April 5, 1987
Translator - Sang Kil Han
People in the secular world have no knowledge of the Blessing. They
meet and marry and do whatever they wish without order. But in the
Unification Church, we value most highly the concept of blessed
families. Why is it that blessed families are truly precious and cannot
be exchanged for anything else?
By having blessed families, we are in a position to have
everything. God's ideal of creation is included in the word
"Blessing." It is not just an ideal but includes all the
processes and actions as well as the results that began with that
Look at you men and women sitting here. You were not created
through the wave of a magic wand. God had a meticulous plan for
building a man and a woman and then He went about fulfilling it. It
took Him a certain period of time. He had a clear plan for all the
systems of the universe which He contemplated for a long time before He
created them.
Women and men are alike, yet at the same time so different. The
masculine and feminine characteristics are unmistakably different from
one another. Imagine if men's or women's eyes were not where they are,
but somewhere else. Why should the eyes be located right where they
are? Why not have them protrude like the eyes of dragonflies? Look at
the useful eyes of a shrimp, which can look around everywhere.
What if your eyeball didn't move around? Then you would have to
turn your whole head to glance somewhere. How busy you would be and how
much energy it would take! The eyes reflect the center of one's being
and so they are located right at the center of the head. The left and
right eyes are connected so that they can work together to look at
The nose is straight and vertical, especially the Western nose,
which gives you an accurate line of sight even if you are looking at
something sideways. The eyes show all your emotions and they are really
the center of God. God dwells in there, so to speak.
When a man stands in an upright position and looks out at the
world, he is able to immediately tell whether things are straight
vertically. Horizontally he can also situate himself with everything
around him. God is like that.
The nose symbolizes Adam and Eve. It is the line of division for
the face. The forehead is like a mountain that stops at the nose. The
nose has two nostrils, one representing man and the other representing
woman. If you have a cold, often one nostril is clogged up and the
other side breathes the air.
The mouth symbolizes the balance of all things. Its opening is
parallel with the horizon. Inside the mouth is a set of 32 teeth, or
four times eight. The number four represents all directions: north,
south, east, and west. The number eight symbolizes a new start. As
soon as we have all our teeth, it is the beginning of a new start.
Do you know which teeth usually come in first-the lower or upper?
Heaven is first, therefore, the upper teeth normally come in first and
then the lower teeth. Usually two come in at the same time and are
immediately followed by two more. Frequently, it is not until the baby
has two teeth that he begins to truly respond to his own mom and dad.
Ears also symbolize the four directions. An ear is like a
mountain, with one ridge after another. When sound enters, it
reverberates inside the ear's structure so we can hear it. Nothing just
haphazardly came into being; everything is carefully planned.
What about the eyebrows? Why aren't eyebrows someplace else?
Naturally, they are where they are to protect the eyes from sweat. All
the crevices and lines on the face are for sweat and water to flow
through. They act as a kind of ditch. Also, the lips protect the mouth
from sweat.
Western people have big, round eyes and eyelids that fold. Their
eyes are so big that without those folds, water would just keep
dripping into the eyes. It is obvious that Eastern people, whose faces
are rather flat and whose eyes are slanted and narrow, don't have to
worry so much about sweat going in, so their eyelids have no fold.
People may like to criticize things but they should realize that God
figured everything out beforehand. It is perfect. There is really no
room for criticism.
Many black people have a rather short and wide nose. This is
because the air is hot in the areas in which they have traditionally
lived. If it passed through a long passage and heated up even more, it
would cause a problem. Thus they can inhale and exhale freely through a
short nasal passage. White people's noses are long and narrow because
they usually live in northern regions where the air is cold.
Your hands display immediately what type of work you are suited
for, whether agricultural work or something else. Women typically have
small, soft hands which are not fit for rough labor, whereas men have
strong hands with thicker skin. Such hands do not get hurt so easily.
Men typically have narrow hips and broad shoulders in order to
carry a heavy burden and support it from the waist up. They are not
designed to sit in one place for a long time. On the other hand,
women's hips are designed to sit for long periods of time and their
shoulders are light. How can you sit for a long time with heavy
From this perspective, those who call loudly for equality between
men and women do not know what they are talking about. In what way are
they equal? The only equality that exists is when the two come together
and unite perfectly. Then they are equal for the first time. How can we
unite? Can men and women be forced to unite by some strong oppressive
power? We have pointed out over and over again in the Unification
Church that true love is the only way for men and women to unite.
