87-03- 15
March 15, 1987
Translator - Bo Hi Pak
(Dr. Pak: I don't think anyone can read this title, even if you
know Korean, because it is all in Chinese characters. Just translating
the title of one speech like this is so difficult. Can you imagine
translating the whole gamut of Father's words and God's revelations?
You can see that one of our historical missions is to conquer the
language barrier. The language barrier is one of the worst enemies of
God's providence.)
When we talk about providential history, that includes the history
of God and the history of man. When people commonly talk about the
history of the United States or Korea or the world, they mean simply
the record of events. That record does not include providential
history, which involves a relationship with God's history.
Religious history and human history will conclude at the same time,
as will providential history. Those three histories are heading toward
one common terminal. Therefore, those who do not recognize religion
and the providential aspect actually understand only one third of
history, even though they may not realize it.
No matter how much you study human history on a horizontal basis,
you will not recognize or be able to predict what will come about in
the future. One of the most important questions is, when will these
three histories-religious, providential, and human-come together? What
should be the center upon which all three histories are consummated?
This is a key question.
Human history is centered on man, not on material things or any
natural phenomena, nor on any particular event. When we say
"man," we mean man and woman. The central figure of history
is man. What men and women desire to fulfill and accomplish shall be
the destination of religious history, providential history, and the
history of humanity.
What do men and women desire most at this time? All people are
aspiring for a peaceful world. Therefore, history is moving toward the
consummation of that goal. Religious history has involved many ups and
downs, suffering, persecution and so forth, but that history is also
moving toward the consummation of human desire: peace for the world.
Providential history is going that way as well.
What is the essence of unity between men and women? It is true
love. What is the foundation of true love? The foundation is the true
family. The true family-men and women united in true love-is the
ultimate structure, the ultimate goal for men and women. So far,
providential and religious history have been seemingly separated,
running two different courses, but from God's point of view they are
part of the same mission and are on the same side of history.
God cannot move history by Himself. He uses men and women as His
instruments; He also uses religion. Woven into religious history, the
actions of men and women have been used as instruments of God to move
providential history. The entire cultural history of the world has been
woven by religious history. Religious history includes the effects of
the spirit world as well as man's providential role. It includes the
depth of connection between the physical and spiritual worlds. This is
how the cultures of the world have formed, come, and gone.
There are many different religions in the world. In general,
religions have one of three distinct characters. One kind emphasizes
the spirit world and spiritual phenomena. Another kind of religion
emphasizes external behavior or the actions of people. A third kind
tries to unify the spiritual and physical aspects. To explain all of
providential history would require a tremendous amount of time. But
generally speaking, Christianity has its emphasis on the spirit world;
religions like Islam have their emphasis on the nation, or the external
realm. Buddhism is more internal and spiritual, while Confucianism is
much more external. The time has come, however, for those major
religions to be harmonized, unified, and united.
In order to unify all the major religions of the world, the first
thing we have to do is know the will of God. Without knowing the will
of God, it is impossible. Secondly, that unity must come upon the
foundation of men and women within the family.
We come to the point of asking, 'What kind of religion is the
Unification Church?" The Unification Church must be able to guide
the consummation of human history, religious history, and providential
history. Unificationism must have that substance. The Unification
Church must bring the two aspects of religion-external and internal-
together, bringing ultimate unity, harmony, and providential historical
consummation. That is the goal of the Unification Church.
The teaching of the Unification Church is based upon the
restoration of the relationship between men and women within the
family. Our teaching has both a physical aspect and a spiritual aspect.
Therefore, it is a truly historical event when the Unification Church
proclaims the goal of consummation of all these three histories. Human
history, religious history, and providential history are all looking
for one common thing: perfected men and women in a relationship of
true love. That is what Unificationism is all about. Therefore, men and
women who are living with true love in the family are the
representation of the ultimate truth of all these histories.
The most incredible concept of religion is that of the coming of a
Messiah-in Christianity, the Second Advent. One way or another, all
religions teach such an ideal because all religions recognize that a
new beginning must be made, centering upon a new universal central
We call that person the Messiah. When the Messiah comes, he will
work for one simple goal: to consummate providential history, centering
upon men and women according to the will of God.
At this point, we must clarify why human history, religious
history, and providential history have all been separated from each
other. It is because of the fall of man. The fall of man had such a
formidable impact on all of history. The problem today, even among
yourselves here, is that you do not realize poignantly enough that you
are the fallen generation living in a fallen world. That kind of
realization has not deeply penetrated your heart.
The end of the world has been predicted, a period of confusion and
chaos. Everything seems pitch dark. People lose all sense of direction
and can no longer determine right or wrong. In a way, this is according
to the will of God. When the end of the world comes, the chaos and
confusion are necessary, in a way. The reason is that some groups and
religions have asserted their own beliefs too strongly, which is a
hindrance to providential history. Therefore, God lets them all become
mixed up and confused. Then a new proclamation is possible.
Thus confusion and chaos can expedite the will of God and
providential history. In the confusion, when God proclaims the ultimate
truth, people will accept that truth more quickly. They will have no
other choice. We are living in such a time today. Many historians and
philosophers have tried, but no one can proclaim what the future of the
world will be. Many religious leaders are talking about all kinds of
things, but they have no answers. Society is encountering more problems
every day, but finding no answers. We are living in an age of
confusion. The strategy of God is to create such chaotic confusion and
then transform the world into a new, God-centered world. When the
ultimate one comes to proclaim truth, the entire world will see it as
the only hope and light.
