February 10, 1981
World Mission Center
Translator - Bo Hi Pak
Copyright © 1981 by Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity
The words in the title of my sermon this morning are household
words to us, but no one else can understand this language! Today we are
talking about history in terms of salvation. Very few people know the
real meaning of salvation, which has been hidden in the heart of God.
The reason that only God knows is that man fell before he learned the
truth, before he had a chance to know about this. Throughout history,
God's most elementary job has been to educate people and liberate them
from their ignorance.
Even if we know the truth, however, we still cannot have salvation
without fulfilling certain conditions. Ever since the fall of man, the
reality here on earth has been completely contrary to God's own
wishes. Therefore, without paying the debts of history, man cannot
come out of that position.
We can take an example; a person who commits a crime and is sent to
prison cannot come out again until he has made restitution for his
crime. Until he clears away his past misdeeds, he will not be freed.
This kind of indemnification used so frequently in society must also be
done to rectify the crimes mankind has committed in the past.
What is the true meaning of indemnity? The problem is human
capability; there is no way for anyone to be capable of paying all
mankind's debts. That is the reality. Thus, there must be a special law
to give salvation to people, for without a special dispensation there
is no way anyone could be saved. God is asking for all of us to pay a
certain amount, to be applied toward the total we owe. By meeting that
condition, the entire amount can be indemnified. That is the basic
principle. For example, God may specify a length of time-one year, ten
years, or whatever-by which all the debts of the past can be
God is always setting up little conditions so that everyone can
have a chance to receive salvation. It is very good for us. However,
there is a struggle between God and Satan. Satan is insisting that God
can't do that, so some compromise must be made. Satan's goal is to
force man to pay a great deal of indemnity. His ulterior motive in
doing that is to give man so great a burden that he can never finish it
all, thus ensuring he will remain enslaved to Satan. On the other hand,
God is trying to make man's burden as light as possible so that
everyone can complete every requirement.
God's argument is this: "Satan, when man was originally
created you couldn't even put one finger on him." Then Satan will
reply, "God, I already knew that. However, you made a rule that
once someone is governed by love, that relationship can go on for
eternity. I won man by love, even though it was illicit love, so our
relationship has to be eternal." But God will argue back,
"Satan, I created mankind and they are my children. You took them
away by an illicit relationship." God is speaking out of truth,
but Satan is also basing his argument on principle.
God and Satan had to compromise, and the decision was finally made
that whomever man loved most would win him. Thus, in order to come to
the side of God, man must make a condition to separate himself from
Satan and come back to God by his own will. This is important-it is not
by force but by his own will that man can return to the side of God.
Satan agreed that God could have man only when man loved God more than
he loved anything else.
Then they argued about the length of time. God said, "Let's
give them a one year condition." Satan insisted it had to be ten
years. Finally they compromised by agreeing not to talk about time, but
only about which side man loved most. The standard of love alone would
determine everything. Then Satan said, "God, you don't mind giving
man a hard time. I can give as much as ten years hardship condensed
into one year. " Then God gave him the go ahead.
Ever since that treaty was made between God and Satan, any man who
attempts to return to God has to overcome Satan's tests, trial and
tribulation. This is why anyone living a truly religious life has had
to face the desperate bottom of human existence, the place where a
person could even die. This is why Satan was successful in defeating
many good people; because they could not withstand such hardship, they
surrendered to Satan. For a person to be victorious, he must go through
several stages to reach the final goal. No one can jump from the lowest
place to the top in one jump. Everyone has to go by certain steps.
We begin our journey as a servant of servants. Then we are promoted
to servant; then promoted to adopted son; then become true son, and
finally become ruler of the universe. On every level certain conditions
must be set. You must pay certain indemnity as a servant of servants in
order to escape and go to the next level. Actually, according to
Principle, God cannot directly deal with the position of servant of
servants because the archangel was the servant of God. Furthermore, the
servant is the angel, so when you start out as servant of servant,
Satan can treat you any way he wishes; you can't have any will of your
own. The servant of servant position was passed down unfulfilled from
Adam and Eve, to Cain and Abel, to Noah and finally to Abraham. In
Abraham's time, history finally advanced from the level of servant of
servant to the servant level.
