Korean brothers and sisters. (One brother makes an attempt)
(Laughter) Repeat after me please. (Korean title is pronounced by Peter
Kim) When we refer to children generally we commonly understand that children
exist because of their parents. In order for a son to exist it requires
both a father and a mother. When there is more than one child we refer
to them as children. If parents are the origin then their children are
the result. Also, if parents are in the position of the first cause, children
are in the position of the second cause. The first and second cause should
resemble each another. By resembling one another they have to ultimately
become united based on what? Knowledge? Money? Power? No, for the sake
of love. What kind of love? The kind of love which is greater and bigger
than man or woman. The kind of love which is greater than man and woman
The search for Ideal Love
How can man and woman become parents? Only through love. The ambition
of parents' love is greater than themselves. If the ambition and goal of
the parents' love is here [indicating to the board] then the ambition and
goal of the children's love should reach to this goal as well. The content
of the ambition of love is neither division nor separation but rather the
ambition of love is unifying and harmonizing. The kind of unity that will
last eternally. Everyone desires that quality of love. No matter who you
may be, everyone equally desires that quality of love. Even beggars and
street people. Isn't it true? (Yes) We have to understand that once we
attain and practice that kind of love, we will be respected and envied
by all of humanity.
Throughout human history has there been even one couple who has attained
that level of love True Father has just described? No. Americans are so
proud of their development culturally and technologically and consider
themselves such good people; however, we cannot find even one couple practicing
the love Father has described. In terms of this kind of principled love,
even Americans, from the individual, family, society and national level
do not pass this criterion. Therefore, isn't it fair to say that America
and Americans are not really good enough? Where do you think that kind
of American is presently located? Closer to Hell or Heaven? (Hell) All
Americans possess a certain desire to become united. But has anyone done
it? (No) What about you American Unification members? (Not yet) The concept
of "not yet" continues forever. Meantime, the trend continues
to go down, ever since the fall of Adam's family. How to stop this worldwide
phenomenon now? This is very, very serious.
Within human history there has been rising and falling at all different
levels of life, beginning with the individual level, family, society, nation
and world. Now in this twentieth century, there is no place where we can
find ideal love. Do you agree? (Yes) If the quality of life of humanity
throughout history has been a failure, then what about God who has been
trying to look after humankind? Has God also failed? (No) How can you confidently
proclaim that? (Because we have True Parents) True Parents didn't just
suddenly find the solution. Rather, True Parents are still working on reaching
the final solution. If you take a quantum leap like that in order to respond
to a question, you automatically fail. It is necessary to go step by step.
We all know that God is omnipotent and omnipresent. Then why has
the human world become the way that it is? Where is God and what is He
doing? When looking down upon humankind in its present state, do you think
that God is happy or suffering? (Suffering) How do you know that? The reason
why God has not intervened in human affairs is because there is some reason
why God cannot interfere. That is why human beings could not have the hope
and goal of being restored. What do you think the reason is for God's inability
to intervene in human affairs? Does God need money? (No) Well, if He doesn't
need money, how about knowledge and power? (No) He already has these things.
Do you think that God would be pleased at seeing material things or be
proud of His own knowledge that He would burst? (No) Do you think He feels
so proud of being the most powerful being in the world? (No) What is it
that God needs? (Love) Where can God find love? (Absolute sex) (Laughter)
Where is absolute sex? God Himself has absolute sex. There should be absolute
sex of both male and female. Between two men or two women absolute sex
is not possible.
God has dual characteristics of male and female. Therefore, God needs
both man and woman. This means that man alone and woman alone cannot achieve
absolute sex. If there is a beautiful woman in front of God do you think
that He will be pleased by woman alone? (No) Who else does He need then?
(Man) The absolute sex of man and woman both exist in front of God. Then
what else is needed? The first condition is to make their relationship
into one, unification. Absolute man needs absolute woman. Absolute woman
needs absolute man. Are you absolute men and women? Once you pledge to
become an absolute man, no matter what kind of obstacle you may face, you
should never compromise. All obstacles should absolutely dissolve in front
of your determination. That is the absolute standard. If you are attacked
and opposed by someone, that person will eventually become tired of opposing
you if you show no sign of change.
Do you all want to become absolute women? (Yes Father) All men and women
desire to become absolute. Have you become absolute men? (Not yet) (Laughter)
When will you become absolute men? This is a very serious matter. It is
logical that absolute men and women are necessary before absolute love
can come about. All absolute women, please show your hands to Father. Father
suggests that you all come and take a good look at him. (Laughter) Theoretically,
if there is an absolute man, then all the women of the world will be attracted
to him. Even if the 2.5 billion women of the world would be attracted by
him, would this absolute man have to run away or stay still? (Laughter)
It is a big problem for him. (Laughter) Even if there are 100 absolute
men they would still be in trouble. There should be at least 2.5 billion
absolute men. Then things would become equal.
