June 1, 1977
Belvedere, New York
Translator - David Kim
All of you know this is an historical day; many of you actually
participated in our experience of one year ago today. In order to
restore this world and humankind we must center on God's will. God
cannot accomplish His will by Himself alone, but must work with man.
If man had not fallen, the will of God would have been absolutely
completed at the beginning. Man and woman would have reached
perfection and the fulfillment of God's love would have been
accomplished centering upon them. United in love, families of perfect
husbands and wives, perfect parents and children would have spread to
fill the universe. God's original ideal is to become one with man and
one with all things. This gigantic scheme of oneness would have been
accomplished had there been no fall.
Not only would God's will have been accomplished on earth, it would
have been consummated in spirit world as well. The consummate form of
heaven and earth will be seen when an absolute unity between the two
is accomplished. If this had been realized from the beginning then
there would have been no earthly hell, and after life on earth people
would have gone automatically to heaven in the spirit world.
The culture created by perfected Adam and Eve would also automatically
have become God's culture and civilization, in spirit world as well as
on earth. All mankind would have been offspring of the heavenly
bloodline and all things would have been under God's direct control
and dominion. Under those circumstances God could have lived on earth
among men. With His ideal of creation fulfilled God would dwell within
each person as well as in the external culture and civilization
created by Him through man. This is the Kingdom of Heaven on earth,
both internal and external, which God had originally planned. However,
our world has expanded in a way utterly contrary to God's ideal, and
we feel grief at the chaos and tragedy that has resulted from the fall
of man.
Looking at this world we see many different cultures and a great
diversity of living styles. Instead of one nation or family of mankind
there are many nations which live in a state of separation and
conflict. One world under God is the ideal, but this small planet is
divided up by boundaries, which prevent people from traveling freely
from one place to another.
Religious people have misunderstood the purpose of religion
This world is entirely contradictory to God's will, and thus He is
looking for someone to realize His ideal for mankind. He has been
establishing religions in order to solve this problem of division.
Indeed, the purpose of religion has been to guide all men toward that
one final goal of the fulfillment of His will. However, the original
founders of the various religions did not generally understand that
their religions were not for the service of their nationalities or
races but for God's broader purpose.
The life of faith of any great religion must transcend the individual
and the nation and reach out to all mankind. No true religion is
confined to one small state. Until now most researchers of religion
have confined their study to the boundaries of a single theology,
never considering the wider purpose which embraces all religions. Many
religious people have only considered their own salvation and limited
their thinking to one doctrine; they never thought about the salvation
of the world and all of mankind.
Because of the situation of the fallen world, God must pursue the
course of restoration both externally through culture and internally
through the religious aspect of man's life. But always God is striving
to establish the unity necessary to fulfill His will. At this time
people are talking about actualizing one world of peace and order, yet
at the same time many religious leaders all over the world are
sheltering themselves in their own religions. This is entirely
contradictory to God's will; the continuation of many separate
religions is not helping to fulfill His providence. God cannot easily
work through the kind of religion which strictly centers on only its
own doctrine. God's desire is that religion go beyond that level and
strive to eradicate evil throughout the earth.
In the past, superior cultures have dominated and absorbed lesser
cultures and in the same way superior religions have absorbed lesser
religions. From now on this process of assimilation will not happen by
force or violence but naturally as mankind matures spiritually. Since
God is going to save mankind through religion, a religion must appear
which will stimulate this maturity and assimilation and which can save
all mankind. That religion must be able to embrace and direct not only
one nation but the entire world; a heavenly ideology must be given by
God which can connect the entire world to God.
The role of God's new religion is not to combat other religions but to
be compatible with the truth in them all and thus link them all
together, uniting them into one. This religion will not only influence
the nation of its origin but will embrace all nations and cultures,
having the power to unite not only the people from one homogenous
culture but those from all cultures. This is the kind of religion God
is ultimately seeking to establish.