Abraham's dispensation lasted three generations: Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob. Jacob wrestled with the angel all night at the ford of Jabbok,
and ultimately Jacob prevailed over him. By setting that condition, man
was promoted; by Jacob's being victorious over the angel, man came out
of the servant of servant position up to the servant position. Thus,
the history of Israel as the chosen people began with Jacob.
What is the rank of the chosen people? The nation of Israel was in
the servant position, not quite yet in the son's position. In the
ideal world God wants to dwell with His own son and His own
grandchildren, not with His servant. To come up to another stage, the
chosen people had to wrestle with the satanic nation and prevail over
it. That process began when Jacob's descendants entered Egypt, where
for 400 years they struggled against the foreign power. After 430
years, they came out of Egypt. They were coming back to create a
heavenly nation in the land of Canaan as preparation for the coming of
the Messiah.
For what mission does the Messiah come? The Messiah comes to confer
the title of son of God to all people, starting with Israel. To gain
that title, those in the servant's position must go through the
position of adopted son. That nation is also meant to move to the
worldwide level. In this case, Israel was a colony of the Roman
Empire. First it had to liberate itself from the bonds of its master,
which was the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire was very powerful, and it
was virtually impossible for a small nation like Israel to free itself
and conquer Rome. Therefore, it was part of the dispensation that God
had been weakening the Roman Empire and making it possible for Israel
to conquer it.
During that time God had also picked His champions. John the
Baptist was a great man who traveled around his own country,
spiritually arousing the people. What was the Divine Principle role of
John the Baptist? He was like a bridge between the roles of servant and
son, so John the Baptist was in the role of adopted son. Everyone else
was still in the servant's position. By uniting with John the Baptist,
everyone could instantly elevate themselves into the adopted son's
position, in preparation for becoming sons of God. By uniting
horizontally with John the Baptist, they could be elevated one step
higher. The ultimate mission of John the Baptist was to win the
people's hearts and take them to unite with the Messiah.
In that period 2,000 years ago, three different roles were being
lived; first, the Jews in position of servant; second, John the Baptist
as adopted son; and third, the son of God, the Messiah. There was a
distinct vertical chain of command which God intended. The son of God
should take command, and John the Baptist must unconditionally obey and
listen to him. At the same time, all the people in the servant's
position must also unconditionally obey John the Baptist because he was
one level higher. Together the Messiah, John the Baptist and the people
of Israel were to struggle against the Roman Empire, just like Jacob
wrestled against the angel at the ford of Jabbok.
If that movement had been successful, then with Jesus Christ as the
commander-in-chief there shouldn't have been any division between
Abraham's children, such as there is now between the Arabs and Jews.
After all, the Arab nations are descended from Abraham's son, Ishmael.
In those days, God's intention was to unite all Arab people and the
Jewish nation. The Roman Empire was their common enemy, so when Israel
stood up to fight Rome, all her neighbors, who were also under Roman
oppression, were supposed to unite with Israel against their common
enemy. Together they could have won a most spectacular, dazzling
But history did not take that route. No one united with the
Messiah. John the Baptist went his own way and the people of Israel
also went their own way, and the son of God was lonely. They were all
divided, never united. Jesus came as the Messiah to win the people,
starting particularly with John the Baptist. When everyone betrayed him
instead, Satan scoffed, "Jesus, you have no one around you. You
are no longer the Messiah. You really failed." Satan accused him
directly. Satan said, "Even you, Jesus, should listen to me. I
will control you." Satan became that powerful and arrogant.
John the Baptist was not completely opposed to Jesus initially. At
the Jordan River he testified about who Jesus was, telling the people
to look at the Lamb of God who had come to bear the sins of the world.