Your body is equipped for the fate or fortune you are born with.
Some people have unusually large feet. That is a sign they are destined
to walk long distances and that they are very stable. When I match
people, these are the things I take into consideration, but I do it in
the flash of a second. Everything is considered. Every man and woman
smiles and laughs, but no two people laugh the same way. Some people
laugh by sucking in air, others burst out like an explosion. Through
such signs, I can tell how people will behave in the future.
The way a person walks is also very interesting to note. Some walk
with short, fast strides and others with long, slow strides. All styles
represent a person's destiny. The typical walk of a Western woman
tells very eloquently what kind of a destiny she will have! (Father
walks around swinging his hips in an exaggerated manner.) From behind,
when I observe the way a woman walks and moves her hips, I can
automatically imagine how her face should be. When she turns around and
I look at her face, sure enough, she is exactly as I imagined her. I am
very accurate.
Sometimes I wonder, "How can I match so many people?"
Then I remember my abilities to see things and to draw conclusions from
observation. Then I tell myself, "Oh, yes. I ought to be confident
about the way I match because I was born with this ability."
We walk without thinking about it. But the way someone walks-with
his hands spread out or clenched, and how much he swings his arms-tells
a lot about him. Some people walk this way. (Father does a funny
imitation). Sometimes a person moves in a subtle manner that is not so
visible, but if you observe carefully you can see these things. I can
discern conscientious people from others who are not so conscientious
just by looking at the way they walk. One exhibits everything about his
life in these ways. Someone made people function like this for a
There are at least three layers in the face and the eyes. There is
an inner, a middle, and an outer layer. We know that the formation,
growth, and perfection stages are represented there. This is the case
for all parts of the face-the eyes, the nose, the mouth. That is one of
the first things we learn in the Principle-the three stages of
This is a precise rule. You see it everywhere. Before I existed, my
parents and my grandparents existed. There are three generations.
Then, who is more important- myself or my grandparents? It is my
grandparents. Why? Because they are the root or origin out of which I
developed. The pupil is the center of the eye upon which the other
parts are centered. Everything did not come all at once. So, which is
more important? The root and center is most precious.
Do we need grandfathers and grandmothers? In the United States,
many grandparents are sent to old people's homes. We think they have
freedom and are happy there. But how can anyone be happy with all the
precious things gone from his life? If you put the pupil of an eye away
somewhere, then the iris and the skin are alone and useless. It is like
cutting off the root of a tree. How can we live a healthy, purposeful
life without our root-our grandfathers and grandmothers-from whom we
came? The result is havoc and confusion.
Take a poll of American women and ask who would like to go live
with her husband's parents and grandparents. Does anyone welcome that
situation? Probably not. The women say, "No, my husband and I just
want to live together and not be concerned with anyone else." Is
that right or wrong? It is so wrong that any society with that attitude
deserves to decline.
You might say, "I don't understand. In this society, everyone
is like that. We would be much happier without all these old folks
interfering with everything we do. We can't do what we wish with them
around. Why do we need old people?" Yet, all the things of the
universe tell us, "They are the most precious, so you must cherish
Why do I tell you this? Look at it this way. There are three stages
before your realize your existence. Your grandparents are like the
eyes; your parents are like the nose; you are like the mouth. Would the
mouth say, "I just want to be left alone. I want to be free of the
nose and eyes and function separately"? No, the whole face is more
important than the mouth, nose or eyes alone. All three are included in
the face, not just the mouth. Lacking one, the face can never be
People often talk about their home but they should immediately
think about their grandfather and grandmother being there. Without
them, a good home is unimaginable. Just as when we say "my
hands," that automatically includes three joints, so "my
home" should include three generations. "My arm"
includes the hand, the forearm, and the upper arm. When you say
"my body," it is also divided into three: the head, the
torso, and the limbs. The internal organs include the lungs, the heart,
and the liver. If those three do not work harmoniously together, the
body cannot be supported. Therefore, when you say "my home,
" it should mean grandparents, parents, and yourself. We should
automatically think in those terms.
This is the way it is. If we do not follow this way, the universe
cannot stamp us "Grade A." It will stamp us "Grade
D" or "Grade F." Do you think these are manifestations
of God's plan or not? Even though this is the first time we ever
noticed these things, this is the order of the creation.