Jesus came 2,000 years ago to bring one religion which could unite all
peoples with God; however, Christianity today has more than 400
denominations. If Christians had the spiritual power to uphold the
idea of one world then there would not be 400 denominations at this
time. Not only would Christianity have succeeded in bringing unity in
the world at large, it would have united man's internal and external
worlds as well. Instead, Christians have expended much of their energy
on petty denominationalism.
What is God's desire for religion? He would closely follow the
religion which could embrace everything. Suppose Jesus Christ were to
come on the clouds right now; what would he see when he came? Instead
of having one body of Christianity on earth he would be faced with 400
denominations. Each group would be insisting that they alone had the
one true faith and that everyone else was heretical. If Jesus Christ
were to come right now he would have nothing to say to God, nothing to
offer Him except confusion and division on earth. He could not pray to
God, "My disciples have worked hard for 2,000 years but now I have 400
denominations. Will You please accept the fruit of their work
regardless?" If Jesus were to come right now, could he admire and
praise all these denominations and their attitudes towards each other?
The fact that religious people are so divided demonstrates that they
are not living the true faith; God cannot accept such division. He
will embrace those who insist that all people must be united into one
through God and Christ. We have been preaching that viewpoint and
other religions recently are moving in that direction also.
Even though you have nothing, you are convinced you can save the world
As a new religion, we cannot save the world if we remain at the level
of one nationality or race. To save the world we must transcend all
past racial boundaries; Koreans alone cannot save the whole world nor
can Japanese, Americans or Europeans. There is one God and one Christ
and our motto is that mankind must be united into one. This is the
natural course of history.
God has long been planning to have one movement for unification
centering upon the True Parents. Your mission is to unite the world.
You have wonderful ideals, but there is a long way to go to accomplish
this most complex mission.
You speak English, but is that the language originally spoken by Adam
and Eve? In what language did they converse with God? We don't know
what that language was, but their descendants should speak and live
with one religion and culture and have one mind and one heart. This is
the destiny of all mankind.
I have visited many nations and find that they are all proud of their
past. In their museums and archives they have preserved the artifacts
of their history, items they consider wonderful and valuable. From
God's point of view those things are worthless. Those items in
national museums represent the exploitation and suffering of many
people. It cannot be said that they represent affection and service to
the world. Basically no nation has that to be proud of.
How would God feel when citizens feel proud of their royalty in all
their splendor? America is a little closer to God's heart in
comparison with the European countries which are so attached to their
past; Americans are still developing a sense of their heritage, trying
to find something valuable about their nation to take pride in.
In the Unification Church we do not even have museums, and compared to
these nations we don't have many historic artifacts. Even in your room
you may have just enough space to lie down and get up. You are just
like gypsies; even a snail has its tiny shell as a house, but you
don't even have a shell. In the worst circumstances your natural
parents disown you for calling me Father. Sometimes they may kidnap
you after getting a conservatorship and then try to deprogram you.
Some of you have gone through this kind of strange experience. If you
did research in a library you would find nothing to parallel the
parents' kidnapping of their own children, especially in this nation.
What is causing all this? You Moonies must be very radical people and
have some mysterious power to warrant being so persecuted. God
certainly has to be sympathetic and pay attention to you. You are
gathering here because your ideal is to save the whole world. Even
though you look like a snail your thinking is, "I am going to save
mankind and the whole world." Do you really believe you can do it?
Even though you have no car and few possessions, your whole aspiration
is to save the world and all mankind. The world may not envy your diet
and you labor at jobs which ordinary people would shun-no one else in
this world wants to witness, fund raise or sell newspapers every
day-but you are still doing it.
In some peoples' opinion you are crazy to sell the News World every
day and go out fund raising and witnessing, all with the fervent
belief that you are going to save the world. Even though some of you
are over 30 you are still not worrying about getting married, but
thinking constantly instead about saving the whole world. I am
responsible for you crazy people. The same thing applies to me because
I am always thinking in the same way. All my life I have been
persecuted and harassed by my opponents. Maybe the opponents who
follow us on earth will follow us all the way up to heaven! I only
ignore much of what they do because I have no time to fight back. I am
too busy doing my work. I am not here in this world to fight; instead
I must go steadily toward the fulfillment of God's will. Is it very
hard to follow in my footsteps?