Once the central person appears, what will he do? Will he destroy
the world and also religion? No, that ultimate central person will
proclaim that all religions must become one and all people must be
united into one. He shall appear as a harmonizer, a unifier, and a
transformer. At the end of the world, such a movement must come into
being and prosper. Such a movement has appeared-that of the
Unification Church.
How will that movement be evaluated? The people of the world will
see it and say, "Our goal is to prosper as a family, society,
nation and world. What are the Unificationists doing?" They are
looking at it very clearly from this point of view-according to
earthly, mundane success.
All the religious people will look at it from the religious
historical viewpoint and say, "This is what we have been aspiring
for in history. Truly the Unification movement has an answer to our
questions and can satisfy our religious aspirations." They will
look at it from that point of view.
From the point of view of providential history, God is observing
and testing this movement. He is thinking, "Is there a man of
faith greater than Abraham, greater than Noah, greater than Moses, with
a truly unchanging and undaunted spirit? Has a truly remarkable
foundation of faith been established?" God is looking at and
evaluating this movement from such a perspective.
In other words, that particular movement would be able to answer
all the questions of the three different aspects of history. God will
come to the conclusion: "This is it. The ultimate solution is the
Unification movement."
From the religious historical point of view, all aspirations are
fulfilled by the Unification movement. Even from a mundane, secular
point of view, all the nations of the world would say, "This is
it. No movement is greater than this in fulfilling our human
aspirations." Amen?
The question is, does the Unification Church truly stand in such a
position? What about those of you here? Have you nothing to do with the
fall of man, or are you still connected with it? What do you think? Are
you part of the fall of man? Are you rooted in the fallen world or the
heavenly world? You cannot simply deny that your roots have been in the
fallen world. Where is the perfected, pure group without a fall? It is
the True Parents. Do you say that from your lips or from your heart?
Satan is following right behind God, trying to thwart His goal of
salvation of all humanity. Satan says, "No, that person is mine,
that group belongs to my realm. Don't touch that world, God, because it
is mine." Satan is always trying to prevent God from saving the
fallen world. Is Satan right behind you, or does he have nothing to do
with you? If you say, "Satan has nothing to do with me and cannot
follow me anymore," then you are proclaiming, "I am the
consummation of human history, religious history, and providential
history. So go away, Satan. You have no business with me." Each
one of you should be able to declare this. The question is whether
Satan is following you or not. I tell you right now, Satan is right
behind you. Look around.
Someone might say, "I am most proud to be a first-class
citizen of the United States of America." What kind of declaration
is that-a heavenly or a satanic one? Satan will recognize that
declaration and immediately say, "That is mine." But if you
say, "I am a citizen of the Heavenly Kingdom, a child of God and
True Parents, and I represent all of humanity as the victorious, godly
person," then what? That is an entirely different perspective.
Satan will say, "That viewpoint is bigger than me." Satan
will look upon you in an entirely different light. So, which
side are you standing on?
I came to America as an immigrant, wanting to work for this country
and its citizens. Satan immediately said, "That is my territory.
Since you are working in my territory, you become my servant." But
I declared, "I came to America for the sake of the world and the
providential will of God. I represent all of God-centered history and I
am working toward the consummation of God's Kingdom." Then Satan
said, "That is an invasion of the satanic kingdom, the worst
invasion. Reverend Moon is trying to destroy my principality!"
Satan put up all kinds of defenses, one after another, in order to
prevent Reverend Moon from penetrating. He proclaimed to the secular
world, "The brainwashers are coming, led by Reverend Moon! Don't
be contaminated! Don't even go near them." In that way, he put up
a smoke screen.
If you wanted to connect a pipe to a water supply, would you choose
a spring well or a stagnant water tank? Certainly, you would prefer
spring water. A spring well has no enormous facilities-no tank, no
motor, just a little pipe. But water flows down from it continuously. A
big city water tank looks impressive and it is a gigantic facility. Yet
no matter how big that water tank might be, its water supply is
limited. Thus people say, "Let's hold on to it. Don't give it
away to anybody else." But with spring water, there is no limit.
You not only want to drink it yourself, you want to share it. You want
to give it away to the world. Spring water is pure and living, while
the water in a tank is still and unmoving so contamination and
stagnation are possible. Impure, foreign materials form.
Nationalism, all kinds of cultural barriers, and racism settle in
to the closed "tank" of the secular world. Meanwhile, within
the Unification Church you have Reverend Moon, nothing else, no big
facilities. However, as long as your pipe is connected to Reverend
Moon, it is connected to a spring well. The United States is like a big
tank. The people think, "We are tremendous. We have such a large
reservoir and great power." But inside that tank the water never
moves. Therefore, the contamination is such that the smell could kill
you. The rotten smell of racism, nationalism, and secular humanism are
By contrast, the Unification Church pipe is a small one. You may
not have unlimited amounts in one day, but it constantly gives tasty
and pure water-so alive, so reviving. Isn't that true? We have no
stinky smell. We have the beautiful fragrance of unification:
unification of the family, unification of the nation, unification of
the races and cultures.
What is that unification centered upon? Is it centered upon the
United States of America? Is U.S. citizenship the main goal? From the
human history point of view, the United States is the number one nation
in the world today, without question. But from the religious history
point of view, the United States has a rotten odor and is declining. We
cannot go along with the United States' standard. From a providential
point of view, God already turned His back on this country. In time,
people will say, "We didn't realize it before, but now we see the
Unification Church is true spring water. This is the answer to all of
There has been so much opposition to the Unification Church.
Leaders of nations and governments have opposed the Unification Church
out of sheer ignorance. But as soon as they know the truth about
Reverend Moon and the ideals of the Unification Church, they will
entirely change and open up. Don't you see that possibility? From a
religious history point of view, they will look at the Unification
Church and say, "They've got everything we have been aspiring for.