Coming back to the idea of blessed families-do they exist outside
the Church or not? Who has the best chance of getting back to the
original ideal-blessed families or others? Therefore, blessed families
are more valuable because they are emulating the one and only original
(Father draws on the blackboard.) This represents a standard of
measure. To measure something, we must be able to find the original
standard that tells the unit-one foot, one inch, and so forth. There is
only one original standard, not two or three. In order to prevent
possible elongation, we keep this in a very secure place where even the
temperature does not affect it. From this original measure we make
other copies so that we can measure many things in many places. So we
may have two, three, or many measures.
How far are we from the original? Are we the tenth copy or the
hundredth copy? The original way might look like this (on blackboard)
but no one reflects this perfectly. If you become very sensitive in
comparing what order you are in-"You are the hundredth copy and I
am the eightieth copy of the standard"-someone else might resent
The only thing exactly like the original measure is the original
measure itself. No other is exactly the same, although it can be
equivalent. No two trees are exactly the same. If you take one measure
from one tree and another measure from another tree, they can never be
identical. Even though you take lumber out of the same tree, the lumber
that is closer to the root is different from that which is closer to
the upper branches.
Each person tends to think, "As far as I know, I am the
standard of life." After a long time, the idea occurs to them:
"We must have some original standard." They decide to look
for the original standard.
Today people take it for granted that it is impossible to know
where or what the original is. Many countries exist, yet Americans say,
"American life is best, so it has to be the original." Do you
agree that America is the original, the center? You have to have
grounds for saying that something is the center. Are Americans the
center because they are free to act as they please-to oppose their own
fathers and mothers and kick their own spouses out of the house and
divorce freely? How can anyone call the United States the center when
the people do things like this?
When I think of divorce, I immediately think of reverse. Divorce
means that something is not progressing but is reversing. The words
even sound similar.
I am saying today that blessed couples are the original standard.
How do we know this? Perhaps I am Iying to you or just saying this. How
can you tell what is the true original? One way to know is that all
five senses respond to it. The eyes look at it and they are pleased.
The nose smells it and it is pleased. The taste is so sweet that once
you taste it, you are like a bee in honey. If you pull a bee away from
the honey, he will stay in it, even if you pull him apart. So the mouth
will attest to the original; your sense of touch will attest to it-you
will want to touch it a thousand times over. All your senses will
respond to the original.
Everything is there within the original; nothing is lacking.
Imitations or fake things that claim to be true may have a lot of true
qualities, but not all of them. Something is bound to be lacking; in
fact, many things are lacking. In other words, whatever Reverend Moon
teaches is good to hear, to look at, to touch, and to taste. Even if I
were to strike someone, that person thinks, "Oh, Father hit me.
That is good!" The pain turns into happiness because it is from
the original.
The original is what everyone loves. The original fingertip is
loved by the eyes, the nose-the whole body. What is the original of
originals in the cosmic world? It is God. So everyone must like God.
They do, don't they? Everybody and everything loves God. Does that
include you? I don't know. Does it really? Then is it correct to say,
"Whatever I like, God must like"? No, we should say,
"Whatever God likes, I must like." Isn't that true?
We are narrower than God. God looks at everything, but we only look
at things in a limited way. God is the center of all things and at the
same time, He is the root of all things. We are like a cell within the
larger being. How can that cell claim to be the center? It can do that
only out of sheer ignorance. A person with such an attitude never
thinks about anything but himself. He doesn't even know where he is,
whether he is north or south of his destination. If he moves from the
wrong position like that, he will destroy himself by colliding with
something. Do you think a person earns a passing grade or a failing
grade if he is like that and thinks he is the center?
I observed brothers and sisters who came into the Matching with
this attitude. They did not know where the center was or what they were
looking for. I was about to match them and eventually bring them to an
awareness of the center. I know they are still in the process of
learning- that some just recently joined and are in grammar school, so
to speak. But they were all eyes and thinking, "Oh, I need the
best-looking husband," and so forth. But they don't even know what
is best for them.
Americans like champions, don't they? Who is the champion of
match-makers in the world? I have matched many thousands of couples.
What if I made a wrong match? It would be a catastrophe. When the
matches are good, what will be the result? The result will be a
fantastic world. By the time it is known and proved and advertised
throughout America, then everyone-young and old, men and women-will
come to me and ask me to match them. A millionaire or billionaire would
be willing to pay all or at least half of what he has. That will be
true in the future.