Yesterday Mr. Kamiyama came to make plans for the anniversary
celebration today. He expected me to decide that we should have this
meeting at the New Yorker Hotel, but my feeling was that even though
you may not sell as many newspapers, there is greater spiritual
significance to your being here. Sometimes you feel that it would be
much easier for me to meet you in New York than to have all of you
come up here, right? By your laughing you are confessing what you are
really thinking. Because of that feeling I must call you here.
If I met you in New York you would stay in bed until 10 minutes before
I arrived. There would be many spiritual hindrances in that case, so
instead I am sacrificing your work by having you travel up here. From
the spiritual point of view, which one of us should God accommodate?
It would be very awkward spiritually if I were to get up first and
travel for an hour while you remained in bed. God would not let me
speak under those circumstances because you would not be ready to
receive my message. If that attitude were to become a habit then a
dangerous situation would develop. Can you understand this? It is
wonderful for you to discipline yourselves to be here by 5:30. It
brings you greater benefit than you realize. More effort always brings
more result. That is spiritual law, and that is why I had you be here
by 5:30 instead of 6 a.m.
Do you think becoming a Moonie is a wonderful thing or a tragedy?
Should you have more money in order to be happy? You have no money,
but you do have ten fingers and two hands. Do you feel happy? We own
nothing. Many of our critics say that I own mansions, but everything
is owned by the Church. Mother and I own nothing and I am suffering
because I don't have enough money to fulfill God's will. You are in
the position to share with this suffering; I have a universal job to
do but not enough money. Instead of my giving you money, you bring
money through fund raising to be used for God's purpose.
Where has all the money gone? All the money you earned is used to
bring tangible results for the restoration of the world. It will never
be misused. I have more headaches because I want to match money you
earn to the accomplishment of bigger things. You are not working to
support me but for the world and for mankind. My livelihood does not
depend upon what you earn. This must be clear. How do you feel when
many people criticize you for being a Moonie?
Moonies and Sunnies
In Korean the sound "moonie" means dialogue or discussion between a
superior and subordinate, as distinct from a conversation between
equals. This is similar in meaning to a discussion between man and
God, subject and object. A second meaning of the sound "moonie" is
that of a fabric, like silk, but not just of one color, which would be
dull. Fabric with some beautiful design and many colors is more
meaningful and this we call "moonie." All of this means two things. We
are influencing the world the same way beautiful embroidery enhances
clothing. We are consulting with Heavenly Father in order to enhance
this fallen world with heavenly beauty.
In another sense the significance of this is that people who need
guidance will come to consult with you. You are then in the position
of superior. Secondly, when the world is seeking to advance, people
will have to come to receive the kind of inspiration that beautiful
embroidery gives to silk cloth. You are called "Moonies" now, but very
soon you will be "Sunnies." When you are promoted to become Sunnies
all the rest of the world will be called Moonies. Then Moonies will
hold the subordinate position and Sunnies will be in the position of
superior. As they consult back and forth they will unite and the world
will become one.
The nickname "Moonie" is excellent and dispensational. You are born as
a Moonie but you die as a Sunnie; when your earthly life is over you
Moonies on earth will go to heaven and occupy God's throne and become
Sunnies. My topic this morning is, "God Depends on Us Alone." God's
hope and expectation is to see His ideal manifested on earth and in
spirit world, having Moonies on earth and Sunnies in heaven. God is
anticipating this kind of unity.
In the Orient a person is described as moon-like or sun-like. A woman
wants to be moon-like while a man is sun-like. Why? The moon is always
changing but the sun never changes. Which one do you want to be? There
are no others like Sunnies and Moonies on the earth. We have no
boundaries or racial discrimination here in our Unification Church.
God is colorblind and He recognizes no regional boundaries. If we
become His real children then we cannot have those concepts either.
Suppose later you were to become the president of one nation. When the
time comes to eliminate the barriers of national boundaries you would
lose your position as head of a nation and become a common subject
instead. Are you ready to do that? You may say yes because you have
not yet even become a president. The problem is that people usually do
not like to resign from or yield power once they have it. In the
Unification Church you are asked to totally dedicate your time and
your substance, but some members are reluctant to completely let go.