If John had failed completely, without making any testimony for Jesus,
then Jesus would have had absolutely no ground to stand on. But in the
sight of God a small condition was made when John witnessed once to the
people about who Jesus was. Then even if Jesus was crucified, on that
small foundation Jesus could be resurrected, restoring all the nation
at least up to the adopted son's level. Even after the crucifixion
Jesus had the power to do so.
It was tragic, but the reality is that after the crucifixion of
Jesus, the history of Christianity was the history of the adopted son.
After his physical death, Jesus was resurrected spiritually and has
been leading the way to spiritual salvation, opening the way for all
men to reach the adopted son's level. Without the living Christ as the
commander-in-chief, the chosen people could not easily conquer the
Roman Empire. Instead, Jesus' disciples suffered for 400 years, and
only then finally conquered Rome. Their suffering and tribulation was
enormous. You have no idea how much suffering they went through.
When you go to Rome and visit the catacombs, the underground
cemeteries, you can see how first century Christians lived. In order to
preserve their lives they had to go down to the cemeteries to meet
secretly, surrounded by dead bodies. But through their perseverance and
sacrifice, they finally prevailed and restored the Roman Empire. That
began the history of Catholicism.
Again, no matter what they did or how much they suffered, they
could not achieve any more than spiritual salvation or the level of
adopted sons. Jesus Christ never gave anyone else the title of son of
God. He was only in the role of the spiritual Son. Physically speaking,
there is no foundation even for the servant or adopted son, for Jesus
had won only a spiritual victory. Christianity then received the task
of preparation for the coming of the Second Messiah. Because Jesus' job
was left unfinished, the Second Coming became mandatory. The Christian
world was to physically create the realm of adopted son, upon which the
new Christ could come and prosper.
For 2,000 years, therefore, the work of Christianity has been done
only in spirit. However, we can really fight against Satan because our
rank is already that of adopted son, which is higher than a servant.
Even an adopted son has a right to receive inheritance. The servant,
however, is always controlled by the master.
The spirit of Christianity made the foundation for modern-day
civilization. Today the United States is the center of world
Christianity, and its role is to complete the final chapter of God's
providence for the coming of the Messiah by making the spiritual
foundation upon which the physical kingdom can come. That is the
ultimate destiny of Christianity. The modern dispensation will
duplicate the providential pattern of 2,000 will duplicate the
providential pattern of 2,000 years ago; what we need is a physical
John the Baptist, and a Messiah living on earth.
By uniting with Jesus Christ, Christianity could be elevated one
step higher to the position of adopted son, but all other religions
remained in their same position. In our day, the various religions hold
different positions in the providence, such as servant of servant,
servant, adopted son, true son, and finally the religion of parents.
The religion of adopted son is Christianity. Buddhism, Islam, and
Confucianism, all fit into different levels. God's desire is to have
all mankind come together and receive the one Messiah. The Messiah is
not coming to one particular religion; He is coming for all men and all
mankind. That was God's desire. This is why in the end there must be a
movement for the unification of all religions.
At the same time, the ultimate satanic ideology will come into
being. That is none other than communism, which is the common enemy of
all religions. The satanic side has one religion, which is communism.
On God's side, there are many kinds of religions, however, so when the
Messiah comes, he will bring the religion of true sonship and the
religion of true parents. The Messiah's job is to raise all religions
to the level of the religion of the parent. There is no more beyond
According to logic, everything that happened 2,000 years ago on the
spiritual level will now be duplicated physically on the world level.
There should be a modern-day Roman Empire, for instance. Israel as the
chosen nation was a part of the Roman Empire, so there must be one
small nation today which is connected to the modern-day Roman Empire;
that small nation will play the major role by bringing a new ideology
and religion to the world. Also, that small nation will have to go
through incredible tribulation, being completely overrun by satanic
forces and gradually conquering them.
The United Sates is the central Christian nation, but America is
not the physical foundation of national sovereignty on the heavenly
side that Israel was. For the United States to have such sovereignty,
it must liberate the country which parallels Israel of 2,000 years ago,
and find the new truth.
