June 10, 1990, 6:00, A.M.,
Belvedere, New York
Translated by Col. Han
The topic is "Proclamation of True Sons and Daughters and
Freedom". What are "true sons and daughters"? What is
true freedom." Perhaps before all things, Americans have cherished
freedom. Then what is freedom? Freedom is a result of liberation. In
freedom there is no fetter anymore. Would the freedom of men be
different to the freedom of women? That is something to think about.
Does it begin with men or women, or would it occur at the same time?
Before men and women meet each other, we could say they are free. But
does freedom exist before men and women came into being or after? Which
is first, freedom of men or women? When did American freedom begin?
Should freedom follow God or go ahead of God? Did God exist first of
freedom? This is something we have to determine. This is a most
important question.
If God existed first, then what would be the freedom God is waiting
for? If God is absolutely free, then there is nothing not free, all
would be liberated. But does God need the freedom we talk about? Yes,
He needs to be free . . . but what does He want to be free from? What
is binding God? (Loneliness.) But if He is the absolute being, then why
is He lonely? God does shed tears. He misses something. This view of
God is different from conventional thinking. How can He shed tears? Do
you think that God can laugh as we do? God, unlike us, is omnipotent.
He can do anything, any time, but is there still something He wants
like we do? This is the critical question especially for western
thinking which is the dominant thinking in the world. This is the
crucial question because there is God and we have a relationship with
him-vertical and horizontal. Many think, He is a Christian God,
"He is my God". People tend to think God is an absolute being
so to be like God as an individual, we then imagine we have to be
absolute as is our God. This is what we have built in our
societyindividualism. Because we think individualism is being
like God, then we also view freedom from this perspective and so seek
freedom from one another-men from women and vice versa.
But what is it that determines freedom? We can ask this question in
various ways. With respect to God, we could ask which comes first
freedom, life, love or lineage? (Love) What about life? (Second!) What
about lineage (Next). This is right, but in this view, who would
protect our lineage, love and life? Which would protect us from
Before love came into being, there was freedom, and because of love
there came life and lineage. Does love need freedom more? Love does
need freedom so that it can come into being. Freedom is also necessary
for life to come into being and likewise, lineage. So after these three
elements: love life and lineage, then freedom is needed to protect
these three things. Once they have been perfected, then they cannot be
invaded. But they have to reach perfection first.
Another questions: is God already perfected in love, life and
lineage? In terms of the ideal of love, God is not perfected. No
matter how absolute He may be, He cannot live fully. He cannot be happy
without an object. If Father holds a handkerchief, and calls to it,
beckons and laughs, there is some sense to it because there is some
object. Even you sisters need some object. How much? What about women
not having men to bother them. The biggest problem in the women's world
is men. But how happy would you be without this problem?
What of a woman who cherishes celibacy saying she is free, happily
free of the problems of men, do you think such a woman's eyes can
become stable? Can she settle down, can her mouth settle down for ever?
The best smell is the love smell, therefore it is also the man's smell.
And of touching-even if the ugliest man confesses love to a beautiful
woman, it feels good. Those women who want to be liberated from men,
raise your hands now, especially American women, speak up now in front
of Father. How about you men? No matter what unhappy experience you may
have had because of women, speak up now if you wish to be liberated
from them. (Laughter).
So given both men and women need freedom, then centering upon what
can it be attained? Naturally True Love. So the origin of true freedom
is the relationship of true love. Freedom cannot exist without the
relationship of love. If a woman is loved, then she is totally free,
even if her husband jabs her. If he is a truly loving husband, she can
be naked, she can do anything and she will feel free. When a woman
feels totally devoted to her husband, she can do anything. What is it
that allows her to do that? Love or freedom? Centering on love, she
feels and expresses freedom.
Can freedom travel through and unite your five senses? If you are
walking one way with your eyes looking another and your mind is
somewhere else, you are not united. Your five senses are not all
focused on one center. But centering on love, all the senses are
focused on one point, unified. What if at that moment the eyes say,
"I am free so I want to come out of my sockets". If the eyes
did this, would they truly enjoy freedom? Actually, eyes can only enjoy
freedom in their sockets. If they come out, they have no meaning or
value. How tedious it would be if our eyes popped out all the time!
Would this be freedom or death?