How are you going to resign your presidency if you have this kind of
nature? Could you overcome your human nature? This is something to
dank seriously about. Unless you are ready to give up all you have and
dedicate all your spiritual and physical power, you are not qualified
to be an eternal citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Why can't God trust you?
Individually you have to think about whether God can depend upon you.
Some of you are dozing off now and during the week you complain in
your hearts about fund raising and hard work and about not having been
blessed yet. Can you really say you have given everything to God? As
an individual do you have confidence that God can depend upon you?
Even though you say yes, I must disagree. God must look into each of
your hearts and decide whether He can depend on you and in each
situation whether you can bring some success or advancement. Please
raise your hand if you truly have confidence that God can depend upon
Why can't God trust you? Here is the reason. God trusted Adam and Eve,
the first human beings, but. they failed Him. God's experience with
man through the ages has been sad and bitter. How can He trust you
now? Has the history of restoration been a failure or success when God
trusted individual after individual? After so many bad experiences in
His past, how can God trust you? Please think seriously about this.
Are you really united? God found He could not even depend on Adam and
Eve, who were born without original sin.
God may trust your thinking and your ideals but not depend on your
actions. It is very easy to talk about big things like restoration of
the world and of perfected mankind, but the actual practice from day
to day is very tough. God trusts that you are thinking of noble goals,
but where did those big ideas originate?-from within you or from the
True Parents? These are not even your ideas. To make these concepts a
part of your life is a different matter altogether.
Your word and deed must become one. Only when you can actualize your
concept in deeds will God be able to depend on you. Have you reached
that stage? In order to accomplish individual restoration you have to
pay indemnity as an individual. You don't even know how to pay
indemnity for yourselves, yet you have to restore the family, tribe,
nation and world. You cannot really even conceive of the task that
lies before you.
In your ignorance of this matter the best way for you to advance is to
be grafted to the True Parents; you cannot do it by yourself. When you
are grafted you will be connected to the root of God's lineage. Do you
really feel a need to have True Parents? Who knows, I may be an
impostor; how do you know whether I am genuine? Have you ever grabbed
God in your prayer and demanded to know the truth? Did you ever in
your life desperately ask this question?
On what basis can God depend upon us? This question has come down
through history to us. God has been thinking about this for a long
time, and the past saints and sages and Jesus Christ himself have
always pondered this. The main question is how to translate this
concept into action. The saints and sages of the past have been unable
to completely resolve dais.
To be totally trusted by God you must learn to have subjectivity over
all things, overcoming all hindrances and opposition. The individual
conviction to overcome all difficulties in fulfilling God's will must
be engraved in your heart and at the same time our entire church must
be united in this determination. One person alone is not enough. Even
God's conviction alone is not enough. Each one of you and our whole
organization must go forward in this conviction. God cannot trust you
people because He has had such bitter experiences for 6,000 years. But
if all of you make a joint effort by centering on the True Parents
then God may dare to have hope.
Your response to difficulty is the problem, not opposition
God may admire you for believing in me and for the ideals you have
learned from me, but the problem is how to put those ideas into
action, regardless of the world's opposition and hindrance. He will
wait for that time to come because until then He cannot trust you. The
problem is not the opposition of the world but your deeds in
responding to it. You must gain a deep sense of confidence and be able
to act on this confidence even while you meet opposition and
persecution. Your spiritual power comes from being one with Heavenly
Father. That means unity as a living reality, not just as a concept.
Who would follow me if I were just a man of words and concepts? But I
have another side; you follow me because I am a man of action and iron
will. To most Americans I am not so important or distinguished. I am
not just an ordinary person, however, but a man of action and I
accomplish whatever I say I will do.