Absolute love is forever
Regardless of nationality, position, male or female, we all desire an
absolute partner. Blessed couples raise your hands. Can any of you say
that you are an absolute couple? (Sometimes) Sometimes is not forever.
Father's standard is not off and on. It is eternal. This is not a laughing
matter. This is an extremely important issue. If there is a couple who
has not reached the absolute standard yet and the wife observes her husband
pursuing another woman, will she be happy? (No) Why not? Even though you
may not have reached absoluteness in terms of unity and harmony, if your
spouse goes after another person you absolutely do not like it. That means
that you have the desire to become an absolute partner.
When wife or husband looks at you with a smiling face and bright eyes,
do you want to see those loving eyes and sparkling smile only now and then,
or forever? (Forever) Absolutely forever. Then you will become totally
intoxicated. In the secular world can we find any couple with that standard?
(No) How about the relationship between your mind and body? Do you have
absolute unity or struggle? (Struggle) As children of God we are still
struggling for that. Do you think God also has that kind of struggle within
Himself? (No) God doesn't have that struggle but you have it. If God is
in the Kingdom of Heaven and you don't resemble Him, then where are you?
Now you understand what Hell means. It is easy to conclude that if we cannot
find any absolute couple in this world then this is clearly a world of
This world is Hell because
it lacks absolute love
This world is not Hell because of lack of power, money or knowledge.
It is Hell because it lacks absolute love. It has become absolute Hell.
Why has it become so? Once the fruits of a tree are ripened the farmer
will gather them and store them away. That will become like a heavenly
barn. However, if the fruits became rotten before they were able to ripen,
they would all fall to the ground. Such fruits cannot be brought into the
heavenly storage barn. That is equivalent to the fall of man. They fell
from the tree before they were ripe. No matter how much we may dislike
it, the fact is we are the result of fallen fruit and living in this world
of Hell. This fruit of love was supposed to ripen and eventually be stored
in the heavenly barn. But this did not happen. Is there a way that we can
translate this world of Hell into the heavenly world? Can we accomplish
it with money? (No) Does America like money or not? (It likes it) Therefore,
America belongs to the satanic hell side. No matter how proud Americans
may be, they cannot transform this world of Hell into the Kingdom of God
on Earth.
If we have a disease in our body a doctor needs to find the cause in
order to root it out and bring the cure. It is logical to conclude that
our human ancestors fell because of the misuse of love. Man and woman have
their respective love organs. Can man or woman alone create fornication?
(No) Adultery takes place when man and woman make love together. When God
watches humanity misusing their love organs do you think He would welcome
them or kick them out? (Kick them out) He would absolutely kick them out.
We have to clearly understand this. If you don't understand the meaning
of the Fall then you are in trouble. Don't you understand that you are
the rotten fruit from the result of the Fall of Man? We are still rotten
and generate such an evil bad smell. We need to be burned and eliminated,
even thrown in the ocean! We ourselves should have that kind of desire.
Do you want to be burned in the furnace? (Yes) Sounds not so bad! Feeling
not so bad!
Hell is the world of conflict,
Heaven is the world of harmony
Now you understand your status. So do we deserve Hell or Heaven? (Hell)
What is the world of Hell? Hell is where you live in constant conflict.
Whereas Heaven is the world of harmony. What is the world that Reverend
Moon and God are trying to build? The world where absolute harmony, unification
and peace prevail. This is God's and True Parents' purpose. Is that clear?
(Yes) What is your goal and purpose? (Make the Kingdom of Heaven) Sounds
good, but how can you accomplish it? You are a fighting field person. Your
mind and body are in constant conflict and disharmony. How can the world
of Heaven be built on such a base? It is easy to give the good answer to
Father, but are we really qualified to give such an easy answer all the
time? (No) This is the problem.
The time and place we are living in today is a most dangerous, fearful
time and place. We have to take this very seriously. Centering on one's
self, there is always a fearful atmosphere surrounding and attacking us.
How can we protect ourselves? This is how we should think. In this fearful
world, danger always exists. You may yield everything you possess, but
you should make certain to maintain your absolute love. This is the condition
for you to join with God in the spiritual world. If you have that kind
of love core, what would you do with it? We have to know that we have an
objective love core and there must be a subjective love core, which is
God Himself. Do you understand? You have to resonate with that kind of
concept. Without this concept you cannot connect with your opposite sex
absolute love atmosphere.
We struggle because we were
conceived from false love
If that kind of love core has to be connected, should that occur through
your body or your mind? (Mind) Why? This means that your conscience is
closest to God. We all experience the struggle between our mind and body.
Why do we have this struggle? We are born as a seed of love. However, within
our seed of love exists the seed of love of mind and the seed of love of
body. These two identities are divided and the struggle begins. Do your
parents always live in perfect peace and harmony? Or do they struggle and
fight sometimes? (They sometimes struggle and fight) Don't you think that
your parents sometimes entertain the idea of divorce in their minds? (Yes)
In this world, parents do not have absolute unity. They are inclined
to struggle and fight with one another and even think about divorce. Is
such a world Heaven or Hell? (Hell) Do you imagine that your two eyes desire
to divorce? (No) These eyes always have harmony and unity one with another.