Suppose I had said to all the men and women who came to the
Matching, "Are you ready to give up everything you own? You pay it
and I will match you." They should be willing to say, "A
thousand times, yes." But is that the way it happens? Of course
not. Those brothers and sisters who came into the matching hall this
time really amazed me in that everybody else was the center except
Father. They thought they could demand what they wanted. Then when I
matched them, many were so surprised and made all kinds of motions.
People have lived as they pleased for thousands of years. Nobody
has ever said, "That is wrong; don't do it." But we are more
serious people gathered here. Where are we going? You must answer,
"To the original place." That is a good answer. Saying
"Back to God" is a zero point answer. It is like saying,
"Everything you want to know is in the encyclopedia. Go and look
it up." More precisely, we must go back to the original point or
place. In order to do that, we have to find the standard.
What is God going to do with the blessed families? We said we are
going back to the original place, but for what? What are we going to do
when we get there? We want to conform with the original form. What is
so precious and valuable about the original form? The original form
contains all the important elements. Otherwise, it would not be the
original form.
Who is the representative of the original form? The answer is Adam
and Eve but only if they grow up and become True Parents. The original
Adam and Eve are like the original measurement which we represented on
the blackboard. But did that measurement of Adam and Eve come out
exactly the way God planned it?
The first thing we have to think about when we talk about original
things is love-the original success in love or the original failure in
love. So the original form of the original blessed family is that Adam
and Eve must come into the unity of love. That is the good origin which
produces the good result. All other good things are contained within
that original form.
Can God also be found there? What is God connected to? God is
connected to that original true love. What should Adam be connected to
in that family? Original true love. What about Eve, then, or Adam and
Eve together? Original true love. God, Adam, Eve, and Adam and Eve
together-all of them should be connected to original true love.
What about the mind and the body? They should be absolutely
connected in true love. If they are absolutely connected in true love,
would the mind and body take different directions, or would they go in
the same direction? How about you? Is the direction of your mind and
body always the same? You have to be consistent with the original
form. As it is, everything we observe is contrary to the original. We
have to deduce from that, "Mankind must have fallen. Something
must have gone seriously wrong from the beginning."
God is the center and He is the originator. When God created all
the universe, what was the common center or common direction from which
He deployed everything? God Himself wants to go in that direction and
He created Adam and Eve and the mind and the body to go in that
direction. In fact, He created everything to go in that one,common
In order to reach the remotest corner of His domain, God needs
bridges. When all things and human beings get to that one point, God
would like to be there. People also need a bridge to get to that one
direction. That binding agent, the thing which can connect us, is
love. Truly, love is the only thing which is qualified to bring
everything together.
In order to participate in love, everything is created in the
subject-object relationship, or male and female. God can ask the
question to Adam or Eve or to anyone, "For what purpose do you
want to live and die?" Perfected Adam and Eve would say, "Why
do you ask such a simple, obvious question?" Even asking the
question seems funny because of course the answer is love. Everything
exists for love. That is the answer which the body, the mind and other
people will always give. Love is the answer.
What will your eyes answer? True love. What about the nose and the
mouth? Everything will say, "True love. Love, love, love,
love." The clear conclusion here is, "Happiness is living for
the sake of love and being able to die for the sake of love."
Which is more valuable-to live or to die? Which brings more
happiness? Well, look at it this way: we want to be in a valuable
place and go in a valuable direction, don't we? Which will bring us to
a more precious place- to live for the sake of love or to die for the
sake of love? This is not a trick, just think about it. Which is the
more valuable place-the place where we live for the sake of love or die
for the sake of love?
Imagine an American couple who lives very happily all their lives,
really in love. They love their country and they die a natural death.
Now imagine another couple who truly love one another and truly love
America, but they died in doing so. Which position is the more blessed
one? Let's say that in the spirit world, there is a highest place to
go, the most honorable place which is closest to God. Who is likely to
occupy that position: those who lived happily in love and died
naturally or those who died for the sake of love, sacrificing
themselves? It is the second.
Let's ask this same question to that most learned Ph.D., Dr.
Durst. Dr. Durst also says that the one who dies for the sake of love
goes to the most precious place.
Western philosophy, for the most part, is founded from a concept of
force or power. They believe that the strong will devour the weak, but
that is not consistent with what we have been saying. Western
philosophy should be corrected. The right perspective is that people
die or sacrifice for the sake of love, which is much stronger than any
force or power.