We couldn't find the way to achieve such a goal, but the
Unification Church has it all." From the providential point of
view, God has been looking for an instrument to fulfill His
historical will here on earth. He could not find any better persons
than the members of the Unification Church.
Therefore, whether you ask God, spirit world, or the
physical world, they all come to the same conclusion: the
Unification Church is the ultimate one, with the answer to all
the problems of humanity. This is the reason the Unification Church
gets assistance from Islam's founder, Mohammed, as well as from Buddha,
Confucius, and Jesus himself. We are the consummation of their
religions, the consummation of their historical point of view.
Therefore they cannot help but assist our movement.
We must live in pride. We must have the conviction, "I am the
representative of the universal ideal of God and men. I am fulfilling
God's will and I represent the hope of the entire world." You have
to live with that pride. Your answer is not strong enough. Do you?
Suppose your entire spiritual life was videotaped and rerun on a
screen. I'm sure I could see a lot of unsightly, smelly stuff there.
What do you think? Is there some portion of your videotape that is
stinky? Suppose God initially has a tremendous interest in it and all
of a sudden, it starts to get ugly and He says, "I don't want to
see this! I don't want to smell this!" Soon God would turn it
off. Can anyone say, "No, Father, God will enjoy all of my
videotape, no question about it. I am proud to present my videotape to
God"? Do you have that confidence? Why so silent?
That is what the spirit world is all about. To look at the
videotape on earth would take hours and hours. But in spirit world, all
you have to do is press one button and all of a person's life record
shows up in one flash. Scary, isn't it? First of all, we have to
completely organize and cleanse our lives and begin again. Although we
recognize that our root is in the fallen world, we have been
transformed in the Unification Church. Because you met the True
Parents, therefore, you are a new being, a new creature. Your life is a
new one. You are no longer living for the sake of one small society,
one small nation. You are living for the sake of the world and of God.
The future path, the future model is found in you. God is making you a
model for the future in the base of the Unification Church.
In the relay race of history, the Unification Church is the runner
that carries the baton representing the future. From now on, the
victorious runner will be the Unification Church. The secular world is
running the race centering on mundane goals. Narrow national interests,
material prosperity, free sex and drugs are the goal. But finally the
baton is being handed over to the future generation which is running in
an entirely opposite direction. They are going into the immoral
culture, the materialistic culture and igniting a revolution.
We are plunging into the satanic world as revolutionaries for the
ultimate spiritual revolution. The territory of the ideal world is
being expanded because of our work. Wherever we move in, new territory
for God's kingdom is created. In that way, God's kingdom is enlarged.
I have laid this kind of condition even under opposition. What if
the United States had totally welcomed and embraced Reverend Moon? Do
you think Reverend Moon has the capacity to transform this country?
Everyone else is running one way and Reverend Moon is running the
opposite way. All along his path, he encountered persecution and
rejection. But the more he runs to ignite the true revolution, the more
people come to realize that the only hope is in Reverend Moon's ideal.
People in the academic world, the media, politics, and economics have
all come to the conclusion that there is no other hope except Reverend
Moon's ideal.
When Reverend Moon came, he seemed to be a threat to their base.
They feared that he was coming to take over and displace every one of
them. But the more they observed what Reverend Moon was doing, the more
they said, "Oh, we don't have to fear him. He really came to save
us, to save the country and the world. There is no other solution than
the one he proclaims." They also come to the realization that what
Reverend Moon is teaching and doing is what all of mankind has been
yearning for, what history has been moving toward, what religion has
been aspiring to and what God has been looking forward to. Then they
see an entirely different aspect of Reverend Moon.
The communist world is crumbling, the free world is crumbling, and
the religious world is crumbling. Only the Unification world is moving
upward all the time. Who is making that upward movement? It is God-
Hananim. God, spirit world, and the providential will are like a
tailwind pushing us forward. This is why the Unification movement is
rising continuously.
In the past, the things that Reverend Moon said might have sounded
like crazy statements, but now people are believing them. The CIA, for
example, has been gathering information and watching our movement all
this time. They must have come to the conclusion, "America needs
a revival of Christianity and morality. Who is doing it? Reverend
Moon. The problem in the world today is communism. Who is fighting
communism? Reverend Moon. The family system needs to be strengthened
and saved from crumbling. Who is reconstructing the family system in
America? Reverend Moon." They have to come to that conclusion.
If they try to eliminate Reverend Moon, they will have to eliminate
all these incredible works of salvation. They come to the realization
that Reverend Moon is what this country absolutely needs. Furthermore,
if they want to isolate Reverend Moon, it will not work. Who shall
oppose the will of God?
Many other countries have now come to the realization that Reverend
Moon's teaching holds the hope for their salvation. They are sending
petitions, asking, "Reverend Moon, could you come to our country
and help us? We need you." These kinds of messages come every
day. Among academicians and scholarly people, there is a growing
recognition that no religious leader in history has ever done as much
as Reverend Moon and that he is truly a historical person.
The first realization is from a horizontal historical point of
view. The second is from the religious point of view. No religious
leader in the entire history of man has ever done so much in his own
lifetime as Reverend Moon.
From the providential point of view-spirit world's-no one in history
ever demonstrated this kind of devotion and commitment, this kind of
faith in God. God could not swap Abraham or Noah or Moses with Reverend
Moon. No one in spirit world can compete with Reverend Moon's standard
of fidelity to God. There are eyes in human and religious history which
see Reverend Moon in that light. Providential history has eyes that
will see Reverend Moon in that light.