They follow each other. Do you think that your left nostril desires to
divorce your right nostril? No. They always work in harmony with each other.
Your upper and lower lips always operate in oneness and remain eternally
together. Do you think that your right ear will decide not to hear anymore
and let the left ear do it all? (Never) (Laugher) If there is a sound which
is unclear, these two ears will mobilize the entire head in order to catch
that sound. What about your hands? When you clap them together, do they
protest and want divorce?
What about people? People who run to divorce courts all the time? Do
their laps jump together for joy because they are divorcing? Actually our
five senses do not have any concept of divorce. However, our body's desire
is the problem. Our bodily desire demands that our mind follow. This bodily
desire is the king of individualism. The very name America has the connotation
of a nation only caring about cars. Not people, not ideals, nothing but
pride in cars. Even if you own a car, you need a driver and gasoline. America
is presently out of gasoline. It is falling down to the bottom of Hell.
America has no power.
Satan likes extreme
individualism and privacy
Where are all the American people heading? Who can liberate them from
the treacherous path they are following? It is a painful situation. You
Americans might feel uncomfortable because of Father's words, but this
is the truth. Do you feel good? (No) Americans in general are very proud
of their extreme individualism and privacy. However, this is the very thing
that will reduce you to tears. Individualism and privacy are the very things
which will ruin America. If men and women both hold strong individualistic
concepts, how can they create harmony and unification? Satan is very happy
with this situation of extreme individualism. The free world is ignorant
of this. If America is truly rotten and headed for Hell, we need to be
medical doctors and have the medicine to inject in them to cure their disease.
(Yes) What does 'yes' mean? (We follow True Parents.) True Parents are
not American citizens. When you proclaim to be followers of True Parents,
the dignitaries and opinion makers of America persecute you. They call
you crazy. We don't need Moonies, they say, just the opposite of God.
We Unification Church members understand the concept of the Fall do
we not? (Yes) Do we love the concept of the Fall or hate it? (Hate it)
Why do you hate it? Because it is the destruction of absolute sex. Do you
want changeable sex or unchangeable sex? (Unchangeable sex) Most of Americans
don't agree with you. You are a different breed. A breed not found in the
secular world.
I am manufacturing true sons
of God, many Reverend Moons
What is the title of this morning's message? Father has a very heavy
schedule today. However, he has not even touched upon this title as yet.
(Laughter) If he continues like this, you will all become so intoxicated
that it will take all day. (Applause) What is more interesting, the content
of Father's message or Father himself? (Both) I don't like that. Since
True Father belongs to True Mother you cannot take True Father for your
own sake. Therefore True Father is going to create another man, Reverend
Moon, for women and another woman, Reverend Moon, for men. This is how
you can remain with Reverend Moon for your entire lives. (Applause) This
would be like a "true son producing company." (Laughter) Do you
like Reverend Moon's home? (Yes) This home of Reverend Moon would be a
manufacturing plant that would constantly be producing Reverend Moons.
Therefore, no matter how handsome and capable any man might be, he still
must pass through this factory in order to become another Reverend Moon.
(Amen) Then the original Reverend Moon will give him the Blessing. Then
you can have him.
Once they have passed through this manufacturing process, Father will
give them the Blessing. Then together with their children Father will send
them to their home towns. These second Reverend Moons become Blessed couples.
Blessed couples are second Reverend Moons' production factory of true children.
(Applause) Is this clear? (Yes) Centering upon the original Reverend Moon
production factory, we now have branch factories throughout the world.
All of them are operating to produce more Reverend Moons every minute.
Do you feel good about it? (Yes) This is the kind of world that we call
the Kingdom of God on Earth. The Kingdom of God is made up of 'families'.
Beginning with the true family country, true tribe country, true nation
country, true world country, true cosmic country, and absolute love country.
Which one do you like best? (Absolute love country) Sounds good. You women
answered clearly. Every family is True Parents love factory family. The
original, ideal, home factory family. Your Original Factory is cause. Second,
result place. Cause and result connect, make one direction. Ideal atmosphere,
reaching the Kingdom of Heaven. If you have understood this clearly then
Father is in the position to learn from you.
This is the third day since Father celebrated his 77th birthday. So,
when Father hears that you are absolutely confident in accomplishing this
goal, Father feels happy to continue to share with you. If True Parents
represent the Main Factory for producing True Children, our responsibility
as the children of True Parents is to be branch factories. However, in
terms of value we share equal value with Father's main factory. Which is
more ideal? Should our branch factories grow and become one thousand times
greater than the main factory or should we remain a thousand times less?