The same goes for women, when they go out of position before men,
then their existence is meaningless. Therefore she needs a husband,
love for a husband, a baby, she even needs to feed a baby. To have big
hips and a big bosom is freedom for a woman. When she refuses this and
refuses her husband and she dreams of freedom, then she only heads for
The American pursuit of freedom is more like this: if I don't like
the blackboard, I can break it. I have the freedom to break the
blackboard. But this is neglecting the blackboard's own freedom, and to
break it would be an invasion of that freedom. We can say that all
things have freedom. This is a principle under which things exist. If
our hands are envious of our eyes and try to take their place, is this
Now we can see that everything has it own position and
responsibility in that position and principle to follow. To have
freedom and to preserve that freedom, we cannot deny position and
responsibility. If we do, we no longer have freedom.
Women's and men's freedom are similar in that they are to conquer
the other with love. This "conquer" is not just to be done
once and then thrown away. Rather this conquering is eternal too, not
just to be accomplished once like in America where people love once and
then move onto the next one. They do not know original love.
Intelligent people question a lot of things. One could be parties
and balls-what is the point of getting together and enjoying food,
drink and dancing? Did this tradition originate from some Godly source
or a deviated source? We could imagine perhaps that a king was
dissatisfied with his wife and sought other women. So he brought many
people together where they could all dance with many different people,
and therefore experience many others. This speculation is feasible.
Just imagine how well disciplined your husband would have to be if he
dances with many other women. At least someone would be more beautiful
than you, and dancing so close, touching, moving, do you think he would
not be agitated by close contact dancing? Lots of things can take place
step by step, even temporarily he may like another woman more than his
wife, but is this what God wants?
Perhaps the rule of the ball should be that only spouses dance
together. Then you could even take all Your clothes
off and noone could interfere with your love. Theoretically, if
there were 1,000 couples, and if they all felt the same way towards
their spouse, they could all take their clothes off and it would be
like being alone, the only two together.
America has to really think about everything. So many things simply
become habits and are no longer questioned as to their value. If two
people have true love, then even a wife can look through her husband's
drawers and he won't be offended. Love brings people so close. Before
American citizens seek freedom, they should first look for true love so
that true freedom can come out of the true love.
Can we boast all our virtues are those that encourage true love? We
have to discriminate between all our practices. American love is more
like the love of animals. Who would challenge this? This American love
which makes women, men, children, religions, and nations cry, how can
this love be called good or true love?
What kind of freedom is it we really have here in America? A
destructive freedom! We are moving towards where? The fashions of this
country are moving towards where? Whatever Americans do, others in the
world follow. Therefore we have to be responsible about what we do. We
want to put to an end to this "trash freedom." What we do
need is true freedom that derives from true love.
People seek individual pleasure and often this results in the
sadness of the husband, the family etc. This kind of freedom is wrong.
Reverend Moon hates this concept of freedom.
First we have to seek, find and establish true love. Then freedom is
with us. So instead of searching for freedom, search for true love and
then you will find you have freedom!
When Reverend Moon came to America, people said he was doing
whatever he wants. But this is not true. Many people live a lesser
quality of life than Reverend Moon, but the United States lets them
live without restraint unlike the treatment they gave Reverend Moon.
People found out later that Reverend Moon was living for the sake of
others. Only now they are beginning to understand the freedom Reverend
Moon is teaching. True love really brings forth the true freedom we
Father often scolds us so badly, others may wonder how he can get
away with it. Perhaps a minister might pull a woman's nose, and today
she would probably take him to court. But Father does so many things
others would not feel free to do, but he can because of love-the love
he professes and is doing.
So what is more valuable, love or freedom? Changing or unchanging
love? (Unchanging). You never fail to recognize what is right. So what
will you chase after, freedom or love? (Love).
So now we have narrowed down the relationship of love and freedom
and discovered something about America. America's main problem now is
the racial problem. Those with such racial problems, are they qualified
to speak about freedom? No! Should only white, AngloSaxons enjoy
freedom? How can they build separate toilets for white and black? Are
white people good or bad? White people are bad. Will a toilet bowl
distinguish between what the white man and the black man passes? The
stuff passed by both can sit on one another.
So far, all the American presidents have been white, but it is very
likely that someone else will be president in the future. The New York,
Washington DC and Los Angeles mayors are black. So in time, a black or
other race person will be the president. Nature doesn't allow the
"wrong" to remain forever.