(Father speaks in English:) "He is a Korean, he came from
Asia." Is that the way you look at Father? (No!) I don't believe
you! (Dr. Pak resumes translating:) Do you say, "Reverend Moon is
just one of many religious leaders-one of the good ones-but there are
many others"? Perhaps you came to Belvedere this morning and
changed your mind only after listening to me. All of a sudden, you
said, "I've got the wrong concept. Quick, I have to change
When you come to Belvedere, you hear such a providential and
historical message. But many of you say, "I'm tired. Belvedere is
a good place to sleep." Some people chew gum in order to keep
themselves awake. Father is the general of the historical heavenly
forces, so you should always be at attention and wide awake.
There are so many people trying to meet with me now. Even former
presidents have come to pay their respects. But I don't see all the
important people who want to see me. Barbara Walters has wanted to
interview me for three years but I keep saying, "No. No."
Every Sunday, though, I come to Belvedere to meet the Moonies. Don't
you feel great this morning?
There is an advertisement on television for upcoming wrestling
matches at Madison Square Garden. People are advertising them, saying,
"Come to see the wrestling match." How much have you
advertised Father? Have you done more than they have for the wrestling
match? I don't say, "You must come and pay homage to me." I
am calm, quiet, and unassuming. Meanwhile, the world of death is wildly
crying out all kinds of slogans. The true world of life does not need
to shout out. It grows without fanfare, without a trumpet or noise. I
have been accused and persecuted and rejected for the entire 40 years
of this dispensational period, but no power under the sun could stop my
Where do we find the solution to all three aspects of history-the
history of humanity, the history of religion, and the history of the
providential will? All of history will be consummated when a model
emerges designed by God. This model is more important than all three
aspects of history. No matter how almighty and omnipotent God is, He
can move history forward only after He establishes the model, not
before. If the dispensational will is put into motion before the model
emerges, Satan will claim it. The model has to be there, marking the
turning point of history. Therefore, when religious history tries to
bring forth that model, Satan will desperately work every possible evil
to stop its emergence.
From the religious, providential, and historical points of view,
there must emerge a living model in the center, a standard-bearer. Such
a person becomes the scale by which people can be measured. You can
"weigh" yourself and other people because you have a certain
central standard. In religious terminology, this particular
standard-bearer has been described in many ways: the Messiah, the Lord
of the Second Coming, an Avatar-all kinds of language can be used, but
we are basically talking about the standard-bearer of the love of God.
When you find and recognize that historical model, would you let
him get away? Would you ever leave him? Why not? Once you turn away
from that model, criticism comes to you from human history, religious
history, and the providential point of view. You will be isolated and
alone, with no place to go. Someone might say, "Well, I have my
home and my family. I can do without the model," but that is not
true. Your parents will eventually come to the model, as will your own
brothers and sisters. Then you will be left behind.
What do you think? Are the participants in the Olympic games chosen
from defeated people? If that were the case, all the people of the
nation would protest, saying, "How come our country selected
contestants from losers? Why can't you get the best-those who are
proven winners?" If a country did not send their best athletes, it
would be disregarding the standard-bearer, the model.
What do you think-must the Heavenly Kingdom follow the true model,
or should the model follow the Heavenly Kingdom? No matter how big it
may be, the Heavenly Kingdom is inhabited by the people who come
through the gate and are measured against the model. Only those who
accomplish the purpose will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Without being
measured according to the scale or the standard-bearer, there could be
no Kingdom of Heaven. That is an absolutely narrow gate and you have to
go through it.
Can you say, "This model doesn't sound right, doesn't look
right." American people might say, "This is not an American
scale, it's Japanese. We don't want that." You cannot deny this
absolute scale. Everything must follow its standard. Everything in the
world follows that standard, even God. It cannot change.
You say, "Father always says the same things every Sunday.
He's been talking about indemnity and restoration for 40 years-the same
sermon." But while Father has been talking about indemnity for 40
years, the world has become transformed, and a new turning point in
history has been made. What about when you go into your home church
area? Haven't you seen a changing mood and atmosphere toward Father?
What kind of difference have you seen compared to one, two or three
years ago? It is not just 30 or 60 percent. It is more like 80 percent.
It can become 100 percent. Do you feel that to the bone?
But I don't want to see a 100 percent change now. If that happened,
you would have no appetite to go out there because it would be too
easy. You've got to have some opposition, so it's good if there is at
least 20 percent opposition. If it were a 100 percent positive
atmosphere, you would be lazy because everything would be so fine.
But if God allows 20 percent opposition to continue, you will
keep wide awake. If all opposition were gone, I would have to
create some task force within the Unification Church. You would have to
go out and fight against the opposition Moonies and I would be the
leader of the opposition!
Now in the Unification Church many people are saying, "Father,
when will you give out the Blessing? We are over thirty years old, so
why don't you give us the Blessing? Blessing, Blessing, Father,
Father!" But then you get so tired that you say, "Oh, I don't
care about the Blessing!" But I'm waiting for the tireless person
who never stops crying, "Blessing, Blessing, Blessing." A
tireless Blessing cry. In order to get the Blessing, you've got to have
that kind of spirit.
Compared to me when I began, you know everything. The dispensation
is completely out in the open now, but I was a pioneer in the pitch
dark. I had to go step by step, digging down like in a gold mine, not
knowing the direction. Which way is easier? To be a pioneer is a much
more difficult task, a hundred, even a million times over. Therefore,
should Father's heaven be the same as yours? In other words, do you
think you deserve everything that Father deserves? But you want to go
to the heaven that Father goes to, don't you? You say you don't deserve
it, but you want it! What kind of rascals are you? You don't
want to suffer. You will let Father suffer and then you say, "I'll
take advantage of the truth. I want to go to your heaven, Father."