The Yankee Stadium campaign and victory of one year ago is very vivid
in my memory. One year ago Heavenly Father carne down from His throne
to Yankee Stadium. Do you think God really depended on us at that time
or not? Amidst the crisis of the storm many members and also observers
were thinking, "If there is God and if He loves Reverend Moon, then
why is such a violent storm happening at this hour?" At the moment
when the storm began a huge poster with my picture fell to the ground
in my waiting room. Right afterward Mr. Kamiyama came racing to my
room and cried, "What can we do?" I thought at that time how important
it is to remain calm and stable when we meet this kind of crisis. When
there is confusion all around, you must humble yourself and calmly
meditate. The war is far from over; we must not relax until the end.
If any mistakes occur then the Unification Church must assimilate the
outcome. If heavenly conditions are not met then we must receive the
chastisement of heaven. We must do our best by all means, but we must
also be ready to carry full responsibility in the event of failure. I
was always thinking about the aftermath of Yankee Stadium. If God
chastised us for the outcome then we would accept it; if the outcome
passed God's test then we would receive greater blessing.
One year ago my total energy and thought and power were concentrated
on the Yankee Stadium crusade. At that time I knew that my enemies had
even hired assassins to kill or harm me, but the rainfall thwarted
their plans. From the normal common-sense point of view the rally
should have been canceled due to the storm; only Moonies would
continue under such adverse conditions.
You must remember and evaluate that scene during the storm. It is
because you overcame and performed even under difficult circumstances
that a more excellent result was established. Because of that zeal and
power we were able to make Washington Monument a success in only 3½
months. I originally planned to have the Washington Monument Rally in
1977, but we had that history-making event early. From the
dispensational point of view the Washington Monument Rally established
the cornerstone of my work on earth.
You Moonies have become controversial because you are taking action,
not just thinking and talking. Everywhere you go your action is of a
different dimension than that of the rest of the world. You are really
trying to save the whole world.
Suppose I were to get depressed and drop this work. Those of you who
would really keep going, raise your hands. How can I depend on you? It
is very easy to raise your hand. Are we talking about taking serious
action 10 years from now, 5 years or one month from now, today, or
what? Your volunteering means you will go out to the whole world, even
at the risk of your lives. Because I have this determination I will
even come down from spirit world after my death to continue my work on
When Mother and I landed in America in 1972, I made a covenant with
God, saying, "In three years I shall do these things. You called me to
come to America and now I am here. Everything I will do will be to
save this nation and all mankind." I have done everything I promised
God at that time. You must make the same vow for the coming three
One of my responsibilities was to become known and to spread God's
word to every household. Whether I am liked or disliked does not
matter; my name should be known throughout the United States and the
world. Even people who may not know about the Unification Church have
heard of the Reverend Sun Myung Moon by now. I have been able to do
this in a short period of time. I am not handsome to look at but I am
different because I am a man of iron will, a man of action.
You must be people of action; you can do more than I if you live this
concept. It @ not ordinary thinking. America is a super-power in the
world and a leader of the free nations. I came here to shake this
gigantic nation in order to save it and the world. Few others have
come to this country with such determination.
Simply because I am becoming known here in the United States, people
from all walks of life-scientists, politicians, religious leaders-are
taking action against me. However, I am resilient like rubber,
bouncing back again and again. By the time the attackers get tired I
will still be strong and even more powerful than they. I will
definitely be victorious over them. God will then come to me, saying,
"I will lift you up now." Recently the news media seems tired of
attacking me, so I will revitalize their interest through the News
What is the victorious element in all this? The more they attack the
more I will overcome, using that power for a positive purpose. Even
while we are attacked we automatically bounce back, gaining the
victory even in the midst of what looks like defeat. The more we are
attacked the more victories we gain. To ordinary eyes it looks like
the Unification Church is declining, but inside we are increasingly
Who do you think is behind me through all of dais? I depend on God,
and because of my complete conviction and dedicated action, God must
back me up. Even though God supports me, however, I do not depend
solely upon Him. If parents can depend upon their sons and daughters
then they can be proud of their family. The same thing applies to me.
I not only depend on God but upon my children.