From 1910 on, Korea was ruled by Japan. Imperial Japan brutally
dominated Korea. Japan was seeking world domination, and was
responsible for starting the Pacific war. From the dispensational point
of view, however, World War II was fought in order to liberate Korea.
Before Korea was annexed by Japan in 1910, a great many American
Christian missionaries had gone to Korea. They planted the spirit of
independence and made a deep connection between Korea and America. The
imperial Government of Japan hated that very much and wanted to cut
that connection. That is another aspect of why World War II began in
the Pacific.
Japan was very ambitious and sought to dominate all of Asia,
invading Manchuria, then all eastern China, Southeast Asia, and the
Philippines. The nation most troublesome to Japan was Korea because
Korea was always trying to be independent, and Korean Christians
maintained their links with the United States.
At that time Japan felt that no nation could stop the Japanese
expansion, so the Japanese military government concluded that it could
cut off Korean agitation by severing its ties to America; therefore,
Japan attacked America. No history books in America or Japan record it
this way. That is the truth. The Japanese totally surprised America
with the attack on Pearl Harbor. Historians have speculated about why
they made such a blunder, but now you know.
American Christianity played a great role in planting a strong
political ideology among the Korean people. Nowadays there is much
criticism of me by American people and media, who think I am playing
politics. But who started the politics first? Your missionaries in
Korea. Actually, in history, Christianity has often been used as a
political tool. The United States and Great Britain have to admit
that. The Third World doesn't trust Christianity because they feel
that missionaries are coming as the agents of some imperialistic
American or British government. They do not open their hearts to
Christianity because that religion was used so many times to justify
colonialism. Satan used that tactic first, but this is also God's
tactic, so it is not necessarily bad. When you become the prey of
Satan's infiltration, your destiny would be hell; but if God uses the
same tactic then you benefit by it, so it is actually a good deal. The
people who are jittery about American Christianity don't know this
particular truth. Even if the American missionaries were somewhat
political, the people would ultimately receive some benefit.
When the allied powers defeated Japan in World War II, Korea was
liberated in 1945. Korea is comparable to Israel of 2,000 years ago. By
Korea's becoming one with the United States, American Christianity will
for the first time have a physical foundation. That's why I left Korea
to come to the United States. President Reagan is the fourth American
President I have dealt with; at the same time, Reagan happens to be the
fortieth President. This is not a coincidence. Four presidents
represent four generations, so this will indemnify the 4,000 year
history of the chosen nation. Even the American hostages came out of
Iran after 444 days. Everything happened in multiples of four.
The hostages were symbolic in dispensational history, and through
their suffering of 444 days, indemnity was paid for America's dividing
Korea at the end of World War II, and for her standing by while the
free world became weak and communism expanded. To indemnify the
failures of America as a Christian nation, 52 Americans suffered as
President Reagan is God's chosen president, so I supported him all
the way. Within eighteen hours after Reagan became President, he
declared that the first head of state to visit the Reagan White House
would be the President of Korea. This was very surprising to many
people; after all, with all the many powerful nations in the world, why
pick little Korea? This meeting of the presidents was like a
declaration that Korea and America have a common destiny. This is also
a big bonus for Japan. President Reagan will undoubtedly tell Japan
that after having an easy time in the last two decades it must now
participate in the defense of the free world, and in particular of
Korea. Thus, Korea and Japan will also be linked in one destiny.
When the three nations come together, what is actually happening in
the dispensation? First, we'll see the emergence of the physical
adopted son nation, Eve's nation, and then the physical son nation and
father nation. All the dispensational components will come into place
on the physical level. Who is going to make this unity? Korea? Japan?
America must do it because America is the archangel country, and
archangel is supposed to be the heavenly servant and messenger. The
archangel was the rascal who caused the division between God and man,
and between Adam and Eve. Therefore, in restoration, the archangel must
play a major role in bringing them together into unity. That's why
America will play this role between nations.
By the end of the Carter administration, the free world was so
divided and demoralized that there was little hope. The communist world
and the Christian world were also declining. America had become
helpless, like a sick elephant. During that period, the American
government, Korean government, Japanese government, as well as Judaism,
Christianity and all the religions of the world, and especially
communism-all came against me.