Your own life's course may be relatively smooth. When a typhoon is
blowing on the ocean, the waves can be as high as a mountain. Such
weather is the most difficult anyone can ever navigate. When you are
sailing in a calm ocean, you should at least make a condition so that
you can go through some of the same experiences of the typhoon.
If you ask the ocean, "Have you ever experienced a
typhoon?" The ocean will say, "Of course! So many times, it's
incredible." You could ask a glass of water, "Did you ever
experience a typhoon?" The glass of water will say, "Yes, a
little bit. It was on a different scale, but the experience was the
same." If a glass of water sits absolutely still, it is dead, like
a rock or like dirt.
Other people call you Moonies. Why is that? It is because you
follow Reverend Moon. If Reverend Moon is like a typhoon and you are
like the glass of water, you've got to work in order to attain the Moon
taste and flavor. When people taste and smell you, does a Moon smell
come out of you? Moonies are different. We smell different things, see
different things, hear different things. Our interests are different
from the secular world and our focus and awareness are
What are the characteristics of Moonies? You say love? In order to
say love, you've got to show love first. You've got to get there first
before you talk about it. When you have love, you've got to practice
it. You've got to live that love. You've got to give love and help
others-live for ( the sake of others.
You say you are Moonies. Do you say, "When I walk down the
street, everybody else has to step aside. I am better than you"?
Is that the Moonie attitude? I do not teach that kind of arrogance. I
say that as a representative of God and True Parents you should serve
other people. You are opening the path for them, so you should say,
"Let everybody else go to Heaven first." If Satan tries to
follow them, you can say, "Stop, Satan. You cannot go one step
further. Get out of here." You are the guardian, the champion.
Other people can live because of you and your protection.
You know Satan's strategy, and therefore you can block all his
avenues of infiltration. Then Satan will become helpless. He will have
no way to invade. Teach the people and at the same time protect them
from Satan's tools of drugs, immorality, selfishness, and broken
families. By blocking all of these, people can be protected from
satanic infiltration through these routes.
From the normal point of view, the United States would be
considered my adversaries and enemies since this nation has opposed me
so much. Normal people would want revenge for that, saying, "You
gave me a hard time, so I'll get back at this government, this
President, these people." But that is not the way I think. I not
only forgive them but I am trying to give them new life so they can be
saved. I want to give my life and soul so that this nation can
Without a model or standard-bearer, there is no way anyone can be
measured. Isn't that true? This is the scale, the standard for true
recognition. Otherwise, there is no way to measure whether someone
passed. Do you think people need three models-the historical model, the
religious model and the providential model? No, it is best to have one
common model serve for all three histories.
The entire history of mankind has been moving toward the
accomplishment of this ideal. Therefore, a model man must appear. He
has to be a champion, a person who can struggle most bravely, because
Satan will try to block t him with all his might. Historically,
religiously, and providentially, Satan wants to block that man from
succeeding. He has to break through all those barriers and win the
standard of the true model.
What about Noah? Did he have to fit the pattern of the universal
model, or did the model follow Noah's pattern? What about Jesus? Did
Jesus have to follow the model, or did the model have to follow Jesus?
What about God?
Should God follow the model, or should the model follow God? Today
even the President of the United States cannot say, "I'm the
President of the United States so I am above the law." Does that
The one model of the heavenly standard has been established and has
become the universal law. Once that law is established, even God will
not violate it. Neither will Reverend Moon. Everyone has to follow that
absolute standard and mold.
From the religious point of view, the model is called the Messiah.
From the point of view of humanity, that person is the savior or
liberator. From the providential point of view, that person is the son
of God. Those three titles are bestowed upon one person, one model, the
standard-bearer we have been seeking throughout history.
You should imprint this in your mind so you cannot forget it. In
the Unification Church all the requirements and the characteristics of
that man are here. What do you think-is Reverend Moon the man? How do
you know? Not only you must recognize it, but it must also be
recognized universally-that includes spirit world. God Himself must
recognize him. Religious leaders in the spirit world from the earliest
times must recognize Reverend Moon in that capacity. That recognition
comes from the spirit world first. Then God asks that man to gain
recognition in the physical world, step by step, from the individual
level to the family, society, national, and worldwide levels. That
recognition must be given by the world.
What do you think? You are modern American citizens. Do you wish
the President of the United States had the benefit of listening to
Father so that he could truly understand this message, or do you think,
"I don't care about the President and whether or not he listens to
Father. He goes his way, Father goes Father's way." Why do you
want even the President to listen to Father? The President moves
horizontally with his entourage and his own party, and that is all.
There is no spirit world following him. The founders of the religions
are not following, the entire destiny of the spirit world is not
pushing him. But when Reverend Moon moves, religious leaders and saints
in the spirit world, spirit world itself, and God are involved. The
destiny of God and Father are one.
Cosmic trends and destiny are following Father. Do you see it? Do
you feel that to the bone? How do you know? In the past, perhaps you
didn't know much. But you have been in the Unification Church long
enough to observe that, with so much opposition and persecution, there
is no way a normal group could survive. Yet we keep prospering,
spreading all over the world, more and more every day. You sense that
there must be a mysterious power behind Father.
They might not want to listen, but America must follow this path
because universal destiny and fate are with us. Even the President
doesn't carry that kind of weight. Americans don't like to hear such a
statement, but I have to announce this because it is the truth. When
they are elevated into spirit world, the first thing they will
recognize is who is the central figure. Then they will say, "I was
mistaken. I didn't know who Reverend Moon was. God, let me go down
there one more time and I will follow him." But the answer from
the spirit world will be, "Too late. Your time is over. You just
want to elevate yourself and become a central figure. No way, no way,
you men of little faith."