All colored people don't like white people. These minority groups
are actually the majority over the white people. Sooner or later the
majority will become the minority and they will switch around. When the
minorities join together in unity, they become the majority. Everyone
knows this. Reverend Moon has the power to do this, to appeal to all
the minority groups and unite them. Black people respect Reverend Moon
like Martin Luther King because Reverend Moon is courageous enough to
stand up for what is right. The Spanish and Orientals like Reverend
Moon for this reason too because Reverend Moon took the heat as they
often have, they respect him.
In the court battle, the defendant was Reverend Moon and the
prosecution was the United States of America-a government of white
America still has many problems, especially the racial problem. We
only see the tip of the iceberg. The tension is actually very great.
Noone has the solution. People don't even listen to the law.
If Reverend Moon was bad and believed in revenge he would have done
much-he is perfectly capable of severe revenge. However, he is a
peacemaker. What is the solution to the problem? Interracial marriages.
These marriages will eventually connect in all directions and create
one big circle of God. They all need true love in this big circle.
They will create one big circle of true love. Now we have to turn all
the bad love, bad love talk, bad love thinking and make it
good-recreate it.
Those with international marriages, are you happy and getting
happier? (Happy) Even Father looks and thinks they are crazy! Perhaps
brainwashed is the right word! But this is what America needs the most.
This is critical.
Didn't you ever wonder why so many people came and have survived
herein America even with all these racial problems? Why? Because until
now the Christian spirit has prevailed. But if this spirit wanes, then
America will not survive. America really needs religions now. We can
outline what kind of religion we/America needs. We need one that
teaches and promotes the purpose of creation. The Unification Church is
the only one that teaches this. Reverend Moon's teaching is very
simple. In America, everyone is living for their own sake. If you do
however, then you will perish. This is wrong. Reverend Moon teaches.
"Live for the sake of others". But even those who denounced
Reverend Moon are now skeptical of themselves.
Reverend Moon has perfect logic, perfect reason, so thinkers have no
way to contradict this point. In reason people cannot deny this point,
even if their feelings are otherwise, in reason they cannot. Not even
Harvard professors. Are Moonies dumb? One strange thing about each
Unification member is that they have something special. We don't know
what it is but there is something special about each one. You can't
even get rid of them! They are like rubber, they just keep on coming
back. They look dumb but they are not. Reverend Moon looks dumb, but
can a dumb man get the hair of Gorbachev and Bush and tell them
"you need to listen to me"?
If two men were to get stuck on an island for many days alone, who
would brainwash who, Gorbachev or Father?
Now Reverend Moon has no enemy. In the past people shot at him but
the bullets ricocheted and hit the shooter. It hit Reverend Moon, but
didn't stop him, instead it went back and hurt the shooter. So who
surrendered to whom, Reverend Moon or USA?
Such endeavors as those attained while under persecution cannot be
repaid. The USA should settle down now and work with Reverend Moon. If
Reverend Moon was in the spirit world, it would be very difficult. This
is what Father said to prominent Jewish people-that they had better
resolve their problems now while Father is alive otherwise they will
perish in the future. The CIA and FBI cannot boast their power now.
Father says these things with a very serious heart. Sometimes, people
may need to hear these things so they can set themselves straight. Now
we can understand many things. Ten twenty years ago, people would have
been very upset hearing some things because they did not understand.
1975 Father predicted the Moscow rally. People sort of believed,
but couldn't imagine how it would be done. Now it has already been
accomplished. One million people heard Father on TV. Father is meeting
the most important and influential people in Russia. He is saying
"I will save you". So we, like usual, do not really know what
Father is doing. Father is way ahead of us.
We should act as a brake. If there is a runaway car, we have to
stop it. America is like a runaway car. For America's sake we
have to shout out, "there is no freedom." We cannot wait.
You may be able to define true sons and daughters as those who
become the perfect object to God and True Parents. Then we will be
liberated from all the deviated cultural practices of the past, and
eventually from our false lineage. We have to be liberated from: i)
Satan ii) satanic practices; and iii) satanic lineage.
Recently Father proclaimed True Parents, then in Korea he proclaimed
True Family, and today he is proclaiming true sons and daughters.
Father is:
i) messiah of the world (he has liberated the world, even the
communist world)
ii) messiah of the country/clans/family; and
iii) messiah of the individual/ownership. This is the age of
individual ownership.