The theory of evolution is misleading, with many subtle errors.
There are many species and numbers of fish in the ocean. We can see
that there are small fish, larger fish and there are the largest fish.
There is a so-called food chain, in which the smaller creatures are
eaten by the larger ones. The smallest unit of all things has the goal
of reaching men and women, way up at the top of the chain.
All living things, including the fish living in the ocean, have as
their ideal to connect with the happy man and woman united in love.
Since there is no way to jump directly to that point, they have to get
there through a bridge. They move up one step at a time, and then
sooner or later get to man and woman. This is their ideal and their
This is not an interpretation; this is the way they actually feel.
All things are created with this ideal: "One day, I can be a part
of the cells of the center of the whole universe-man and woman."
They do not mean just any ordinary man and woman, but a man and woman
united in love.
Imagine how many billions of cells there are within each individual
human being. Literally billions of cells are dying out and new ones are
being born again each day. This is a source of their pride-that they
can serve for the sake of true love and be a part of the body of true
love. All things are like this-animals, fish, minerals, vegetables-they
want to live for the sake of true love literally, not just
conceptually. It is only possible to reach true love through these
All things in the universe are sending this message to Adam and
Eve: "Please grow bigger, faster." So Adam and Eve keep on
growing until they mature. When you write "W," for woman, on
the board, you see that it is an upside down "M," for man. So
woman is man inverted, right?
Which do you like better-the letter M or the letter W? Of course,
women would say W and men would say M, but it so happens that man was
created first, so man goes on top. W is more like a vessel to put
things in. M is like a lid to cover the things. If some woman wants the
lid to be smaller than the vessel, that is wrong. The lid has to be
bigger in every way-bigger in size and even have larger eyes so that he
can see better. A woman's face tends to be narrower than a man's. Don't
complain to me about that-this is the Principle, not just my own
Should man always be the one to give? When does he receive? If a
woman kicks a man away, he has no chance. He is not in a position to
receive anything. It is only when a woman loves a man that he is in a
position to receive anything. Should men go after women or should
women go after men? Should a woman go after a man to get something out
of him? Woman should follow after man to give him love through the sons
and daughters and grandchildren that she gives birth to.
Men have a lot of muscles in their breasts. But women have more
abundant breasts. Which is the lovegiver- man's muscles or woman's
breasts? Truly, women are centered in love-they want to give and
receive love. They are much more sensitive to love. That is why young
girls enjoy the little chicks that are hatched in the springtime. They
feel they are adorable and they go after them because they see the
potential in them for love. Boys like to go after the chicks, too, but
maybe for food or to bring them to a girl.
Everything is centered on love. Which is the more original way to
see the universe-the way you see it or the way I see it? So are you
willing to follow my way or should I follow yours? I emphasize this so
much only because you emphasize your way so much. Otherwise, I could
speak in a very soft voice. I have spoken for two hours now. Do you
think it has been productive? Should I stop now? When I talk about
love, then you are all ears. We all want to know more because love is
so valuable.
Man is the lid and woman is the vessel. An American woman with a
Ph.D. might say, "I dislike such a theory. I have never heard of
anything like this. In the entire library, there isn't even one line
about that. Maybe Reverend Moon is making this all up. Why does he have
to degrade women all the time?" But who would you follow-the
Ph.D. American woman or me? I have a different skin color and I am not
even a citizen of this country. You know you absolutely want to follow
Fallen man goes to hell. The only way to change this and enable man
to go to heaven is to change his vision, so that the only color he sees
is that of true love. When you see through the eyes of true love, you
forget whether someone is black, white or yellow. This is why we can
say that we are overcoming racial discrimination in the Unification
Church. This is how it is possible.
The whole universe exists for divine love. For the sake of divine
love, the small fish want to reach up and be consumed by a larger fish
to become part of it. Love is very precious and precious things should
be put on the altar. The universe is the altar of love. Everything
wants to be put on this altar of love and be precious like diamonds and
gold. They want to be a part of true love. Fish, vegetables, and
animals all have the right to be placed on the altar of love.
Then what happens? They come into contact with God and become a
part of Him. Everything is designed to seek that point of union with
God. The biggest and best creature, representing all species, should
reach the altar of love and eventually be connected to God. This is
like the universal Olympics or a museum of the universe because you can
find representatives of all the species here- everyone competes to get
God wants to savor the universe with true love and all things shout
out in joy because now, for the first time, they can reach up to God as
they were destined to. When man and woman bow down to God in the
solemn tradition of all things reaching toward love, the creation will
say, "I am now a part of the higher creation. I am ready to die
for the sake of love, my God." God will say, "Yes, now you
qualify as the highest form of life."