The communist world has to follow the direction I am pioneering.
America and the free world, including Japan and Korea, have to follow
this direction. If I had proclaimed this 40 years ago, do you think
anyone could have listened and believed it? How about you, 40 years
later? Can you take me at my word and believe it? Does that mean I was
a fake 40 years ago but now I'm genuine? I was always genuine, wasn't
I? The difference today is in the environment. Forty years ago, I
received nothing but persecution from the environment; therefore, no
one could imagine what I was saying could be possible. Forty years
later, the environment has been turned around, transformed.
No matter what, no one can defeat that standard-bearer, no one can
distort that model. Everyone will realize he has to conform with that
model. You women, what kind of husband would you like to marry? You are
saying, without hesitation, "I want to marry a man like Reverend
Moon because God's will is pushing him, the spirit world and the
destiny of the entire world are following him. So I would like to have
a husband like him." If you answer like that, that is an A +
answer. But how many Reverend Moons are there? All the women are
aspiring for husbands like Reverend Moon, but there is only one. Only
Mother is the lucky one in that case.
God does not want to disappoint every woman, and therefore He
created a gigantic factory with an assembly line which turns out great
numbers of Junior Reverend Moons! The Unification Church is that
assembly line. Father is the original model by which the others are
molded. You cannot turn out any other way-you have to fit into that
form, that mold.
You blessed men and women have no right to say, "I do not like
the snooze I have. He is not to my liking." You have no right to
do that because Father already put the "Reverend Moon Junior"
stamp on that person. If someone doesn't quite fit the mold, you can
push him and cut him and make him fit, one way or another.
The Kingdom of Heaven, therefore, is the place where all people
reflect the standard of Reverend Moon. Only those who measure up to the
model can enter into the Kingdom. Thus you can determine how much your
spouse resembles the model. According to that scale you can find how
true or fake your spouse is.
Let's say an English man and a German woman were matched by Father.
They do nothing but fight at home- the Englishman is arrogant, the
German woman is stubborn and they quarrel all the time. But now they
have a weapon in their quarrels. The wife can say, "True Parents'
family is not this kind of family. How can you depart so far from
Father's model?" The husband, no matter how arrogant he may be,
has no defense against that. He will have to say, "That's right!
I'm sorry! We must follow the True Parents' model."
Suppose a husband got angry instead and said, "What are you
talking about-True Parents' model? I don't care about that! You're a
German and I'm British, so you go to your country and I'll go to
mine!" The first couple will be accepted into heaven, while the
standard of the second couple would take them to a very low place in
hell. The model on the family level is the True Parents' family. If you
couples quarrel, you must come to the point when you say,
"We have deviated from the True Parents' model. Let us push
ourselves into their mold."
There are four most important scales-the individual scale, the
family scale, the tribal scale, and the national scale. Everything on
each level must fit into those molds. There is an iron-cast mold for
the individual citizen of the Heavenly Kingdom. Each person has to fit
into that mold. The heavenly family has to fit into the family level
mold. Likewise, the heavenly tribe and the heavenly nation should fit
into the true molds.
It is like biscuit dough being shaped. Whether you are German,
Korean, Japanese, American, it doesn't make any difference. After
fitting the mold, you can become a heavenly package-all are the same
size and color, with the same flavor. I mix up people, sending them
from north to south, east to west so that everyone can fit into that
mold. You are continuously being sent from one place to another. Our
ultimate goal is to become an individual citizen of the Kingdom of
Heaven, a family, tribe, and nation of the Kingdom of Heaven.
How many models or molds are there in the sight of God, and how
many standard-bearers? One standard-bearer has created the four molds.
What kind of furnace is being used for that particular model? It is the
furnace of true love. The temperature can rise to several thousand
degrees and still you feel so good, you say, "Hotter,
hotter." In the true love furnace, you don't care if your arm and
leg are melted, your eyes melt, your brain melts. Everyone is glowing
in the furnace, so black people become the same as white and white
people become the same as black, everyone glowing with the same glow.
Everything is okay then.
Then you become like liquid steel which is poured into a red-hot
glowing mold, and then pushed into cold water. Even a diamond could not
compare to such hardness. You would be united so completely. God
could not fuel this melting pot without the power of love. God is
almighty, but by physical power alone, no such melting could take
place. Only through love can it happen. With such great love, even
death would make you feel good because still you will be in heaven.
Therefore, such a person has already conquered death-"Death shall
be no more," as the Bible says. For a person who lives like that,
death has no power.
Because of incredibly high temperatures in that true love furnace,
all foreign elements are burned up. Only the true, pure elements
remain. No matter how much opposition or persecution may come, it
would not make any difference in that furnace because it is all burnt
away. Would you like to be fitted into such a mold? Would you want
that, even if some portion of you was too big and had to be cut off to
fit in? Do you say, "No matter what, I am going to fit into that
mold." Such a person will be universally welcomed and liked by
everybody. When he disappears, everyone feels lonely and misses him.
The most important thing is the emergence of the mold created by the
standard-bearer. First of all there must be a human standard-bearer.
That is more important than any thing else. Even God needs such a
standard-bearer be cause without him, God cannot fulfill His ideal.
After a man comes as the standard-bearer, there must also be a
woman as the standard-bearer. Who shall be that woman? She absolutely
conforms to the model which the man established. True Mother herself
does not actually create the mold for the family, tribe, or nation.