Father has always fought at the world level. We fought at the
family level against our own relatives. Throughout history, parents
have kidnapped their children. But which one was bad the children or
the parents? Do good parents kidnap their bad children or bad parents
kidnap their good children? Naturally the bad parents oppose the good
children. But at the end, the bad parents bow down to the good
children and come to True Parents in the wake of their children.
So while Reverend Moon has successfully achieved all this-the real
problems in the world between countries has gone, there still remains
one task-to resolve the problem of the individual. In Korea, people
understand Reverend Moon better than any other country now. The blessed
couples are being consulted and listened to by people.
The remaining task is an individual matter. Father took on the
world and nations, and we are to be responsible for the individual
level. To achieve this we have to bring mind and body into unity. If it
is not our responsibility: whose is it?
The bigger worldwar is finished, but have we yet finished the
individual wars? No. This is the remaining problem. The world has
changed. Nations have changed, but we haven't changed. Unless we
change, we cannot inherit the victorious circumstances created by
Father. A crystal has a particular composition. Unless we have this
same composition, we cannot be a part of the larger crystal. So the
question remains, has my mind subjugated my body? Are they still
fighting. This task still remains. Is the war over within yourself?
Then where do you belong? In hell, nearby hell or in heaven?
For example, Father knew the need for this victory many years ago
and has penetrated the barriers at every level-individual, family,
clan, society, nation, world and cosmos. But do you think his body came
along without resisting? No. So Father put his body into prison and
digested the situation. Win over the barrier at the small level and
then go on to the next level. This is how we establish championship
quality. We first have to recognize the body is not following. Then we
have to strengthen our minds and finally pull the body into its proper
Actually before we can be qualified as true sons and daughters we
need to be perfected as individuals. There were the Hippies, Hells
Angels and many more, and we should havedigested and won over all
these. We still have to do this. The world is no longer the problem. I
am still the problem. Father discovered this long ago. He said,
"Before you conquer the world, you must conquer yourself".
Otherwise there is no purpose to Your life. If everyone else
does it and I am not part of this goodness, then there is no meaning
to my existence.
We have to become liberated from Satan and the circumstances he
created, but your lineage and you as individuals are still lingering in
Satan's dominion. Satan still doesn't want to let go of this body
because it is Satan's lineage, Satan's property Satan's concept is
characterized by individualism. Satan's concept rules where? Our body.
Where does God's concept rule? The mind. Mind is plus, flesh is minus. So
in an individual, the mind should be plus and flesh originally should have
been minus. But now flesh claims to be plus. We know that two positive
charges repel one another. Therefore to solve this, we have to
completely deny the flesh,. We cannot just compromise. We have to
completely deny and start to rebuild from zero, the flesh as minus.
World Wars I and II have ended. WW IV is the individual war within
us-this is up to us. WW III is characterized by thought, and that is
basically over. But WW IV is that of the individual and actually has
been in existence since the beginning of human history, and is still
yet to be won.
You know that throughout history, many saints taught many lofty
things but none proclaimed that you have to win over the war against
yourself. Noone preached this. Satan started the wrong, false
lineage. Now God will take his place, starting a true lineage, a true
love lineage, not a false love lineage. To win over the false lineage
is the goal of the true love lineage.
So we must first return to zero in order to return to God. This is
the only way to win over the war within the individual. We already
know the principle. We need to be restored, that is recreated.
Recreation is the full meaning of being saved. From zero we have to be
recreated. But history and lineage was made, until now, in a fallen
place. We have to remove this history and lineage, taking it back to
zero, and rebuild from there. But how can we become zero? We have to go
into places of difficulty. Then Satan will move out. But how do we take
Satan out of our blood? If you get fat, the flesh is getting strong.
But we need to bring the body to zero. We have to make our bodies go to
a position of absolute zero, otherwise we cannot go back to God's
position. Theoretically, there is no way to deny this as the process of
How to overcome and win the war of mind and body is the basic point
of Divine Principle. So, we have to push down, push down the body and
eventually Satan will escape. Then the body can take on a new skin.
Even the snake knows this-he goes through a narrow place to remove his
old skin. That's why persecution is not always bad. We need it. So if
we don't go down to zero, then we cannot be resurrected. This is the
Divine Principle course. (Father turned to HSA president and vice
presidents and said, "Do you have the name of Dr.? I don't like
it. How to erase 'Dr.' and become a true Dr. is critical for you).