The whole world situation is tragically pessimistic. God must
certainly be comforted when someone reassures Him, saying, "Heavenly
Father, don't be discouraged. I am here and I am going to correct this
situation. Let me finish the job You are doing on earth." Then God
will delegate His authority and say, "Yes, you do it." I have
approached God this way, and after His endless defeats and failures He
is now beginning to have hope for the future. God must certainly be
proud to see what I have done in this country in a short period of
time, stirring up this nation in His name. God can depend on me now.
Your responsibility is to take the initiative
Today's theme is, "God Depends On Us Alone." You are in that position.
If you only follow after me and depend on me for instruction then you
have not done your own work. You have to take the initiative. Before I
give instructions about what to do you can anticipate what needs to be
done and put your ideas into action. Your victories and
accomplishments will inspire God to begin to trust and depend on you
If you can inherit the attitude I had in coming to this country then
you will accomplish even more. You can put the same strategy into
action, determining, "I am going to save this nation and the world and
mankind." As you substantially move in that direction then God will
say, "I depend upon you."
I have proclaimed to the world, "We must go to Moscow." You know that
I am thinking along this line so you can go ahead of me and have
everything prepared, ready to march forward to Satan's city of Moscow.
You must think that way. In case I cannot go to Moscow you individuals
must go. You must be responsible for all the different problems
arising in this world and nation. God will depend upon the individual
who can put this into practice; that person will become the leader of
this movement.
Making a pledge in words is very easy, but from now on when you look
in your mirror ask yourself, "Am I qualified to be trusted by God?"
Even Peter, the disciple who three times pledged his faithfulness to
Jesus, later betrayed Jesus three times. Can you sisters feel this
way? Is there a limit to the difficulties you will overcome? Always
you must think about whether you are dedicated enough to risk your
life for this cause; then you are ready. Gamblers risk money, but you
have to be ready to risk your lives to fulfill God's will.
Some of you become a little gloomy when I ask serious questions like
this. Have you ever risked your life when you were fund raising? When
witnessing? In the midst of your fund raising or witnessing you might
feel miserable even though you started out thinking, "I will save the
whole nation, the whole world." Then you have to connect with God, who
sees how tragically this world contrasts with His ideal of creation.
The lesson you have to learn is how to be constantly sensitive to
God's own feeling of misery. Think of God's situation; when you are
feeling miserable do you ever realize that God feels the same way? If
you feel that same deep passion then God will be with you, and even
though you may earn only a small amount of money it is of infinite
value because it is connected to the heavenly heart.
Your inheritance of the heavenly heart in witnessing and fund raising
is an invaluable spiritual asset. In that way you have to re-determine
that even though your offering is small, you will go beyond it; it is
meaningful because it is connected to the salvation of mankind. This
must be your concept.
This is the aspect which God values most in your fund raising and
witnessing. Before God we are only a small number of people, but even
with a small number of people He is trying to fulfill His ideal on
earth. There is still hope for the future, but only if that small
number on earth can truly represent God's ideal.
In my prayer I comfort God; "Even if there is a small number of
members, this is the foundation on which we will expand. In a few
years we will have multiplied and spread all over the planet." With
this kind of hope I approach God to comfort Him. My pledge to Him is
that even in the midst of persecution I have confidence in my point of
view and in my action and I will overcome everything. We are
responsible in this way and must be able to surpass persecution. We
are the only people who are able to do this heavenly task. We have to
give constant stimulus to heaven by our actions so that God can have
hope for the future.
The relation between you and me is the same; I want to be able to
trust you and have hope for the future through you, your ideals and
your actions. In that way you will become responsible men and women.
Even now, who can Mother and I depend on? You are the ones we must
depend upon to be responsible for the total restoration of the world.
Without persecution we will not advance
At this time there are armies on earth for individual nations but
there is no heavenly army with a loyalty and spirit that transcends
national boundaries. Even the United Nations troops do not fit this
category. In the future a universal heavenly force will be formed with
the spiritual power to eradicate the satanic forces throughout the
world. That is the concept of the mobile units of the IOWC; the world
will not be saved by guns and cannons. You cannot think the world will
be saved by "our hands" but by "my hands." You and I have the same
destiny and in the event that we fail in our battle for the world we
will die together. This is the spirit we have to have in our heavenly
The different races have been fighting each other throughout the past,
but this time all the races and nationalities will form a heavenly
army together and will die together for one cause. We are of the same
flesh and blood, and even though we are from races which used to be
enemies, we are one army under God. Have you gained this conviction?