God Himself is happy and satisfied. God in turn feels that He can
die for the sake of all things. Everyone, even the smallest living
creature, will applaud with joy. God won't die, but this is truly the
way He feels. Everyone cherishes God within this fabulous love and God
reciprocates that. Is anything missing? Everything is proud of itself
because it is part of the true love of creation.
Darwin's materialistic theory of evolution has no place in this
ideal. As soon as we know the truth, that theory goes into the trash
can. Even if what I am teaching is not true, even if it is downright
false and imaginary, still it is noteworthy. In all of civilization, no
one has come up with an idea like this which can squarely confront
Darwinism and evolution. People thought that theory was the best they
had. But what if my words are true? Then this is a serious and
wonderful matter.
Is this powerful enough to nudge your ideas a bit? It has taken me
two hours for the introduction! At least we have a foundation now. We
understand that true love is precious. Should I continue or is that
enough for you today? What church in the whole world-especially in this
democratic country of the United States-has a pastor who gives a sermon
for more than 45 minutes? My sermon has already gone on for more than
two hours and still you want more. You must certainly be crazy!
Reverend Moon is crazy too! Two crazy parties have met.
Where is our hope? It is in grasping hold of true love. That is all
we are concerned with. No matter how complicated things may be, true
love will get everything back to normal. It is truly amazing that by
meeting Reverend Moon, you understand our origins, where you are going,
what true love is, and how we connect to it. We know these things for
the first time.
Can we find God in the blessed couples, the blessed families? Yes
we can, without a doubt. And do we find true man and woman there? We
find true love there-we find a true father, true mother and true
children, as well as God Himself. There is the true family, true
society, true world, and true cosmos.
The Korean language is a revealing language, one which exposes deep
feelings. The expression, "I am really happy," means "I
am dying, I am so happy." Any extreme emotion is expressed by the
prefix, "I am dying I am so cold, so hungry, etc."
In English, you frequently insert the phrase, "you know"
into your conversation. In Korean, that phrase is "ma ri a."
Many times Americans ask, "What is 'maria' in the Korean
language?" Of course, "Maria" is the name of Mary and it
also represents Eve, so we might say that the Korean language is
constantly trying to find Eve or Mary. Since Korea is a masculine
country, he is constantly looking for Eve! That reflects a lot.
Sometimes I can be very minute in my thinking. I care about small
things and I have many large and complicated things on my mind, but
complication never leads me to confusion. The more complicated things
are, the larger truth I can find.
Truly you Unification Church members, especially the Western
members, are learning a great deal, aren't you? The Unification Church
is the only place where all the true elements are. What connects them?
Of course, it is true love. With true love, we can occupy and possess
everything and we become connected with everything.
What are the characteristics of our blessed families in the
Unification Church? Are Unification Church women very changeable? Are
they very talkative? They shouldn't be. Unification Church women only
talk when love is involved. They don't even want to listen to
something or get near anything that is not connected to love.
If woman is the symbol of the expression of love, then what is
man? He is the symbol of pioneering, conquering, domineering. Do you
want to conquer in love? Nobody
likes a dictatorship and Americans particularly dislike
dictatorship. What about a dictatorship of love? Then it's not a
dictatorship any more.
What kind of man would you women like? Do you want a man who hovers
around you, admiring and praising you, or the kind who just takes hold
of you? Would you like an aggressive man or a man who would keep his
distance and just admire you from afar? Which one? I am a man, so I
can't answer this. I want the women to answer.
Some women are so frail, it seems like they have no contents. Like
an ant, they have a very narrow waist that never breaks and which a man
can hold onto well. Every woman wants to reduce her waistline because
she wants to boast that she is loved. "Because my husband squeezed
me so tight, my waistline got smaller." Nowadays a heavy woman is
not appreciated. People look at her and think, "Oh, she must not
have love."
I wrote "True God" on the blackboard. Of course, there is
only one God, so why did I write that? Until now, God has never been
God in His original state. He has been a God who has not known love.
That has been God's situation. Are you Unification Church members sure
that God exists? Do you just believe it or do you know it?