The most dramatic symbol of that world opposition was our battle
with the Fraser committee in Congress. Whether they liked it or not,
many liberals were utilized as agents for communist strategy. But ever
since we won that battle, all the liberals are being turned out of
office. It was a dramatic turnaround. You know what happened on
November 4. Almost from the very day President Carter was inaugurated,
I had to speak out against him. This time, however, the picture is
It is truly a historical victory that I pronounced at the end of my
21 year course. During my three seven-year courses I had sole
responsibility, but now, upon this victorious foundation, I can
announce three seven-year courses that will be walked primarily by
you. Your job is very easy compared to mine because I have built a big
highway; all you have to do is follow my example. I fought on the
worldwide level, facing the American government and facing communism.
All you have to fight for is victory in your home church. That is your
world. I have been accused and persecuted, but your day will be
different. Later on you will not be persecuted any more. You will be
welcomed by the people.
All these years I have been thinking of one thing: how can I make
providential history perfect and complete? I began in the servant of
servant position. Before I could inherit the Christian heritage, or the
adopted son position, I went down to the servant of servant position
and worked upward, paying all the debts. My battle is twofold. First, I
had to go through an incredible spiritual battle, and then the physical
struggle. In both struggles I prevailed.
I received my mission when I was still young. From the age of
twenty to thirty I paid indemnity and developed the Principle. This
parallels the period of Jesus growing up, the adopted son's period. At
the age of 25, I began working for the unification of Korean
Christianity. In those days there were quite a few John the Baptists
who bore testimony to me, but just like the John the Baptist of 2,000
years ago, they all disappeared.
Because all these people left, I had to do everything myself. I
laid the foundation for the new church, which is our church, then upon
the spiritual victory moved forward to erect the physical foundation.
By the time I reached the age of forty, I was completely victorious and
invincible. From that point on I could give blessing to the world. I
went through many critical, difficult points, many times coming near to
the same point at which Jesus was crucified on the cross.
In 1960 I declared the three seven-year courses, determining that
in 21 years I would indemnify the entire 6,000 year history of
restoration. That was also equivalent to the indemnification of
America's 200 year history. Together my 21 years and America's 200
years were to indemnify the entire 6,000 year old history of God.
If President Nixon had been a man of bolder faith and had listened
better to me, America would not have declined this far. America's
dispensational history was supposed to be complete by 1976, but had to
be prolonged another four years, to be complete by 1980. For many
years I predicted all this, preaching like a voice in the wilderness to
awaken the nation. Finally, America has awakened. Now America has a
government chosen by God, and it must turn around to be bold and
strong, and march forward to stop the expansion of communism. That is
what the Reagan administration is doing.
What God wants is for America to stop the expansion of communism.
Only the United States has the power to do that. If the United States
fulfills that part of its responsibility, we will finish the rest of
the job. For the first time the United States has wakened up and is
turning around to stop communism, so internally this is our day. When
we march forward together in the next four years, we will win an
incredible concluding victory in America and all over the world. There
will also be many people coming into the Unification Church. There will
be so many people that you won't know what to do with them all.
By the year 2,000, the work of God here on earth shall be
complete. In that year, I will celebrate my eightieth birthday. As you
know, Moses started his mission at the age of eighty and marched toward
the land of Canaan, the Symbolic Kingdom of Heaven on earth. When I
reach the age of eighty, I will indeed start the glorious march toward
the physical kingdom of heaven on earth. You can believe what I am
saying today because 21 years ago when I announced the three seven-year
courses I said that in 21 years we would have the worldwide
foundation. Now we have members from 127 countries, people of all
colors worshipping together in living color. When I announced one
incredible thing after another, the Korean members thought I was crazy.
Today I am telling you about the year 2,000; can you believe it now?
Today you say you can believe it because things are entirely different
today compared to 21 years ago.