There is noone to blame, not your parents, not your husband,
not women, but only "I". Women started the concept of
"I". It has since been multiplied and exists everywhere. But
we must each personally take responsibility for it. This is Father's
standard of perfection. Women must first get the endorsement of other
women, then of all men and then they can stand as perfect women.
What would happen if an American woman were to see a Korean woman in
distress, perhaps a prostitute? If she were to have genuine feelings
that this person was her sister, her daughter, then how could she not
shed tears for this person and pray to God? That person may not be
saved at that time, but step by step, up and up, we must eventually be
able to save them. Here in this country, in other countries and even in
spirit world, people must be saved.
Throughout history, noone saw and taught and practiced this
except Father. That's why we are so attracted to him. This is the
reason why. Father is loving us and saying "If I can't save you
here, I will save you in the spirit world". We as spiritual beings
feel this and respond. Like high and low pressure, we are the low
pressure and Father is the high pressure. We feel his spirit rushing.
We have to challenge our body, flesh and subjugate it absolutely.
Unification Church members have been doing many things at one time. Now
we are freed from bygone days and we can concentrate on our things.
When we get persecuted, we must have the attitude, that "I have
something lacking or something I shouldn't have that I do". This
is our opportunity to change. This individual course must be passed
onto our children if we do not complete it. Don't pass it on to our
second generation!
There is the plus and minus within us all. Father's mission has
been to get victory at all levelsindividual, family, clan,
society, nation, world and cosmosall these and he has done
it. All these are solved through Father. But we have each yet to solve
the basic problem. If we do not, we cannot inherit Father's victorious
foundation at all the other levels. We must return in Father's wake and
inherit it. In one word, Father restored the world wars. We have to
complete the war against ourselves. We participated with Father and won
over many wars. But unless we complete our own war, these others have
no meaning for us.
To help us win the individual war, we must remember the basic
concept, "I live for the sake of others". Live this one
principle that even God wants to adhere to absolutely. So even more so,
we must adhere to this true law. Absolutely obey. In other words, live
true love. We need to be more strict with obeying this law. The worst
law is individualism.
How can we recreate true love? This is the path that will bring
completion. With true love we can digest the worst problems . . . one
by one. This is important. This is our job. This is the way to make
mind and body unity. Then you can go through all the eight stages to
So today, this topic of freedom is being spoken of in this country
and everywhere. However, we must remember
that the most important condition is that we establish true love and
so gain freedom. Therefore we need to win over ourselves. We must make
sure that our mind is right and if so, then it must subjugate the
Do not blame others.
Do you see that like everything else, we know real freedom is not in
America or anywhere else, but true freedom lives in our ability to
love. Also, freedom does not belong to me, I belong to freedom.
Centering upon God, freedom belongs to God, true love, true life and
true lineage. Freedom belongs to God, not God to freedom. Therefore we
have to make true love, true life, and true lineage centering upon true
True love combines mind and body. Once they are in unity, then true
freedom comes into existence. Therefore we have to continue the
historic fight of the war against oneself. Individuals become
victims-this is the dispensational fact. Unless we pacify our body we
cannot say we are the victor. When we return to our families and
continue to find opposition then we must recognize we need to change
something. Then we can go higher and higher.
Father worked to liberate the world and was persecuted at the world
wide level. Do we want to be persecuted in a small place or at a world
wide place? When we go through lots of suffering, we are more grateful
to God. Father can see the faces complaining on their own. But perhaps
you are more wicked that the person who complains against you.
In the Unification Church many people have fasted for forty days.
Many have had such a confrontation with their body. They have
confronted sleep, appetite and the sexual appetite as well. We all have
to go over these. Unless we do that, we can never lose Satan. Before
we have the ability to get rid of Satan we have to remove the dwelling
places within us. When that moment comes, we will shout
"Manse)" and taste freedom forever. Otherwise, we will have
Satan's hooks in us. The lines of Satan's hooks are stronger than
nylon lines.
You will find out, and you'd better find out how powerful Satan is.
You have to liquidate that point in you. Until then you know nothing.
This is very difficult but this is an historical point and we are
part of an historic war. This is one place you can be merciless-to
yourself. Without this victory, there is no freedom.
If you say you will wage this war and pledge yourself to victory,
raise your hands. Thank you very much. God bless you.