(Greater) True Parents family is in the position of the seed and the first
cause. We are in the position of the second cause. The seed is one, but
once it is germinated and grows into a big tree, then billions of seeds
are produced. These seeds create the second cause. What is the relationship
between the original seed of Reverend Moon and our seed? There is a relationship
of cause and result - the first seed and the second seed. However, in terms
of value they are equal.
We should fill the world
with blessed couples
This year Reverend Moon, the first seed, the first cause will officiate
at the Blessing ceremony of 3.6 million couples. Can you reach that? (Yes)
What is it about this 3.6 million couples Blessing that encourages us so
much and makes us so enthusiastic? It is the way to build the Kingdom of
God on Earth. Unless this entire planet Earth is filled with Blessed couples,
we cannot claim that the world has been liberated and become the Kingdom
of God on Earth. Do you understand? (Yes) The 5.5 billion people of the
world are all separated and divided. Therefore, we should have enough Blessed
couples to fill this entire world so that parents and children can have
absolute unity. On this basis God can come down and work through everyone,
just like our blood veins. Whomever God is working through, that is the
Kingdom of God on Earth. This is what God and True Parents want to create
this year.
God needs one point where His
pure lineage and ideal begins
There are many different nations in the world. [Father draws on the
board] This represents all of humanity. This small circle represents Adam's
original family. [indicating to the board] The size has increased as history
continued. Now we are in this modern world stage. Centering upon Adam and
Eve there are eight different stages. Human history has progressed in this
way. What kind of central figure do you want to become? Do you want to
be a central figure for your family, tribe, society, nation, world or even
beyond? (Beyond the world) Like whom? Like God. God cannot enter into relationship
with this fallen world because there is no true love to be found here.
There needs to be one point where God's pure lineage and ideal begins and
expands to where the entire world is filled with God's lineage. Then God
can come and dwell with humankind.
However, if the world is invaded by Satan to this degree [indicating
to the diagram on the board] then God cannot enter into this portion of
the world. Therefore, the whole world needs to be surrounded by God's love.
The providence of salvation is the providence of restoration. All of human
history is the result of the human fall. In this fallen world the restoration
has begun and eventually the whole world will be restored. In order to
accomplish this God has to find the original man and woman's position.
In order to restore the original man and woman the law of indemnity has
to be applied. To pay the proper indemnity we have to build all the different
levels in order to restore everything back to God.
The secular world has already established a firm grip on every aspect
of human life. However, throughout history there has been an expansion
of various religious movements, always growing and developing. Political
and secular leaders always have persecuted them and tried to eliminate
them. Historically, all religions have had to deal with persecution from
this secular world. The purpose of religion is to reach humanity with the
truth. But Satan has always built fences around the nations to prevent
this. This wall or barrier begins at the individual level: the war between
our mind and body. Even between husband and wife there is often a certain
wall or barrier. Among children, family to family, nation to nation and
in the world, these barriers always exist. Even between God and this world
there is a barrier, a dividing wall. Without the Fall there would be no
such barrier in existence.
The fallen world came into being
through the misuse of love
God has never been able to interfere. Because this world of division
came into being due to the Fall of Man through the misuse of love. There
is only one man who can intervene and straighten this mess out and that
is True Father, True Parents. This has been the desire and goal of every
major religion. True Parents are the ones who know what God's True Love
is and what Satan's fallen love is. Father stands in the position to grab
hold of Satan's neck and challenge him. Satan has to admit that he is responsible
for creating this fallen world.
Then if True Parents ask God if He wants the exact opposite of this
fallen world, God will have to agree that He does. Who can accomplish the
desire of God? This fallen world came into being through fallen parents
centered upon fallen love. Therefore True Parents come centered upon True
Love to build the True World. In order to accomplish this what has to be
done? We have to follow True Father by walking the way of indemnity - Tan
gam boki. This means restoration through indemnity. Without going through
this course there is no way to go up. We will continue to fall down. It
is like being in a deep well with a ladder. As we try to climb up the ladder
Satan always pulls us down again. We could not establish the foundation
where we have absolute unity between our mind and body.
The distance between our mind and body has become so great, from the
original Adam and Eve's fallen position to this fallen world right now
making one circle. That much distance exists between our mind and body.
It can be an even greater distance from the individual level all the way
to the cosmic level through the eight different stages. Without overcoming
this we cannot return to the original position. This world has been created
by false parents and false children. In order to restore this entire world
back again we need True Parents and True Children. The Archangel is not
in the position to have either a partner nor possessions. Do you understand?
(Yes) In this archangelic world, in these Last Days there exists no concept
of partnership. This is why so many couples live together as single individuals
without marrying. This is the world we live in right now. They enjoy free
sex in this world. But God wants to see absolute sex and absolute partnership
between man and woman, not homosexuality, not lesbianism, no partnership.