We all have a physical father and mother, don't we? What is the
difference between the physical father and the True Father? All things
want to turn away from a father of the fallen lineage, but everything
in the universe welcomes and loves the True Father. In the Unification
Church, you consider Reverend Moon your True Father. What is the actual
difference between worldly fathers and the True Father? One has true
love and the other does not, so it is a big difference. The true child,
true family, true society, true nation, true world, and a true lineage
which are eternally unchanging are connected by love all the way up to
God Himself.
Have you become part of the true lineage as blessed couples? How
many languages should be spoken in the true lineage? Only one. But look
at us-so many languages are spoken here. Are you a true family or not?
True heaven has only one language. Language is what binds a culture
together. How many ancestors are there in the true family and the true
lineage? They go all the way to God. It is God's own lineage. Lineage
means the blood line. God's own blood is flowing in the true lineage.
Many people and nations will be connected, and eventually the world.
Billions and billions of spirit people are living in the spirit
world, just as we are living on earth. They also must get to true love
and there is absolutely no other way except joining with the true
lineage. People in the past and in the present have been looking for
this point where they can become connected to God. For the first time
in the spirit world because of the advent of True Parents, all the
walls are coming down.
When true love comes, no walls or barriers can remain. Just as a
bird can fly from one country to another- everyone is part of one
country. God's man and God's woman will become one in true love. Unless
true love exists there is no way these two can be united.
The family is composed of the grandparents, the parents, and the
sons and daughters. In the heavenly four-position foundation, God is in
the first position, the grandparents are in the second position, the
parents are in the third position and the fourth position is the
children. There is the grandparents' true love, the parents' true love,
the true love of the children and all the relationships of true love
among all the parties there. The lineage is vertical.
The ideal of creation is the realization of the four position
foundation. The four-position foundation includes everything in
itself. Every essential relationship is explained within it. True love
is the binding agent, the element that makes its unity.
We all begin in the children's position. Children should inherit
heavenly fortune through their lineage. Grandparents are precious
because they are the center of the past. The parents represent the
present and the children represent the future-the future of the
country, the family, the lineage, everything. East, west, north and
south-all four directions are there. The center of the four-position
foundation is the center of everything.
When you think about family, it is not some quantity that you
count-five people or whatever-but rather, you instantly think about
true love and the four-position foundation. When we think about
grandparents, we are reminded of the past. We can learn about the past
from them. The parents are the present and the children are the
beginning point of the future.
Through the true lineage we inherit true love. When we see our
grandmother and grandfather in love, even though they are very old, we
learn, "This is the way we ought to behave." Even if we feel
like opposing and rejecting each other, we control ourselves. The same
is true with our parents. We learn to love from them.
From the family you can look out in one glance and see the whole
universe. We can learn how God sees the universe because we can feel it
in the true family. Every element is there. If you love your
grandmother, your mother, your sisters and your wife, you can love and
appreciate all the female creatures in the animal kingdom. The family
is the textbook of cosmic love and that is why it is so precious and
important. Without a textbook, what can you learn?
If a family lacks its grandmother, it is that far from perfection.
The same is true if any other member of the family is lacking. The
four-position foundation is already heaven. As time goes by, you change
places, like moving to a different house.
Who goes to heaven and how does one go? It is very clear that those
who learned everything on earth according to the true love textbook
will go to heaven. The grandparents must love the family with their
life. The father and mother love their sons and daughters with their
own lives. How happy a family this is.
What is the true family? In the true family, each member is ready
to die for the sake of each other. The grandmother and grandfather are
perfectly willing to die for the sake of their own children, the father
and mother. The father and mother love their children so much, they are
willing to die for their sake. Furthermore, the sons and daughters will
gladly die for the sake of the grandparents. The grandparents will die
for one another, the brothers will die for the sisters and vice versa.
That is a true family.
Mankind actually lives for the sake of the future, not for the
present alone. Because of the true children, the present and the past
and the future are eternally connected. Now we know what a true family
is, don't we? That is the true standard, the rule or yardstick. What
about the average American family? Is it anything like the true
family? Of course not.
In China, people are well-knit in this kind of relationship. Such a
thing is conventional. No matter how old the parents are, they
absolutely obey their parents, the grandfather and grandmother. Even if
they are 60 years old and the grandparents are 80, they obey them just
like small children. What about the grandchildren? To them, the
grandfather and grandmother represent God. In that sense, the god of
their home is the grandparents. The home's president is the father and
the people are the sons and daughters.