The era of individuals welcoming me is over, and the time has come
that nation after nation will welcome me. Presidents of nations will
ask me to come to their countries. The United States may not welcome me
until very late, but many other nations around the world will say,
"Reverend Moon, please come. " At that point the American
government and people will realize how precious it was to have me in
this country. Now the time of preaching to groups of people is over.
The time has come for us to preach to the nation. The Yankee Stadium,
Washington Monument and Madison Square Garden crusades were all done by
our organization, but the time will come in the near future that each
government will prepare such a stadium rally. They will prepare a
microphone, speakers and singers, and say, "Reverend Moon, can you
come and speak to us? " Furthermore, this is the era of
satellites, so my talks will televised to many countries.
Will you go to your home church with that kind of excitement, or
would you do it out of duty? Would you like to do your home church work
before such national rallies are held, or after? Unless you do it now,
other people will come and take over your home church. The president
and government officials will want to do home church, and they will
kick you out of your area.
I tell you this absolutely clearly: you will not enter the Kingdom
of Heaven without going through home church. Jesus said, "I am the
way, the truth, the life, and no one comes to the Father but through
me." But I am saying, "I am the way, the truth, the life and
love, and no one comes to the Father without coming through home
church. " The book of Revelation says that at the end there will
be 144,000 people gathered together, and they will be lifted up into
the Kingdom of Heaven. But what the revelation is saying is that in the
end we need 144,000 home churches around the world, through which we
will be lifted into the Kingdom of Heaven.
So far, history has been the history of indemnity, and everything
we did was to pay the debts. Therefore, for every step you take there
is opposition. When you go to the home, there is home opposition. When
you go to the level of society, there is social opposition. When you
go into the nation, there is national opposition, worldwide opposition
and cosmic opposition, all simply because we have been walking through
the era of indemnity. We are repaying the debt by receiving
opposition. But now all that is past. The incredible persecution of
the past 21 years is over. From now on, everything you do will build
up. You shall not receive the same persecution I received.
Whether the Reagan administration accepts you or not doesn't make
any difference. Here in this congregation I see the future President of
the United States, future Senators, Congressmen and Governors. To
create such a foundation of victory for the sake of God, I have made my
life one of sacrifice, like a lamb on the altar offered in the name of
mankind. I had no such thing as a personal, private life, or a youth of
enjoyment and travel. Everything was completely given up for the sake
of God. It has been almost as though I were a criminal who had sinned
against God. For the sake of mankind I took the burden of history,
paying for the sin of the world. I thought that I was the most deeply
indebted person, and until I paid off the debt that I would have
nothing for myself. Now it is paid in full.
Considering the pressure and burden of the mission, it is a miracle
that I have survived this far. I could have died many times over, but
if I had died, there would be no more kingdom, no more hope and no
victory. But today we are celebrating the great victory that I survived
under those adverse conditions. Many times I used my own life like a
bomb, throwing it into the enemy camp. Only because God protected me
could I survive. If I had fought with only my own strength, I would
have been dead a long time ago.
Now your job is a small one: 360 homes. You don't have to go
through the tribulation I went through. All you have to do is conquer
your home church by love in seven years. Then you will be entitled to a
victory equivalent to what I have won. Complete and consummate your
mission within your lifetimes. Don't drag it down to other
I want to warn you that the second stage is always the most
difficult. You are in the second 21 year course. Abel, the second son,
died, and Abraham's second son, Isaac, was almost killed. Adam was the
first stage, and Noah the second stage. Of Noah's three children, the
second son, Ham, made the mistake. Jesus was the second Adam, and he
was crucified on the cross. That's why I warn you that it is not going
to be easy, but it can be done. It is relatively easy for you because
you have removed yourself from where Satan can accuse you
individually. Until just recently you had to wander all around to find
just one person. Now you don't have to do that because you know where
to go.