Who originated the practice of free sex? Adam and Eve in the Garden
of Eden, centering upon the Archangel. As it was sown, so it shall be reaped
in the Last Days. Therefore we are witnessing this phenomenon in this fallen
world now. In this society there are homosexuals and lesbians, this is
Hell on Earth. The American family has been broken down through this kind
of corruption. This is harvest time but Americans are so ignorant of this
The pursuit of freedom without
responsibility is a weapon of Satan
Not even God can harvest out of America. Just as God was unable to interfere
in Adam and Eve's behavior, so He cannot harvest here now. Satan led all
the way down to our time. Not even Satan wants to touch it now. This is
the result of Satan's activities so God cannot interrupt. It is true that
no matter how powerful a nation may be such as America, it cannot solve
the present situation which the world is facing. The former Soviet Union
tried their absolute best to unite the world under communism but they failed.
Now the democratic world is trying in their own way to unite the world
through free election systems and such. But in every corner of the world
where they have tried to assert influence, it has not worked. The entire
world hates those politicians because they are liars. Free sex, alcohol,
drugs, and tobacco are all the weapons of Satan. Also the pursuit of freedom
without responsibility is another weapon of Satan.
We clearly know that this entire world is under Satan's domination and
influence. Through whom did we learn this? We learned this through True
Parents who come with all the secrets of God and Satan so that we are able
to protect ourselves in this decadent world. True Parents revealed all
the secrets to us. Do you need True Parents? (Yes) Do you need True Parents
in just one place or in every place all over the world? In one family or
the whole humankind family? (Everywhere, Everybody)
We are living at the turning point or transitional period that the original
mistake of Adam and Eve's Fall has resulted in this fallen world right
now that we are living. So True Parents finally came to this world as a
blessing to humankind. Together with True Parents we are restoring our
original lineage and right of possession. After the Fall everything was
lost to Satan. Now we are reversing. We are restoring the realm of heart.
[Father draws a diagram on the board] The realm of heart represented by
the seven generations from Adam, the tribal unit, is now being restored.
Based upon that tribal foundation we will reach for the people and the
nation. Therefore Father is expecting tribal messiahs to take responsibility
for their own tribes.
Didn't all of you receive the Blessing? (Yes) Please remember, if True
Parents are the first manufacturing plant then we are the second manufacturing
plant. The meaning of receiving the Blessing is transforming the lineage
and right of possession. The meaning of the providence of salvation and
the providence of restoration is the state of restoration on one individual
and family level to be connected to the entire world. We have to remember
that had America, centered upon Christianity, united with Father as the
Lord of the Second Advent right after World War II, then within seven years
the entire world could have been restored. However, because of their failure
Father had to begin from scratch which took forty years of wilderness course.
Korea must be unified before the
world can be unified and restored
If those eight million Christians had received Father as the Lord of
the Second Advent after World War II, then Father could have blessed 800
million people within one week. It would not have needed even seven years.
Maybe two or three years would have been sufficient. But because of their
failure everything was lost. Father lost everything from the family that
was supposed to become one with Father. The Moon tribe was supposed to
have been united with Father. Even the Korean peninsula, South and North
was supposed to be united with Father. The entire world which was supposed
to accept Father as the Lord of the Second Advent - everything was lost
and Father ended up standing in the wilderness. This is why Kim Il Sung
appeared and came to North Korea in the Satanic true parents position.
He blocked every road and way for Father to reach the people. The reunification
of the Korean peninsula is a prerequisite to the unification and restoration
of the entire world.
Look at the world now. Germany is unified and most of the countries
in the world are unified, but the Korean peninsula is still divided. East
and west is horizontal and north and south is vertical. Vertical side is
not unified. The last thing is to make a peaceful foundation. Without that
land we cannot build up God's Kingdom. Everything was lost. God's Kingdom
of Heaven lost. Father's hometown settlement, original hometown place.
Therefore, Father initiated tribal and national messiahship.
At the time of Jesus, God sent Jesus down as the one to establish both
tribal and national messiahship as the basis to build God's Kingdom on
the Earth. He had no nation, no tribe, no God's True Love place. So Jesus
went to Paradise, not Heaven. Heaven consists of tribes and nations, making
one line to the Kingdom of Heaven. Now, Father is in God's position on
the Earth. He sent out national messiahs to 185 nations of the world. Jesus
was not able to establish his own family. At this time, Father is sending
out Blessed couples as national messiahs. Without the family God's Kingdom
cannot be built.
Christians suffered bloodshed because
they lacked a national foundation
During the 2000 years of Christian history so many Christians were murdered,
such a long, long time of suffering, giving their sweat and their blood.
This happened because their foundation was underneath the national level.
Therefore Satan was able to attack them. This is the correct viewpoint
of providential history. The Lord of the Second Advent comes representing
True Love and True Love connects to the True Life Seed. After the Fall
God lost his blood lineage. In order to return to that original point we
need to deny ourselves and demonstrate absolute faith, absolute love and
absolute obedience. No matter what difficulty Father faces, I will go in
one direction forever. I don't care what persecution I need to go over,
I will fulfill my purpose. That is God's love-attending place.