In following me so far you have accumulated many experiences. You
cannot imagine the experiences I have had. I will never forget the
torture I received under the Japanese imperialists who dominated
Korea, or the brutality of the communist prison guards. In South Korea
our Church was formed in the midst of upheaval and we were persecuted
for no valid reason.
Through all this suffering I have always been aware that even though
we may pay a great price of indemnity, all that we have paid will be
nullified if we do not gain the final victory. The more persecution we
receive, the more we have to accomplish. If there is no persecution
then there is no chance for us to advance. Thus, if we are not
persecuted from outside our Church then I will persecute you. By being
tested through persecution you can bear more fruit, and then in the
future your descendants will inherit the wealth of your
Through persecution you will become perfect. If Satan attacks and you
survive, or even if Heavenly Father or I persecute you and you
survive, then everywhere you go you will be victorious in everything.
From then on you can control Satan as you like. You will become the
channel through whom the 6,000 year war between Satan and God is
finally concluded. I always imagine that I will be the prosecutor of
Satan in heaven's court and I will testify against him.
It will be easiest for me if I can finish everything while still on
earth, however. It is my prayer that if my job is left unfinished that
God will mobilize a hundred times more people to finish the task. I
will organize forces from spirit world and with them descend to lead
the worldly forces to accomplish the unfinished task. When it comes to
my determination, God has no choice but to depend on such a person as
If you are a solid person with convictions such as these, then if
Satan or even God spins you around you will always come back to your
original position. If you habitually act on your thinking then you
will not be influenced by other forces, even if you have no food to
eat. This is the kind of daily routine you have to adopt in order to
become an unchangeable person. In your mind you have to be always
mobile, ready at any time to pack up and leave. Our critics say that I
live in luxury, but Mother and I have no attachment to anything. I
must maintain a certain minimum standard of living in order to meet
the standard of American culture, but I feel most comfortable when I
have just a small pillow instead of king-size bedding. I prefer simple
living and I am always ready to return to that. I am ready to go
wherever God instructs me to be.
You women might be very unhappy with such a husband, right? Women tend
to want to possess their husbands and their surroundings. Even Mother
may not like this attitude. You people do not know when or where you
might need to go, but when the time comes you must be ready to go
anywhere without complaint, even to Africa or to the communist world.
This attitude is entirely different from most peoples' thinking. I am
curious to see what kind of people you will be in the future. Even
though you look weak now, if you inherit this ideology and put it into
action for five or ten years you will control all of America. You have
great advantages over me because you are accepted in this culture and
you speak the language.
Yesterday I saw a member who has a Masters degree scrubbing the floors
in the Manhattan Center. Do you hate to do such jobs or do you do any
work with appreciation? I am never ashamed of anything I am doing. At
Barrytown I taught the students how to make fishing nets. Even our
professors were amazed. At that time a theologian's conference was
going on and the visiting scholars never expected to see me at
Barrytown. They sneaked in to take a look at what I was doing with the
students and were amazed and impressed to see me doing such humble,
manual work. You have no excuses to make to me because I have done
everything before you, even the most humble labor.
The world is big, encompassing many civilizations and many religions,
but from God's point of view there is no one to trust except you
Unification Church people. Can you realize that Heavenly Father is
depending on each one of you? The Heavenly Kingdom on earth is your
Kingdom of Heaven on earth if you create it with your own hands. What
kind of mind are you going to take with you to spirit world after your
80 or so years on earth? You are going to spirit world with your
children and with brothers and sisters of all different races. This is
the attitude you must have.
Because you are the only ones God may possibly trust you must be proud
of yourselves. You are the only people who can give hope for the
future to the whole world. You are the only ones on earth who can
possibly fulfill the ideal of God's kingdom. Through your individual
hard work and initiative I can depend on you and God can depend on
you. If you are going to become people of action, raise your hands.
May God bless you. Let us pray.