Mother's way of fulfilling is by absolutely following the True Father's
tradition, fitting perfectly into that tradition and becoming the model
woman standard-bearer. Even if Mother's leg was too long, it must be
cut so she could fit into the mold. She has to fit into that mold
somehow. You might think, "What a dictator Reverend Moon is!"
But that is wrong because I cut my own leg, my own arm, my own eyes and
ears, figuratively speaking, to fit into the mold which God made.
You may say, "Father is going this way but my physical parents
are going another way, so I can ease up on the standard." But, if
necessary, you must absolutely isolate yourself to focus on the primary
job of fitting into the God-made mold for perfection. It is an
absolute standard. Even your hometown and your physical parents and
relatives are not part of the same clan as the True Parents.
When you come back from visiting them, you sprinkle Holy Salt on
yourself and say, "I'm coming back to Reverend Moon's Unification
Church model now. I am not stained by the world's secular
traditions." You are establishing the standard of the individual
living for the sake of the family, the family for the sake of the
tribe, the tribe for the sake of the nation, the nation for the world.
If you cannot accomplish it in this world, you must accomplish it
anyway in the spirit world. This is your destiny. a mandate from God.
Whatever your citizenship-American or not-it doesn't make any
difference. Without going through this path and this dispensation, you
cannot become a recognized person. Men of recognition are not those
with traces of arrogance and past cultural limitations attached to
them. Those things are totally unacceptable to God. You must belong to
a model family, clan, tribe, and nation. You must remain within the
tradition of that model.
The Unification Church has a model for the individual, family, and
tribal courses. We are working toward a model for the nation, a nation
which transcends race, nationality, and different cultures. It will be
one nation, with a unified culture and unified races. Within that
country, people from north and south, east and west will feel free to
marry without consideration for racial, cultural or language barriers.
The Unification movement is working to see one sovereignty, one
language, one culture, with one True Parents. That is the new cultural
sphere that our movement is creating.
In an international marriage, if one spouse speaks English and the
other speaks German, what language would the children speak? The
children may say, "I've got to learn the language of my mother,
which is German, and the language of my father, which is English."
Then if the son marries a Japanese, the children will speak Japanese
and English. If there are 100 grandchildren, they will speak
multitudes of different languages. How impossible it would be for that
family! You need one language that is spoken in all families.
If you have several children and one marries a Korean, one a
Japanese, one a Chinese, Brazilian, Hispanic, German, or African, they
would all have to speak through interpreters. Where would you find all
those interpreters? A world library would have to contain books from
hundreds of different countries-the same book would have to be printed
in 100 different languages! Therefore, for the sake of the future, the
simplest solution would be to unify the languages, setting up one
language as the mother tongue.
Many Americans are thinking, "A language revolution like that
is impossible." Everyone who thinks a language revolution is
impossible, raise your hands, please. Only self-centered,
individualistic people would say it is "Impossible." The
arrogant will perish in the future. Today, you should resolve to learn
the True Parents' mother tongue. Why? For the sake of the unification
of humanity, for the future. Think, "In order to give great
blessing to our children, I have to learn the mother tongue of
How can you truly become a standard-bearer without knowing Father's
own language and tradition? How can you achieve that model form? No one
can believe you as the model form unless you know that language. Even
if you can listen to me in my own language, it is not easy to absorb my
tradition. How can you learn that tradition through an interpreter?
This is impossible.
So, are you going to learn your mother tongue? If you don't, your
grandchildren will accuse you, saying, "What kind of a grandpa are
you? You listened to True Father's messages at Belvedere but you still
didn't learn Korean." When you are elevated to the spirit world,
your children and grandchildren will come and say, "Because we
didn't know the mother tongue, we did so poorly. It's because of you,
Grandpa." So it is necessary to learn that language.
Actually, we need one library, one museum, one language through
which all of history will be unfolded. We won't need numerous libraries
and books in many languages or numerous museums. Have you come now to
the poignant realization, "I've got to learn the mother
Why must we do that? It is in order to follow the absolute truth.
The truth has been revealed through Reverend Moon, who speaks the
Korean language. Therefore, only in the Korean language can you get 100
percent of the truth. Are there any protests to this? If you don't
learn the language, you will become a drop-out. You will flunk the
course. Those who say, "Yes, Father, I am making an absolute
resolution to study the mother tongue," raise your hands, please.
I am glad that Korean is the most difficult language in the world!
God said, "I like that kind of difficult language." I like
that, too. The Moonies don't like it though, do you?
Historically speaking, Koreans and Japanese have been enemies, and
so have the Japanese and Americans. But all these former adversaries
and enemies have gathered together here. Do you think this kind of
unity could happen by human power? Our missionaries are working in so
many different parts of the world, but they themselves are not really
doing the work-God and spirit world are working and pushing people to
go and listen to the Principle. This is happening everywhere in the
mission field.
Those who think that the standard-bearer should be a white person,
raise your hands, please. Those who wish it should be a black person,
raise your hands, please. Those who think it should be a yellow person,
raise your hands. The model man has to be a unifying color, a neutral
color. A unified color means black, white, red, and brown all mixed up
together into one color.
Racism still persists. The one person who can truly iron out the
differences between black and white is Reverend Moon. Many world
leaders are realistically talking about this. The only way harmony and
understanding can be brought about between Arabs and Jews, between east
and west, north and south is through Reverend Moon's teaching.
Human history has been tightly wound, completely confused. Someone
has solved the problems of history from the very core, unwinding and
unraveling them and then describing it entirely. Reverend Moon in his
own lifetime has truly accomplished the greatest achievement as
unifier, harmonizer, and transformer. There is no field Reverend Moon
has not touched. Just staying in the Church is a burden for some of
you-but every walk of life, every facet of humanity has been touched by
Reverend Moon. Thus you have no right to protest and complain about
your situation.