The conclusion of Father's message to us is that we have all learned
about the restoration through indemnity from the individual level through
the eight levels to the cosmic level. Is there even one moment where we
have completed our restoration through indemnity from the individual to
the cosmic level? (No) We may understand the word indemnity. However, do
we have any degree of completion of indemnity at any level? This previous
diagram [indicating to the board] shows how the fall took place from Adam's
family all the way to the entire present world. Now Father is drawing another
diagram to show the indemnity course. This is True Parents family [indicating
to the board]; had the free world received Father as the Lord of the Second
Advent, it would not have taken forty years. Rather right here [indicating
on the board] is the point where Father could have expanded the true family
and restored the entire world.
The period from the time of Adam and Eve to this point [indicating to
the board] could be tens of millions of years. No one throughout human
history clearly understood the process of restoration through indemnity.
Over and over as champions of each age failed, God had to begin this restoration
through indemnity course again and again. This took tens of millions of
years up to this point. In Adam's family there was Eve, Cain and Abel.
During World War II Great Britain, France and America represented these
three figures of Adam's family. Great Britain, as an island country, represented
Eve. The ocean symbolizes women. Therefore the island nation of Great Britain
represented Eve who was female. Usually people from island nations desire
to land on the mainland. Great Britain gave birth to America which stood
in the position of Abel. France was always at war with Great Britain and
even America. Therefore France stood in the position of Cain. Cain always
fights Abel and also Eve.
Christianity lost the physical foundation
because of the crucifixion of Jesus
Christianity actually lost the substantial body because of the crucifixion
of Jesus. Therefore right after World War II Christianity had a spiritual
body. If the Israelites and Judaism had accepted Jesus as the Lord, then
the other major religions already prepared by God in various parts of the
eastern world, could have been mobilized with the help of the spiritual
world and conquered the Roman Empire without much difficulty. Because Jesus
came as the bridegroom. This bridegroom's status was taken away in the
Garden of Eden at the time of Adam and Eve. At the time of Jesus, this
position was lost once again. Following World War II Father came as the
Lord of the Second Advent as well as the bridegroom to the entire Christianity.
These three nations, Great Britain, America and France should have received
True Father as their bridegroom.
The axis countries of Japan, Germany and Italy represented the body
of Jesus Christ. Whereas Great Britain, America and France represented
the mind of Jesus. True Father came as the Lord of the Second Advent or
bridegroom to the entire world in order to unite these two different worlds.
In Adam's family they split. In the Last Days the True Parents have to
unite them. Actually at the time following World War II world unification
could have been established. The axis countries tried their best to eliminate
the mind of Jesus Christ which was represented by Judaism, Jews and Christianity.
Spearheaded by Hitler, millions of Jews were killed at this time. Originally,
centered upon the Lord of the Second Advent, world unification should have
taken place here. [indicating to the board]
Directly after 1945 Father could have held mass weddings throughout
the entire world centered upon true love. This would have broken down many
boundaries and walls created by Satan throughout the world. All humankind
would have become God's and True Parents' children. This would have meant
unification all the way to Adam and Eve's position. If only this free world
had not chased Father out after World War II, then free sex and homosexuality
would never have appeared in this world, not even in America.
The worldwide True Family will
emerge from True Parents
Now in this battlefield, once the axis and allied countries become united,
then the allied countries will be in the position of Abel and the axis
countries in the position of Cain. Based upon their unification the Lord
of the Second Advent will descend as the bridegroom of the entire world
and he will find his bride. With True Father and True Mother forming the
true family, that family will be expanded to the world level.
After the Israelites and Judaism rejected Jesus and crucified him then
the history of Christianity had to go through the persecution period of
the Roman Empire and throughout history. Likewise, when the axis and allied
countries rejected Father after World War II, then Father had to go out
to the wilderness. Their rejection meant the loss of the worldwide foundation
placing Father back in Korea. This took forty years to come out to the
world. Bringing Jesus' body figure to the mind figure and uniting them
again. Centered upon that foundation Father is now accomplishing the worldwide
Jesus' body was lost in Asia. Therefore the world is now returning to
Asia. We live in what is known as the Pacific era. Centering upon True
Parents, from the individual to the world level spiritually and physically
Father's influence and power is now felt throughout the world. Now, after
forty years of Father's incredible sacrificial work, the Pacific era is
dawning again.
Within True Father's family there are children from two different mothers.
Because of this wilderness course Father lost everything in a way. Just
as Father had to go through the wilderness course when he lost his first
wife through divorce, now the entire world is experiencing the same thing
through the breakdown of families. It completely lost God's True Love family
center. God's value system was lost.
Father had to restore 4000 years
of history in 40 years
The bride culture is the world of Christian culture. The bride wants
to meet the bridegroom. The Marriage of Lamb was to take place. [Father
draws on the board again] Because Father was chased out into the wilderness,
he had to indemnify this 4000 years of history. On eight different levels
from the individual to the cosmic level. This forty years represents 4000
years of history. It was lost and Father had to restore everything. God
could not help him. God could support him, but Father had to do this single-handedly.