For over sixty years I have gone this path. You can do it in six
years. In the Unification Church, home church is your lifeline. This
is where life or death is made, where victory or failure is going to be
made. I'm sure from time to time you will have lots of difficulties and
sometimes you will become despondent, but all these things will blow
For the first time I can pay some attention to my own children. I
never paid attention to them before now. The True Parents' children are
the representatives of all mankind, and when they suffer and are
unhappy, it means that mankind is unhappy. To preserve their
well-being, I had to assist the well-being of mankind. It is your turn
to liberate me. Will you give me liberation? So far, when I traveled it
was always for the mission, and I would always take leaders around with
me, so I neglected my own children. Now I will take my own children
and embrace them. When you finish your home church dispensation, you
can do the same with your children.
Right now you suffer and you have an abnormal situation. Some
blessed couples are sending their children to their parents, or to the
nursery, but they will not be shamed. Outside people will accuse you by
saying that you don't even take care of your own children. Never mind.
The time will come when your home church people will embrace your
children and want to take care of them. That is beautiful.
Why have my wife and children come last? We must love the Cain
world first. Love your enemy first and then love your own family. By
doing so you are completely free from Satan's accusation. Not only can
Satan not accuse you any more, but Satan will have to obey you. You can
command him, "Satan, you know what I have done. Can you duplicate
it?" Satan will have to reply, "No, sir."
Always look at God's own history. God always sacrificed His closest
one in order to save the enemy. Jesus Christ was the only begotten Son
of God, yet God sacrificed him in order to save God's own enemy. You
have your own home church where you will love the people first.
Liberate them before you do anything for your own children. When you
liberate your home church and then come back to take care of your own
children, everyone will embrace you.
Are you ready to liberate me from all by burdens? Instead of
liberating me, all the leaders are always bringing me more decisions to
make. They still rely on me for more help in finances and inspiration,
but that day is over. You should be independent and go ahead like a
locomotive. I don't even have one home of my own to dwell in. You may
think I have East Garden, but that's the Church's property. Do you
want me to have a home of my own? The time has come for me to look
after my own children.
Now is the time for you to do home church with all your heart and
soul. In the meantime, the true children must have their well-being
taken care of for the sake of mankind, for their suffering will reflect
the suffering of the nation and the world. When Ye Jin is over twenty
and gets married and has children, if she is still going through
suffering then it is not good for the sake of this nation, or you, or
the world. This is because your children's path will follow the pattern
of the true children's course. We have to completely smooth it out and
lay the highway so that they can go forward easily. It is actually for
your sake that I am now going home to take care of the true children.
That is for the sake of the future. While I am doing that, you become
front line soldiers. Use your bodies as bullets or bombs, as I did long
The time has changed, and it is exciting because your chance has
arrived. Would you accept that challenge? Would you complain? When I
go away, don't ask where I am. If I take a vacation, will you mind,
griping, "While we are working so hard Father is having a good
time somewhere in the Caribbean or Europe? "
I would like to have a resort in 21 different places around the
world, and stay about fifteen days in each. It is very important that
after the age of sixty I live with glory, comfort and love. If I
continue to suffer until I die, all those in spirit world who lived
well here on earth will have no place. Even if I choose to drink some
wine or liquor, not just from a glass but from a gallon can, Satan has
nothing to say. Even if I go to Las Vegas and bet millions of dollars,
there shall be no accusation because God has given me total freedom.
Satan knows there is no way he can corrupt me.
Eventually that is the level you are going to reach. That is what
we call perfection. When you do home church in seven years and really
give yourself, the time will come that your home church people will
say, "You are father and mother to home church. We will liberate
you and take up your mission. You don't need to come here because we
shall work harder than you do. Don't worry about us." That should
happen now here. You should say to me, "Father, don't come. We
don't need you. Go to a big resort and stay with your children and have
a wonderful, peaceful, glorious time. We shall take over the
battle." Would you do that? Then eventually you will be treated
just like that by your home church. Now the time is here for the first
time for me to go around the world.
Now I have totally consummated my mission here in America,
particularly after the victory of Ronald Reagan. Now that his
administration is starting off in the right way, I have truly finished
all the restoration history here in America by paying all the
The Moscow rally is next, but actually the United States government
together with the free world will prepare it. I will just be the
principal guest speaker at the Moscow rally. That rally must be
sponsored by America and cosponsored by the free world.