Nothing is more valuable than the true family. That is my topic
this morning-"The Blessed Family Is Truly Precious." One
cannot find love in the nation without finding love in the family.
Those who are not loved in the family cannot be loved in the country,
nor in the world. The family is the most basic unit.
You blessed couples, please raise your hands. Are you living this
way of life in your family? Are your grandfather and a grandmother with
you? God Himself will be our grandparents. Father and Mother are the
True Parents. You are in the position of children. We must realize that
we are within the boundary of the family of God and be most proud of
that. What is more precious than that? It cannot be exchanged for
the whole universe.
With this standard, can you Japanese brothers and sisters just ask
to go back to Japan? We don't have nations or any such boundaries.
Families are the extension of everything we have in God. God doesn't
have a country yet, so why do you want to go back to Japan? Why do you
Americans only want to stay in America? Why do you Koreans think about
Korea? The only thing we have is family.
When I go Korea, where do your minds go? They go with me, don't
they? It doesn't make any difference whether you are black or white or
yellow. Why? It is because of true love.
Can you exchange true love with any proud American achievements?
Even if many countries got together and pooled all their treasures, do
you think that would have the value of true love? No. It is truly
priceless. Your own spouse is so precious that even if someone offered
you the wealth of the world, in exchange, that could not compare. With
such a precious spouse, could you have any other woman? Could you even
get near to someone else? Your own wife may not be so beautiful in the
worldly sense-maybe she even limps and is homely while some other
beautiful woman is beckoning to you. But can you follow her? No,
because we know that true love is far more precious than anything.
Nothing is more important.
What kind of family do we want to live in? Imagine how difficult it
is in secular society even for a woman with a good husband. In the
outside world, people are always worried to death. A husband goes to
the office in the morning and the wife may easily begin to doubt his
fidelity. She wonders, "Is he going to go out drinking? What if he
meets another woman?" She worries about all kinds of things. But
in the Unification Church, do we have to worry about that? Do we say,
"I haven't seen my husband for a long time, so I am very worried
that he is off drinking somewhere or has another woman"? No, for
the first time in history, we are free.
We know that to protect our family is to protect God Himself. This
is how important it is. To protect the president of one's own country,
or to protect the True Parents is of the same significance as
protecting one's family. Now do you understand how important and
precious the blessed family is?
In a family, if one person hides something from another-for
instance if the father hides money in a secret place away from the
mother, or the children are dishonest with their parents-how miserable
this is. True love can go anywhere. It can go through everybody's
pockets and nothing is hidden.
What is the chain of command in the family? First in rank are the
grandfather and grandmother. Of course, the father and mother are next
in rank. They must not be self-centered but should be God-centered.
We know that true love is even more powerful than death. After our
grandparents grow old and go to spirit world, if we love them and want
them badly, they can still communicate with us. The gap or boundary
between spirit world and physical world is bridged by true love. We may
be in a tight spot and need some good advice from our departed
grandparents, so we can ask them deeply and then they can give us the
solution. Our own descendants can do the same thing.
When we kneel down to God as princes and princesses of true love,
there is nothing He will refuse. God will listen to everything
gladly. If this isn't true, then God is only conceptual, and we don't
need just a concept. We want to embrace God, too. Have you ever put
yourself in the position of prince and princess of true love when you
prayed to God?
We have to remember that there are many positions from which to
pray. The shortest distance to God is from the position of acting with
true love. Are you truly princes and princesses of God and of the
Heavenly Kingdom? When this love fills up the whole world, then we will
become true princes and princesses.
If a person lives under such circumstances, how can he help but go
to heaven? Such a person is automatically pushed up to heaven. Now do
you understand? We must live in such a way as to become royal citizens
of God's kingdom. Think: "I will be the royal child who serves the
elder kings-my grandparents and parents. I will be the king of my own
generation and I will serve in all these positions." If we become
like that, we truly have no boundaries. How dignified and how much
authority we would have! You don't need anything more than that. That
is true happiness.
(Father speaks in English:) You are a leader in true love. Everyone
will be looking at you, waiting for you, moving when you move,
preparing for you. Nothing can control you but true love. Such a person
becomes God's woman, God's man, God's parents, God's grandparents. How
wonderful Moonies are. We have to follow that kind of way, we have to
do that kind of thing. If you want to do that, raise your hands. Thank
you. God bless you.
(Colonel Han:) Let us pray.