Centering on his own family, Father had to go through the eight stages.
On his individual level the blessing had to be achieved here [indicating
to the board]. Then from that point on he could expand to the world. You
do not have any idea what kind of course the restoration through indemnity
is. This indemnity course is placed between God and Satan. Father had to
juggle between God and Satan, Father had to bring God down and kick Satan
away. That has been his life for forty years. But Father himself cannot
live for 400 years, let alone 4000 years. Therefore, he had to indemnify
this period within 40 years.
The Second World War ended in 1945, but within seven years everything
could have been established. But due to the opposition of Christianity
and the free world Father lost this seven year period. If we count from
1952 and add forty years, it becomes 1992. In that year, Father's 40-year
course was over. In the year 1992 True Mother was elevated to equal position
with True Father. We lost the foundation of Christianity which stands in
the position of the bride. Through True Mother we reached the American
Congress and the United Nations through True Mother's speaking tour. We
also declared True Parents Day to the world. Men and women in the American
Congress didn't know what they were doing, but as you know Congress passed
the resolution of Parents Day.
When True Parents Day is adopted by 185 United Nations member nations,
then the world will be truly united. The national messiahs who have been
sent out to 185 nations are working hard to have True Parents Day resolutions
passed in their mission nations which eventually will be culminated in
the United Nations and then world unification will come. Amen. (Amen) (Applause)
Once we accomplish our goal of the 3.6 million couples Blessing this
year successfully, then this influence will be felt all over the world
in 185 nations. Then our national messiahs will have this invincible foundation
to work on. They will be able to pass this resolution of True Parents Day
within their own nations. Eventually this will lead to the establishment
of the Women's United Nations, Youth United Nations and Student United
Nations and will bring about the unification of the entire world. Amen.
(Amen) (Applause)
Father is creating world organizations
to bring about world unification
That is why Father is creating Abel-type world organizations. If this
present United Nations does not function properly to bring about world
unification, Father is preparing Abel-type organizations such as the Island
Nations Federation for World Peace, Peninsular Nations Federation for World
Peace and Continental Nations Federation for World Peace just in case.
At the present time, the politicians, who represent the body, are dominating
the world, the mind. Father, who represents the mind of the entire world,
will come to lead the entire world in the right direction.
The UN has presently complicated the system and is going down. The new
Abel-type organizations which Father has created can go all over the system,
connecting family-system and heavenly system. All over the system we can
change the blood lineage, create filial piety, make patriots, saints and
holy sons and daughters connecting to True Father. We will create this
kind of value. Always, Father is making that kind of preparation, that
kind of foundation. We have to follow God's concept in leading the world.
God cannot permit any other way. We have to lift up God's Heart. Everyone
of conscience can easily understand the wonderful and amazing things Reverend
Moon is doing in the world.
The eight different stages from the individual to the cosmic level could
not be overcome by anyone. Father alone established victory on these eight
different stages. In the midst of Satan's persecution, Father won the victory
at each level. Wherever Father may go now in the world there is no more
rejection. Even in America they beg Father to stay. (Applause) In Africa,
they say don't go home, Reverend Moon. What Father has accomplished in
South America in this one year period is tantamount to the total work Father
has done in America this past twenty years.
I revealed many heavenly secrets
this year in South America
Through various means of education Father revealed many secrets in South
America during the past year or so. For example, Father declared to those
ardent Catholics there that Jesus was supposed to get married and have
many children. Father also told them that Jesus was an illegitimate son
and that holy mother Mary made many mistakes. They were shocked but they
could not argue with Father, because Father spoke logically. Those who
studied the contents of Father's message and Mother's speech which was
shared throughout the world last year, could not come up with any alternative
Once it becomes a worldwide debating issue, from the elementary school
student all the way to the very elderly man, all intellectuals will debate
these issues. Then eventually they will go with Reverend Moon's teaching
in this twentieth century. In this century of modern technology and science
no one would go with the old way of teaching. Father has absolute confidence
because Father has clearly proved to himself and observed what was happening
in South America while he was teaching this new truth to the top leaders,
scholars, theologians, both Protestant and Catholic, and leaders from every
walk of life down there. Father witnessed with his own eyes that they had
no challenge to offer to Father. Because logically they cannot argue with
this truth. Truth is truth! Therefore Father appears in front of you this
morning with absolute confidence and commitment that this world is now
coming closer and closer to world unification. Amen. (Applause)
This is our task now, to go over each of these eight different stages
[indicating to the board]. This is our task. Are you confident that you
can do it? (Yes) But you are in ignorance of how to do it. True Parents
have set the example and showed the way how to accomplish this. Now you
just have to be united and connected to True Parents. During this forty-year
course which Father walked to indemnify 4000 years of history, Satan has
mobilized every possible means to attack Father, to block Father's way
and to eliminate Father. Father, however, overcame each stage. Today Father
is healthier and stronger than ever! (Applause) Does Father have a bad
brain? (An absolutely good brain) (Laughter) Father knew from the beginning
how much suffering and hardship God had to endure. Father's secret was
his desire to do what God has done. That was Father's main secret.