The Korean people are virtually unanimous now in thinking that
Reverend Moon is one of the greatest men their nation has ever
produced. The Japanese people say, "Reverend Moon is an Oriental
man." They don't want to call him a Korean, but they want to
include themselves by calling him an Oriental. In the future, all of
humanity will say, "Reverend Moon came from planet earth. He is
from our world and he is our champion."
Who else is giving this kind of message about a standard-bearer,
the model of God and gaining universal recognition? With such a model
and standard-bearer, don't you think God and this world can be
The model exists now and we can measure ourselves by it. When we
achieve the standard of the model, then we are recognized. The time has
come for the world to see men and women of recognition. This is the
harvesting season. I look at each one of you according to this scale,
this standard. Those who pass will be harvested. You will go through
the assembly line and have a master work on you for the ultimate
heavenly trip. I will pull together those who pass, according to the
model, and assemble them into an organization and launch the liberation
of the world.
You must be examined against this scale. Therefore, you have to
prepare yourself individually, on the family level, as a tribe, and
eventually you have to prepare as a nation. Is this standard influenced
by something like a Ph.D. at Harvard? Even U.S. gold does not affect
this standard.
We have seen the emergence of the model. It is now our duty to
conform ourselves to it. It is most important to be recognized as an
individual model, then become a family model and expand that
achievement to the tribe. Once you have done this, you can expand to
the national level. The individual is the formation, the family level
is the growth stage and the tribe level is the completion. In a way,
the individual, family, and tribe are all one unit. The Unification
Church must accomplish this formula.
How do we accomplish this? Do you think home church is a nice
thing to do, or is it an absolute necessity? It is absolute. When your
home churches are united-a dozen, 100, 10,000-then a nation
automatically comes into being. Jesus said, "Repent, the Kingdom
of Heaven is at hand." We are saying, "Through home church,
the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." Jesus proclaimed the Kingdom of
Heaven but he could not show the way to achieve it. Father is showing
the way to accomplish the Kingdom of Heaven-it is home church.
I have been struggling on a universal scale to bring all the pieces
into one tribe-the Unification tribe. At this time, you have to expand
my tradition to the entire nation and world. That is your mission. The
nation will automatically come into being through home church.
The democratic system is based on the people. "People
power" determines the destiny of the country. Since we now have a
model, it is possible for an individual to be recognized accordingly. A
family and a tribe can be recognized because now there is a scale by
which to measure them.
Where does the recognition begin? The standard-bearer, the model is
the beginning point, then other models can be created as replicas of
the original. More and more models can be multiplied throughout the
world. This is how expansion and multiplication will occur.
All the recognized persons, families and tribes from every
direction will be put into a gigantic warehouse. Once they are
harvested and stored, are they the same kind or all different? They all
come from the same model. The assembly line for the Kingdom of Heaven
works that way. That is absolutely okay.
From God's point of view, Jesus' point of view, the historical
point of view-that is how recognition is achieved. Once that
recognition has been given, no one will protest the family being
harvested and from there taken into the Kingdom of Heaven.
I have never even seen the people in Africa and they haven't seen
me, but they will come to that heavenly storage because they can come
through the same model and formula. They can be recognized, whether
they have met me or not. Once a formula is set, it can be applied
anywhere. The same formula is available everywhere. Hell is the
assembling place of those who could not pass the examination: the
persons, families, tribes, and so forth. Even the President of this
country has the same destiny if he does not pass according to the
Our goal is to get that ultimate recognition. Then we have to
increase the numbers of people who will become recognized. That is our
mission. How far and how long it will take to expand our territory is
our challenge. You have the formula and the mold from Father. How
much you produce will be your achievement record, you "report
card" in spirit world.
The Unification Church's system of marriage has been a source of
controversy for years. People have opposed it, saying it is impossible
and so forth, but now what is happening? More and more, as families are
breaking down all over the world, our system is gaining recognition in
Korea and Japan and even in the United States. People feel honored to
be chosen by Father to be matched and blessed. This is a most
priceless Blessing. As the home church system progresses in the
future, millions of people will want to be part of that marriage
In home church, you have 360 homes, "Moon" means gateway
in Korean, so Father is like the gate. Open that "M" gate
and help all the 360 homes to come in. Anyone who goes through this
gate moves forward will undoubtedly enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.
In this way we will liberate God and the spirit world and accomplish
all the goals of humanity and history. That is how the Kingdom is
going to be built here on earth and thereafter in heaven. That is our
mission, our challenge.
How proud we are in undertaking this task. Because I knew this
core truth, I have bee giving my entire life to it with never a sign of
fatigue. No matter what the opposition or persecution, I never even
cared. I am not bothered by the persecution because I can see
something greater beyond. I can see this model world.
We are so grateful to be living in this particular time, so
grateful to have that model in front of us. We have True parents and
we can be inspired like this every Sunday morning. WE can spur
ourselves on to becoming champions of the providential history of God.
Think about it. Your body was born with the satanic root and has
been transformed into a formidable instrument of God. How wonderful it
is! How grateful we are. Even though you began life in the satanic
root, you have become a new, transformed creature, a new standard
bearer. You can now follow Father's pattern and become the turning
point of history. We will be able to pass on a new baton for a bright,
hopeful to our posterity.
Those who say, "Yes, Father, I will become the heavenly
instrument to conquer the satanic world and bring victory to God,"
raise your hands, please. Let us pray.