Look at the world, where everything is crumbling and decaying.
Only our movement is rising up every day. Initially our opponents were
strong and full of energy, like barking dogs. Lately they have become
weaker. You are the heavenly dogs. You started out barking very
quietly, but now you are getting louder and louder.
Now the history of restoration by indemnity is over. The time will
even come when your prayer is not necessary. Once the dwelling of God
is with men, whom would you pray to? You will just talk to God
directly. Once the foundation is established, the pattern of tradition
will do all the work-the tradition of serving parents with filial
piety, and obedience to the heavenly government. Citizens would
automatically be elevated to the Kingdom of Heaven. That is the dream
world, the utopia man has sought for so long. That day is at hand.
Amazingly, the most glorious chapter of human history has been
written by the Moonies, who have been so misunderstood and mistreated.
Those Moonies played the leading role in consummating human history
here on earth. That is incredible in itself.
From your standpoint, I am like a shining sun, but the rest of the
world thinks I am the worst kind of devil or monster. When the showdown
is made, which observation is true-your observation or theirs? The
lies and falsehood will eventually disappear, like the darkness
disappears when sunrise comes. If we are living the truth, this will
prevail throughout the world.
Once the home church system is completely established, we really
don't need any formal organization. The Divine Principle will be taught
in the school system. We won't need Church leaders any more. This is
not bad news at all. We have a most glorious life, and with this goal
we shall march forward until the last day of final victory.
This year's slogan is "Home Church is My Kingdom of
Heaven." You are not doing home church as any favor for me. It is
your kingdom of heaven. I don't want it to take you 21 years to finish;
everything should be over in the first seven years.
God keeps asking me to take a vacation, but I keep asking to take
it later. When you go to your home church and get pushed down and
pushed out, without any vacation, would you complain? There you will
receive a certificate of tribal messiahship. After the completion of
your home church crusade, you have the right to be blessed. Jesus
Christ did not have the home church providence, and he could not have a
heavenly wedding. Even though you may be blessed now, until you have
completed the home church dispensation you cannot really have a home
yet. Make a home church first.
I am completely comfortable and confident that here I have done my
responsibility well. Now I can leave America. I had to study English a
great deal, and I am tired of doing that. You have a great advantage
over me because you have young minds, but at my age learning a language
is a great burden. You must learn Korean, however. In home church one
of your important duties will be to teach Korean, at least a few
When you are ready to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, there is one
test you must pass-the Korean language. That's true. Some of you are so
clever that you know you need a good teacher, so you volunteered to
have a Korean fiancée. Between the husband and wife, there
should be at least one good Korean speaker, so that no translator will
be needed when I speak. Particularly the heavenly ceremonies will all
be conducted by Koreans, so if you don't know Korean, you'll be lost.
In the Children's Pledge, number five says we are proud of one
sovereignty and one people. If we are one sovereignty, one people and
one nation, there has to be one language. How can we have half a dozen
different languages? In one land there is only one language. We are
proud of the one language, one culture, of being children of the one
True Parent, of being laborers who are going to bring the one world of
the heart. We pledge and swear three times to fulfill our
responsibility with our lives. We repeat it three times, formation,
growth, perfection. Every Sunday morning you say you are proud of one
language and culture, but are you living it? All the leaders have not
fulfilled their responsibility. Even before I spoke to you this way,
you should have done this. When you come to Korea, there will be no
From now on, be like pool balls for seven years; when you hit a
ball with the stick, it dashes straight toward the goal without
deviation. There's no taking a moment to think about it. For the next
seven years we will dash toward the goal. In heavenly pool the ball has
a different route: when you strike a ball in heavenly pool, the ball
will go first to 360 homes, round and round. Then it will ultimately go
to the final goal: the Kingdom of Heaven. It starts out from hell, and
goes to the Kingdom of Heaven.
Would you be a ball which hits several homes and gets tired, and
doesn't want to go any more? Do you want to go to 360 homes? Raise your
hands if you want to go. God bless you.