From 1992 Father declared the liberation of women. In 1993 our motto
was True Parents and the Completed Testament Era. In 1994 The
Safe Settlement of True Parents and the Completed Testament Era. In
1995 Let's Inherit the Victorious Foundation of True Parents. In
1996 Let's be Proud of True Parents and Love True Parents. Under
last year's motto, when you loved and were proud of True Parents did anyone
oppose you? (No) Finally, on the worldwide level, our time has come in
this year of 1997. By accomplishing the 3.6 million couples Blessing this
year the entire world will become God's.
The way we can be proud of True Parents and Love True Parents is by
accomplishing the 3.6. million couples Blessing. Once this 3.6 million
couples Blessing is successfully accomplished, then even elementary school
children will challenge their teachers saying: "When looking at this
present rotten, decadent world I don't see much hope. In the world I observe
two kinds of marriage; one is marriage based on one couple at a time, but
they often fail. On the other hand we see that Reverend Moon has married
3.6. million couples at one time and they are all good couples. Therefore
which route should I take?" (Laughter)
Suppose the teacher would respond by telling that child that Reverend
Moon's way was the only hope. Do you imagine that the parents of that child
would scold him for listening to his teacher's advice? If so, do you think
the child would follow his teacher or his parents? (Teacher) Even the parents
would encourage their young children to follow the advice of the teacher
because that is the right way. Do you think that the high school and college
students who are ready for marriage are going to follow this new world
heavenly trend? (Yes) Once the victory of the 3.6 million couples Blessing
is established, if young people decide to marry without researching the
Unification Church marriage, they will not flourish. Similar to fallen
leaves in the autumn, they will become fertilizer.
From the year 2000, God will
occupy the world with True Love
The entire world will have to pay attention to the Unification Church
wedding. Particularly teachers, professors and Ph.D. candidates will have
to write their thesis on the Unification Church wedding ceremonies. Because
unless they understand fully about the Blessing they will not be qualified
to have the title of Ph.D. From the year 2000 centering upon True Love,
God will be able to occupy the entire world.
Father now gives you the secret today, the only secret: Since True Parents
already won the victories at eight different stages, our task is to overcome
these eight different stages on our own. In order for us to win the same
victories as True Parents we have to make sure that we hold on fast to
True Parents. If True Parents go by boat, we have to hang on to their belt;
if True Parents fly by Concord we still have to hold onto them even if
our legs fly up in the air. (Laughter) No matter what, we have to make
sure that we are united with True Parents and constantly follow in their
path. Unification Church members have more wisdom than flies. If Father
is flying by cosmic Concord, and we hang onto Father's belt and land at
the same time with Father and the fly is sitting on our back and yet we
still land where Father lands before the fly does, then we are wiser than
the fly! (Laughter)
When we board a plane to go to Korea from New York, we might see a fly
in the airplane and we can ask the fly "where are you going?"
Then the fly might answer "I am going to Korea." (Laughter) Then
the fly may say to you, "Where are you going?" and you can say,
"I am going to the Kingdom of Heaven!" (Applause) Do you have
a clear understanding of Father's message this morning? (Yes) If Father
goes to Africa will you follow him? (Yes) If Father asks all Unification
Church Members in America to go to Uruguay tomorrow, then when everyone
lands in Uruguay the entire nation of Uruguay will immediately be filled
with unification. Can you American women do that? (Yes) Do you have confidence?
[Father addresses one American sister in the crowd] Here we have such
a beautiful girl, with beautiful eyes and beautiful lips. Maybe God wants
to meet her and have her become his most beloved daughter. Would you like
that? (Yes) Really? (Laughter) If she happened to be a young oriental girl
and Father were to address her directly in this way, at such close contact
she would surely blush. But since this girl is a western sister she is
still calm. That is okay. (Laughter)
The meaning of this morning's topic, Our Responsibility as the Children
of True Parents corresponds with our original ancestors in the Garden
of Eden. When God created Adam and Eve there was only one commandment that
God gave to them. Do not eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good
and evil. They needed to demonstrate absolute faith, love and obedience
to that commandment from God. However, they did not. When God gave that
commandment to Adam and Eve He already had the foundation of absolute faith,
absolute love and absolute obedience. Upon that foundation God could give
that commandment in the position of subject to His objects. But Adam and
Eve did not follow God's standard of absolute faith, love and obedience.
Therefore God lost His love partner. We now live in the time when we have
to restore the mistake of Adam and Eve. This means that we have to demonstrate
absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience in order to accomplish
the task that is upon our shoulders. In order to do this we have to grab
hold of True Parents' belt and go with them all the way to the end. Then
we will accomplish our mission: the building of the Kingdom of God on Earth.
Amen. (Amen) (Applause)